(too old to reply)
S. L'Gree
2004-10-21 00:05:33 UTC
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.

On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.

The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing

African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.

Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve

One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.

2004-10-20 21:46:00 UTC
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER
tracking guide to the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.

AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have
caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and
brought on by the black race. which attacks the
niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight
diseases. AIDS has become a worldwide epidemic thanks
to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black
women who don't bathe,sharing needles,eating out of
trash cans,black inmates having anal sex. the black
population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than
any other race!!.
2004-10-21 00:24:19 UTC
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
One you better stay out of you inbred idiot.
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
2004-10-21 00:37:19 UTC
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking
Post by Raqui
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
One you better stay out of you inbred idiot.
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER
tracking guide to the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.

AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have
caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and
brought on by the black race. which attacks the
niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight
diseases. AIDS has become a worldwide epidemic thanks
to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black
women who don't bathe,sharing needles,eating out of
trash cans,black inmates having anal sex. the black
population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than
any other race!!.
2004-10-21 03:06:05 UTC
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
Post by Raqui
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
One you better stay out of you inbred idiot.
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
Col. RSJ
2004-10-21 11:16:56 UTC
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I have heard this shit so much. My brother Earl posted
a map to the house, he is still waiting for that nigger to show up.
Go back to robbing old ladies, your bravado doesn't play here.
Post by Raqui
Post by Raqui
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
One you better stay out of you inbred idiot.
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
Nigger excrement, the most humiliated nigger on Usenet:

1 - Posts in AFN continuously for 5+ years
2 - Gets whomped continuously for 5+ years
3 - Still comes back for more.
4 - Claims he flew on TWA long after TWA was no more
5 - Doesn't know the difference between a header and subject line
6 - Thinks there is a "Gulf of New Mexico".
7 - Admited he was gay right here on AFN
8 - Said HWN was MIA when he wasn't.
9 - Said IM White was MIA when he wasn't.
10- Thinks everyone is Tom Shelly.
11- Says his piece of shit server is doing the x-no-archive.
12- molests children
13- has a very fast car
14- does alot of 'evasioning"
15- plays with barbie dolls and hulk hogan dolls
16- changed nyms to "marvelous" after saying would always be
17- Was dumb enough to post link to his pic, then nigger-whined when
folks had fun with it.
18- Doesn't know Puerto Ricans are US citizens
19- Thinks you can drive from Wales to Euro-Disney (In France) in just
3 hours.
20- Has said various other posters were MIA when they weren't, and of
course he then claims he chased them off.
21- Made up a story about having a child so that people wouldn't think
he's gay.
22- So unorignal - ripped off the tag "HNIC" from Flame Thrower.
23- Tries to deny the famous "Excrete-pic" is him even though he said
it was.
24- So queer he calls other men 'bitches'.
25- Talked shit to Col. RSJ and several others yet refused to post a
verifiable home address for him to visit.
26- On 10/3/04 said AFN was dead newsgroup even though there were 40+
new threads that day (Sunday)
27- Thinks Google is fake ("google proof doesn't count")
28- Claims he can travel 300 miles in two hours @ 75mph
29- Puts people in his KillFile and then claims they're MIA
30- Thinks only africans can be black

