S. L'Gree
2004-10-21 00:05:33 UTC
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.