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2004-10-21 15:37:06 UTC
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I have heard this shit so much. My brother Earl posted
a map to the house, he is still waiting for that nigger to show up.
Go back to robbing old ladies, your bravado doesn't play here.
He didn't leave it for me you meathead. Leave YOURS and I'll kick your ass
like you stole something. You didn't hear ME say it. Just leave it bitch, I
dare you!!
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Raqui
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
One you better stay out of you inbred idiot.
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further,
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
1 - Posts in AFN continuously for 5+ years
2 - Gets whomped continuously for 5+ years
3 - Still comes back for more.
4 - Claims he flew on TWA long after TWA was no more
5 - Doesn't know the difference between a header and subject line
6 - Thinks there is a "Gulf of New Mexico".
7 - Admited he was gay right here on AFN
8 - Said HWN was MIA when he wasn't.
9 - Said IM White was MIA when he wasn't.
10- Thinks everyone is Tom Shelly.
11- Says his piece of shit server is doing the x-no-archive.
12- molests children
13- has a very fast car
14- does alot of 'evasioning"
15- plays with barbie dolls and hulk hogan dolls
16- changed nyms to "marvelous" after saying would always be
17- Was dumb enough to post link to his pic, then nigger-whined when
folks had fun with it.
18- Doesn't know Puerto Ricans are US citizens
19- Thinks you can drive from Wales to Euro-Disney (In France) in just
3 hours.
20- Has said various other posters were MIA when they weren't, and of
course he then claims he chased them off.
21- Made up a story about having a child so that people wouldn't think
he's gay.
22- So unorignal - ripped off the tag "HNIC" from Flame Thrower.
23- Tries to deny the famous "Excrete-pic" is him even though he said
it was.
24- So queer he calls other men 'bitches'.
25- Talked shit to Col. RSJ and several others yet refused to post a
verifiable home address for him to visit.
26- On 10/3/04 said AFN was dead newsgroup even though there were 40+
new threads that day (Sunday)
27- Thinks Google is fake ("google proof doesn't count")
29- Puts people in his KillFile and then claims they're MIA
30- Thinks only africans can be black
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 -
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source
Col. RSJ
2004-10-22 00:58:55 UTC
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I have heard this shit so much. My brother Earl posted
a map to the house, he is still waiting for that nigger to show up.
Go back to robbing old ladies, your bravado doesn't play here.
He didn't leave it for me you meathead. Leave YOURS and I'll kick your ass
like you stole something. You didn't hear ME say it. Just leave it bitch, I
dare you!!
YAWN, you'll show up. And the moon is made of green cheese.

Buwahahahahahahahahahaha. Tell ya what, this saturday, CITGO gas
station, stateline exit Texarkana Texas, 1000 hours. Be there or be
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Raqui
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
One you better stay out of you inbred idiot.
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further,
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
1 - Posts in AFN continuously for 5+ years
2 - Gets whomped continuously for 5+ years
3 - Still comes back for more.
4 - Claims he flew on TWA long after TWA was no more
5 - Doesn't know the difference between a header and subject line
6 - Thinks there is a "Gulf of New Mexico".
7 - Admited he was gay right here on AFN
8 - Said HWN was MIA when he wasn't.
9 - Said IM White was MIA when he wasn't.
10- Thinks everyone is Tom Shelly.
11- Says his piece of shit server is doing the x-no-archive.
12- molests children
13- has a very fast car
14- does alot of 'evasioning"
15- plays with barbie dolls and hulk hogan dolls
16- changed nyms to "marvelous" after saying would always be
17- Was dumb enough to post link to his pic, then nigger-whined when
folks had fun with it.
18- Doesn't know Puerto Ricans are US citizens
19- Thinks you can drive from Wales to Euro-Disney (In France) in just
3 hours.
20- Has said various other posters were MIA when they weren't, and of
course he then claims he chased them off.
21- Made up a story about having a child so that people wouldn't think
he's gay.
22- So unorignal - ripped off the tag "HNIC" from Flame Thrower.
23- Tries to deny the famous "Excrete-pic" is him even though he said
it was.
24- So queer he calls other men 'bitches'.
25- Talked shit to Col. RSJ and several others yet refused to post a
verifiable home address for him to visit.
26- On 10/3/04 said AFN was dead newsgroup even though there were 40+
new threads that day (Sunday)
27- Thinks Google is fake ("google proof doesn't count")
29- Puts people in his KillFile and then claims they're MIA
30- Thinks only africans can be black
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 -
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source

Thanks to Anti-Nig for the info:

Blacks "were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 1998".

Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children...

28% of black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males

68.7% of blacks are born out of wedlock!

56% of black women have genital herpes!!! See page 21 of...

62% of ALL black births are paid for by the US government.

Though only 12% of the population, blacks take 38.3% of the total of all
welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the


Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2004-10-22 03:00:34 UTC
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I have heard this shit so much. My brother Earl posted
a map to the house, he is still waiting for that nigger to show up.
Go back to robbing old ladies, your bravado doesn't play here.
He didn't leave it for me you meathead. Leave YOURS and I'll kick your ass
like you stole something. You didn't hear ME say it. Just leave it bitch, I
dare you!!
YAWN, you'll show up. And the moon is made of green cheese.
<shrug> You are so stupid. You are an idiot. Did you take the smalll yellow
bus to school? Did you even go to school? The moon is NOT made out of green
cheese. It's made up of rocks you moron.
You need to go back to school and LEARN. Boy you are dumb.
Post by Col. RSJ
Buwahahahahahahahahahaha. Tell ya what, this saturday, CITGO gas
station, stateline exit Texarkana Texas, 1000 hours. Be there or be
Make it NEXT saturday sissy. You're not worth the extra cost a plane ticket
this close would cost. (I know you don't fly a lot otherwise you'd know
this). But NEXT saturday at 12 high noon, I'm gonna kick you ass, then make
you suck the dick of everyone watching, you pussy you. Buwhahahhahahahahaha
(I can do that too you monkey)
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Raqui
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
One you better stay out of you inbred idiot.
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further,
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
1 - Posts in AFN continuously for 5+ years
2 - Gets whomped continuously for 5+ years
3 - Still comes back for more.
4 - Claims he flew on TWA long after TWA was no more
5 - Doesn't know the difference between a header and subject line
6 - Thinks there is a "Gulf of New Mexico".
7 - Admited he was gay right here on AFN
8 - Said HWN was MIA when he wasn't.
9 - Said IM White was MIA when he wasn't.
10- Thinks everyone is Tom Shelly.
11- Says his piece of shit server is doing the x-no-archive.
12- molests children
13- has a very fast car
14- does alot of 'evasioning"
15- plays with barbie dolls and hulk hogan dolls
16- changed nyms to "marvelous" after saying would always be
17- Was dumb enough to post link to his pic, then nigger-whined when
folks had fun with it.
18- Doesn't know Puerto Ricans are US citizens
19- Thinks you can drive from Wales to Euro-Disney (In France) in just
3 hours.
20- Has said various other posters were MIA when they weren't, and of
course he then claims he chased them off.
21- Made up a story about having a child so that people wouldn't think
he's gay.
22- So unorignal - ripped off the tag "HNIC" from Flame Thrower.
23- Tries to deny the famous "Excrete-pic" is him even though he said
it was.
24- So queer he calls other men 'bitches'.
25- Talked shit to Col. RSJ and several others yet refused to post a
verifiable home address for him to visit.
26- On 10/3/04 said AFN was dead newsgroup even though there were 40+
new threads that day (Sunday)
27- Thinks Google is fake ("google proof doesn't count")
29- Puts people in his KillFile and then claims they're MIA
30- Thinks only africans can be black
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 -
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source
Blacks "were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 1998".
Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children...
28% of black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males
68.7% of blacks are born out of wedlock!
56% of black women have genital herpes!!! See page 21 of...
62% of ALL black births are paid for by the US government.
Though only 12% of the population, blacks take 38.3% of the total of all
welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 -
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source
Col. RSJ
2004-10-22 16:23:32 UTC
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I have heard this shit so much. My brother Earl posted
a map to the house, he is still waiting for that nigger to show up.
Go back to robbing old ladies, your bravado doesn't play here.
He didn't leave it for me you meathead. Leave YOURS and I'll kick your ass
like you stole something. You didn't hear ME say it. Just leave it bitch, I
dare you!!
YAWN, you'll show up. And the moon is made of green cheese.
<shrug> You are so stupid. You are an idiot. Did you take the smalll yellow
bus to school? Did you even go to school? The moon is NOT made out of green
cheese. It's made up of rocks you moron.
You need to go back to school and LEARN. Boy you are dumb.
Sarcasm is always lost on the mud people. Why did I even bother?
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Buwahahahahahahahahahaha. Tell ya what, this saturday, CITGO gas
station, stateline exit Texarkana Texas, 1000 hours. Be there or be
Make it NEXT saturday sissy. You're not worth the extra cost a plane ticket
this close would cost. (I know you don't fly a lot otherwise you'd know
this). But NEXT saturday at 12 high noon, I'm gonna kick you ass, then make
you suck the dick of everyone watching, you pussy you. Buwhahahhahahahahaha
(I can do that too you monkey)
Actually I never count the cost like a penny pinching mudtroll. Oh
well, another time I guess. I mean damn, I could have driven there in
24 hours from anywhere in conus. You must be a canuckistan nigger to
not be able to get here right away.


Thanks to Anti-Nig for the info:

Blacks "were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 1998".

Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children...

28% of black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males

68.7% of blacks are born out of wedlock!

56% of black women have genital herpes!!! See page 21 of...

62% of ALL black births are paid for by the US government.

Though only 12% of the population, blacks take 38.3% of the total of all
welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the


Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2004-10-22 17:35:42 UTC
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I have heard this shit so much. My brother Earl posted
a map to the house, he is still waiting for that nigger to show up.
Go back to robbing old ladies, your bravado doesn't play here.
He didn't leave it for me you meathead. Leave YOURS and I'll kick your ass
like you stole something. You didn't hear ME say it. Just leave it
dare you!!
YAWN, you'll show up. And the moon is made of green cheese.
<shrug> You are so stupid. You are an idiot. Did you take the smalll yellow
bus to school? Did you even go to school? The moon is NOT made out of green
cheese. It's made up of rocks you moron.
You need to go back to school and LEARN. Boy you are dumb.
Sarcasm is always lost on the mud people. Why did I even bother?
That whoooshing sound is my answer going over your head. You really ARE
dumb. I didn't think even YOU were so stupid that you actually thought the
moon was made up of green cheese. But with your answer, you've convinced
anyone reading this, when it comes to intelligence, you ARE deficient. You
also are kind of bland. How old are you? I'll bet real old. And do the other
people here know about your mail order bride from Asia? Do they know your
better half is not white?
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Buwahahahahahahahahahaha. Tell ya what, this saturday, CITGO gas
station, stateline exit Texarkana Texas, 1000 hours. Be there or be
Make it NEXT saturday sissy. You're not worth the extra cost a plane ticket
this close would cost. (I know you don't fly a lot otherwise you'd know
this). But NEXT saturday at 12 high noon, I'm gonna kick you ass, then make
you suck the dick of everyone watching, you pussy you.
(I can do that too you monkey)
Actually I never count the cost like a penny pinching mudtroll. Oh
well, another time I guess.
"Another time"? I just gave you the time.NEXT saturday, remember? Now I'm
wondering if you will show up, or I'm just wasting my money. Reading and
comprehension, that's what you need to work on. You didn't go to college did

I mean damn, I could have driven there in
Post by Col. RSJ
24 hours from anywhere in conus. You must be a canuckistan nigger to
not be able to get here right away.
Blacks "were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 1998".
Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children...
28% of black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males
68.7% of blacks are born out of wedlock!
56% of black women have genital herpes!!! See page 21 of...
62% of ALL black births are paid for by the US government.
Though only 12% of the population, blacks take 38.3% of the total of all
welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 -
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source
Col. RSJ
2004-10-22 23:02:38 UTC
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I have heard this shit so much. My brother Earl posted
a map to the house, he is still waiting for that nigger to show up.
Go back to robbing old ladies, your bravado doesn't play here.
He didn't leave it for me you meathead. Leave YOURS and I'll kick your ass
like you stole something. You didn't hear ME say it. Just leave it
dare you!!
YAWN, you'll show up. And the moon is made of green cheese.
<shrug> You are so stupid. You are an idiot. Did you take the smalll yellow
bus to school? Did you even go to school? The moon is NOT made out of green
cheese. It's made up of rocks you moron.
You need to go back to school and LEARN. Boy you are dumb.
Sarcasm is always lost on the mud people. Why did I even bother?
That whoooshing sound is my answer going over your head.
Maybe if it hadn't been the lamest answer in usenet history I might
have given a shit mudboi.


Thanks to Anti-Nig for the info:

Blacks "were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 1998".

Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children...

28% of black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males

68.7% of blacks are born out of wedlock!

56% of black women have genital herpes!!! See page 21 of...

62% of ALL black births are paid for by the US government.

Though only 12% of the population, blacks take 38.3% of the total of all
welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the


Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2004-10-23 00:52:17 UTC
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I have heard this shit so much. My brother Earl posted
a map to the house, he is still waiting for that nigger to show up.
Go back to robbing old ladies, your bravado doesn't play here.
He didn't leave it for me you meathead. Leave YOURS and I'll kick your ass
like you stole something. You didn't hear ME say it. Just leave it
dare you!!
YAWN, you'll show up. And the moon is made of green cheese.
<shrug> You are so stupid. You are an idiot. Did you take the smalll yellow
bus to school? Did you even go to school? The moon is NOT made out of green
cheese. It's made up of rocks you moron.
You need to go back to school and LEARN. Boy you are dumb.
Sarcasm is always lost on the mud people. Why did I even bother?
That whoooshing sound is my answer going over your head.
Maybe if it hadn't been the lamest answer in usenet history I might
have given a shit mudboi.
Aww asshole you just didn't know any better, admit it. I'm not going to
waste money flying there, and you probably won't show up. There's some of
your kind a lot closer. Even they haven't done anything to me, but I'll
still kick their asses, and just tell them I was thinking about you while
doing so. It'll be like kicking your ass. because all of you look alike to
me anyway.
Oh, why did you clip the thing about your mail order bride? Asian right?
That's not white...might piss some rednecks off. You gotta be careful. Did
you talk to them before ordering her? How can you be a true white supremist
with a "colored" wife? It defies logic. Explain that to me, or one of you
racists explain it.
How do you feel when a racist makes derogatory remarks about your wife's
race. "Me sucky fucky loooooong time.....ten dollar". You get upset, you
laugh, what? Aint too funny then huh? It kind of pisses you off huh moron?
Well they are who you call your brothers, so deal with it.
Post by Col. RSJ
Blacks "were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 1998".
Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children...
28% of black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males
68.7% of blacks are born out of wedlock!
56% of black women have genital herpes!!! See page 21 of...
62% of ALL black births are paid for by the US government.
Though only 12% of the population, blacks take 38.3% of the total of all
welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 -
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source
Col. RSJ
2004-10-23 13:39:15 UTC
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I have heard this shit so much. My brother Earl posted
a map to the house, he is still waiting for that nigger to show up.
Go back to robbing old ladies, your bravado doesn't play here.
He didn't leave it for me you meathead. Leave YOURS and I'll kick your ass
like you stole something. You didn't hear ME say it. Just leave it
dare you!!
YAWN, you'll show up. And the moon is made of green cheese.
<shrug> You are so stupid. You are an idiot. Did you take the smalll yellow
bus to school? Did you even go to school? The moon is NOT made out of green
cheese. It's made up of rocks you moron.
You need to go back to school and LEARN. Boy you are dumb.
Sarcasm is always lost on the mud people. Why did I even bother?
That whoooshing sound is my answer going over your head.
Maybe if it hadn't been the lamest answer in usenet history I might
have given a shit mudboi.
Aww asshole you just didn't know any better, admit it. I'm not going to
waste money flying there, and you probably won't show up. There's some of
your kind a lot closer. Even they haven't done anything to me, but I'll
still kick their asses, and just tell them I was thinking about you while
doing so. It'll be like kicking your ass. because all of you look alike to
me anyway.
That's all been claimed before. Be sure and post the story and link
here. Not that I will expect it, cause all your hot air will depart
after they curb your ass.
Post by Raqui
Oh, why did you clip the thing about your mail order bride? Asian right?
Nothing wrong with her. But if you feel your only attack left is by
ragging about my wife and kids you are already beaten and I can move
Post by Raqui
That's not white...might piss some rednecks off. You gotta be careful. Did
you talk to them before ordering her? How can you be a true white supremist
with a "colored" wife? It defies logic. Explain that to me, or one of you
racists explain it.
FACT, my wife is whiter than you'll ever be even with a Michael
Jackson bleach job.
Post by Raqui
How do you feel when a racist makes derogatory remarks about your wife's
race. "Me sucky fucky loooooong time.....ten dollar". You get upset, you
laugh, what? Aint too funny then huh? It kind of pisses you off huh moron?
Well they are who you call your brothers, so deal with it.
The only ones that make those sucky comments is nigger extreme and now
you. The whites I know have eyes to see she is not a nigger. Oh, and
that long time thing was ripped from a movie about Viet Nam. Figures
you don't know the difference between Viet, Chinese, Pinoys and
others. You are doing the same racialist shit you asshats claim to
hate in us. Welcome to the racist side.

Nigger excrement, the most humiliated nigger on Usenet:

1 - Posts in AFN continuously for 5+ years
2 - Gets whomped continuously for 5+ years
3 - Still comes back for more.
4 - Claims he flew on TWA long after TWA was no more
5 - Doesn't know the difference between a header and subject line
6 - Thinks there is a "Gulf of New Mexico".
7 - Admited he was gay right here on AFN
8 - Said HWN was MIA when he wasn't.
9 - Said IM White was MIA when he wasn't.
10- Thinks everyone is Tom Shelly.
11- Says his piece of shit server is doing the x-no-archive.
12- molests children
13- has a very fast car
14- does alot of 'evasioning"
15- plays with barbie dolls and hulk hogan dolls
16- changed nyms to "marvelous" after saying would always be
17- Was dumb enough to post link to his pic, then nigger-whined when
folks had fun with it.
18- Doesn't know Puerto Ricans are US citizens
19- Thinks you can drive from Wales to Euro-Disney (In France) in just
3 hours.
20- Has said various other posters were MIA when they weren't, and of
course he then claims he chased them off.
21- Made up a story about having a child so that people wouldn't think
he's gay.
22- So unorignal - ripped off the tag "HNIC" from Flame Thrower.
23- Tries to deny the famous "Excrete-pic" is him even though he said
it was.
24- So queer he calls other men 'bitches'.
25- Talked shit to Col. RSJ and several others yet refused to post a
verifiable home address for him to visit.
26- On 10/3/04 said AFN was dead newsgroup even though there were 40+
new threads that day (Sunday)
27- Thinks Google is fake ("google proof doesn't count")
28- Claims he can travel 300 miles in two hours @ 75mph
29- Puts people in his KillFile and then claims they're MIA
30- Thinks only africans can be black

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Col. RSJ
2004-10-28 12:32:42 UTC
Post by Raqui
Post by Col. RSJ
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I have heard this shit so much. My brother Earl posted
a map to the house, he is still waiting for that nigger to show up.
Go back to robbing old ladies, your bravado doesn't play here.
He didn't leave it for me you meathead. Leave YOURS and I'll kick your ass
like you stole something. You didn't hear ME say it. Just leave it bitch, I
dare you!!
See above.


"Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there
matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders
of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or
biological weapons against us or our allies is the
greatest security threat we face." - Madeline Albright,
Feb 18, 1998

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and
consistent with theU.S. Constitution and laws, to take
necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and
missilestrikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond
effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to
end itsweapons of mass destruction programs." -
Letter to President Clinton, signed by Sens. Carl
Levin, Tom Daschle,John Kerry, and others Oct. 9, 1998

"I will be voting to give the President of the United
States the authority to use force-- if necessary-- to
disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly
arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is
areal and grave threat to our security." - Sen. John
F. Kerry (D, MA), Oct. 9, 2002

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein.
He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an
oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly
grievous threat because he is so consistently prone
to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating
America's response to his continued deceit and his
consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction. So
the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass
destruction isreal." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA),
Jan. 23. 2003

Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2004-10-21 12:38:02 UTC
big talk from a gimp nigger!! is this what happened to
you in prison nigger chickenshit bitch!!!!!!!
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
Post by Raqui
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
One you better stay out of you inbred idiot.
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER
tracking guide to the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.

AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have
caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and
brought on by the black race. which attacks the
niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight
diseases. AIDS has become a worldwide epidemic thanks
to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black
women who don't bathe,sharing needles,eating out of
trash cans,black inmates having anal sex. the black
population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than
any other race!!.
2004-10-21 15:39:30 UTC
big talk from a gimp nigger!! is this what happened to you in prison
nigger chickenshit bitch!!!!!!!
You'll be forced to become someone's bitch, spreading your butt cheeks, and
letting them have their way with you. Isn't that the way you like it now?
Just think, a prison stretch and you can be fucked all the time, you little
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
Post by Raqui
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
One you better stay out of you inbred idiot.
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become
a worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having
anal sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids
than any other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
2004-10-22 13:13:40 UTC
another copy cat nigger!!!!!! eat shit and die
nigger!!!!!!don't fuck with the big boys fool!!!
Post by Raqui
big talk from a gimp nigger!! is this what happened to you in prison
nigger chickenshit bitch!!!!!!!
You'll be forced to become someone's bitch, spreading your butt cheeks, and
letting them have their way with you. Isn't that the way you like it now?
Just think, a prison stretch and you can be fucked all the time, you little
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward. I'll
show you how much of a man I am. I'll beat your ass, then sit there and
watch you suck dick from any onlooker than wants their dick sucked, you
Post by Raqui
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
One you better stay out of you inbred idiot.
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become
a worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having
anal sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids
than any other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER
tracking guide to the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.

AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have
caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and
brought on by the black race. which attacks the
niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight
diseases. AIDS has become a worldwide epidemic thanks
to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black
women who don't bathe,sharing needles,eating out of
trash cans,black inmates having anal sex. the black
population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than
any other race!!.
Steve Cipoletti
2004-10-22 02:22:45 UTC
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward.
Is it neccessary to meet at someone's 'home' address or are you
willing to back up your boot-lips on any given street corner,
2004-10-22 03:01:26 UTC
Post by Steve Cipoletti
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward.
Is it neccessary to meet at someone's 'home' address or are you
willing to back up your boot-lips on any given street corner,
Yo mama.
Steve Cipoletti
2004-10-23 01:50:11 UTC
Post by Raqui
Post by Steve Cipoletti
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward.
Is it neccessary to meet at someone's 'home' address or are you
willing to back up your boot-lips on any given street corner,
Yo mama.
I'll take that as a 'no, I'm a chicken-shit nigger whose boot-lips are
writing checks that my shit-stained drawers simply are unable to cash'

Thanks for playing, bootlip.
2004-10-23 04:52:08 UTC
Post by Steve Cipoletti
Post by Raqui
Post by Steve Cipoletti
Post by Raqui
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking nigger!!!!!!!!!!
Leave your address and phone number for me then you fucking coward.
Is it neccessary to meet at someone's 'home' address or are you
willing to back up your boot-lips on any given street corner,
Yo mama.
I'll take that as a 'no, I'm a chicken-shit nigger whose boot-lips are
writing checks that my shit-stained drawers simply are unable to cash'
Thanks for playing, bootlip.
Yo mama
2004-10-22 06:23:47 UTC
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking
**More BS from our retarded resident old, senile, sniveling, smelly
Coward! Shouldn't you be hiding under your bed sucking your thumb like
you normally do ass licker?..Or are you holding on to your mammy's
apron strings while she blows your snotty nose so she can feed you
some baby food!! Don't forget your bib you messy lil' momma's
boy!...We don't want you drooling your food outa your 6 toothed mouth
all over your high chair!..**
Post by Raqui
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
One you better stay out of you inbred idiot.
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER
tracking guide to the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have
caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and
brought on by the black race. which attacks the
niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight
diseases. AIDS has become a worldwide epidemic thanks
to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black
women who don't bathe,sharing needles,eating out of
trash cans,black inmates having anal sex. the black
population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than
any other race!!.
2004-10-22 13:15:32 UTC
fuck off and stop butting in where you don't belong
you blow hard long winded nigger!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by G_Reaper
you ain't man enough to keep me out you fucking
**More BS from our retarded resident old, senile, sniveling, smelly
Coward! Shouldn't you be hiding under your bed sucking your thumb like
you normally do ass licker?..Or are you holding on to your mammy's
apron strings while she blows your snotty nose so she can feed you
some baby food!! Don't forget your bib you messy lil' momma's
boy!...We don't want you drooling your food outa your 6 toothed mouth
all over your high chair!..**
Post by Raqui
DETROIT is niggertown!!!!!!!!
One you better stay out of you inbred idiot.
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city money
and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele. Honest
to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing field
between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and idiocy
of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to achieve
One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice and
you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending the
city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER tracking guide to
the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and brought on by the
black race. which attacks the niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight diseases. AIDS has become a
worldwide epidemic thanks to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black women who don't
bathe,sharing needles,eating out of trash cans,black inmates having anal
sex. the black population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than any
other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER
tracking guide to the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.
AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have
caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and
brought on by the black race. which attacks the
niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight
diseases. AIDS has become a worldwide epidemic thanks
to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black
women who don't bathe,sharing needles,eating out of
trash cans,black inmates having anal sex. the black
population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than
any other race!!.
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor and famous NIGGER
tracking guide to the stars.
EXPERT MARKSMAN. rifle and pistol team instructor.
need to know the truth about niggers? ask me.
need to find the nigger that did it? hire me.
read the "BELL CURVE" you will be glad you did.

AIDS or "The Black Plague" only niggers could have
caused this!!
An infectious, disease caused by a nigger virus and
brought on by the black race. which attacks the
niggers immune system and
impairs the niggers ability to think or fight
diseases. AIDS has become a worldwide epidemic thanks
to homosexual black males.
this is due to living in filth like ghettos,black
women who don't bathe,sharing needles,eating out of
trash cans,black inmates having anal sex. the black
population is 99.9% likely to give and get aids than
any other race!!.
Hell With Niggs
2004-10-20 21:48:44 UTC
I thought the whole city was Africoon Town.

"S. L'Gree" <***@ckintoitboy.net> wrote in message news:cl6k0k$2it$***@news.utel.net.ua...
: Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
: development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
: The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
: with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
: employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
: essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
: deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
: On the surface this all seems appropriate but a closer look at this
: initiative is quite disturbing. This program will be funded with city
: and will cater to black owned businesses that serve black clientele.
: to goodness they have stipulated it's only for blacks.
: The city commissioned racist Carl Anderson and his kooky PowerNomics
: organization to come up with this plan. After spending $112,000 he came to
: the conclusion that even though blacks dominate the city in numbers,
: political power and spending power they are still the city's "underserved
: majority". You can't make this stuff up. The report complains that
: immigrants from Mexico, Asia and the Middle East are "stealing" resources,
: jobs and other opportunities from blacks and calls on city leaders to stop
: the economic shift. The report calls on the city to level the playing
: between blacks and the newcomers who it says are economically surpassing
: them.
: African Town stands to set back race relations at least 100 years and will
: surely turn Martin Luther King Jr. over in his grave. The racism and
: of the plan is so apparent that I won't even get into the "what if we
: replaced the word black with white" sort of analogy. It's all too apparent
: here. It would be one thing if a group of black businessmen were pulling
: this together with their own money but for the government to spend tax
: dollars to discriminate against non-blacks is nothing short of criminal.
: Look Detroit is a dump. It was once a great city and in many respects it's
: still crucial to the US economy. It's a large city that devours social
: services and other government handouts so we are all footing the bill for
: Detroiters keeping it real. We all have an interest in seeing these lazy
: homies working and off our dimes but African Town is not the way to
: this.
: One huge element to the downfall of Detroit has been the absolute flood of
: out migration of the cities white population. Any city neighborhood or
: institution that is all black is inherently inferior except maybe the NBA.
: Detroit needs the entrepreneurship, the creativity, the intellect and the
: hard driving work ethic of the white population. This may not sound nice
: you may not like it but it's as true as trying to field an NBA team that
: excludes blacks. What you get is a first rate lemon. African Town says No
: Whites Allowed and whites will simply divest in Detroit further, sending
: city into a worse morass than what we have presently. African Town is
: morally wrong and a huge financial pitfall for Detroit. Local leadership
: would be wise to send this program the way of Midnight Basketball.
: -----------------------------------------
: http://moynihaninstitute.org/
: http://moynihaninstitute.org/page_47.html
Col. RSJ
2004-10-21 11:14:39 UTC
On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 17:05:33 -0700, "S. L'Gree"
Post by S. L'Gree
Brace yourself, people. Detroit is on the cusp of instituting an economic
development plan that will create a business district dubbed-African Town.
The name itself is pretty appropriate since Detroit is essentially on par
with other African third world toilets when it comes to indicators like
employment, health and education. The fact that it's about 80% black in
essence makes Detroit a de facto African Town. The Moynihan Institute has
deemed Detroit the crème de le crème of Keeping Real Cities.
Wow, a business district for witch doctors to cut up kids for their
magic potions.

Nigger excrement, the most humiliated nigger on Usenet:

1 - Posts in AFN continuously for 5+ years
2 - Gets whomped continuously for 5+ years
3 - Still comes back for more.
4 - Claims he flew on TWA long after TWA was no more
5 - Doesn't know the difference between a header and subject line
6 - Thinks there is a "Gulf of New Mexico".
7 - Admited he was gay right here on AFN
8 - Said HWN was MIA when he wasn't.
9 - Said IM White was MIA when he wasn't.
10- Thinks everyone is Tom Shelly.
11- Says his piece of shit server is doing the x-no-archive.
12- molests children
13- has a very fast car
14- does alot of 'evasioning"
15- plays with barbie dolls and hulk hogan dolls
16- changed nyms to "marvelous" after saying would always be
17- Was dumb enough to post link to his pic, then nigger-whined when
folks had fun with it.
18- Doesn't know Puerto Ricans are US citizens
19- Thinks you can drive from Wales to Euro-Disney (In France) in just
3 hours.
20- Has said various other posters were MIA when they weren't, and of
course he then claims he chased them off.
21- Made up a story about having a child so that people wouldn't think
he's gay.
22- So unorignal - ripped off the tag "HNIC" from Flame Thrower.
23- Tries to deny the famous "Excrete-pic" is him even though he said
it was.
24- So queer he calls other men 'bitches'.
25- Talked shit to Col. RSJ and several others yet refused to post a
verifiable home address for him to visit.
26- On 10/3/04 said AFN was dead newsgroup even though there were 40+
new threads that day (Sunday)
27- Thinks Google is fake ("google proof doesn't count")
28- Claims he can travel 300 miles in two hours @ 75mph
29- Puts people in his KillFile and then claims they're MIA
30- Thinks only africans can be black

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