On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 12:56:52 -0500, Lawrence Glickman
Post by Lawrence GlickmanPost by Col. RSJOn Thu, 21 Oct 2004 20:19:23 -0500, Lawrence Glickman
Post by Lawrence GlickmanPost by Col. RSJOn Thu, 21 Oct 2004 11:39:32 -0500, Lawrence Glickman
Post by Lawrence GlickmanOn Thu, 21 Oct 2004 10:34:25 -0400, "niggercrusher"
Post by niggercrusherYou mean Africoonia isn't an Advanced Civilization ?? I never would have
known that :) LMWAO !!! THANK GOD, I was born a White !! Shitskins are
beyind stupid, some things WILL NEVER CHANGE !!
I will give you, free, a crisp new $100 US bill, if you will stand on
the corner of my choice here in Chicago, and say those words into a
bullhorn during the middle of the day. I get to pick the place (
north side on Route 50 ( Cicero Ave ) or west side of I-94 on Western
or Halsted.
I will be observing, no, videotaping you from 1/4 mile away from
inside a locked vehicle.
Post by Col. RSJWhy do you asshats always want us to go into a nigger infested area
and tell them the truth.
To show the rest of us, that you have any _balls_.
You sure talk the talk, but I will pay good money to watch you walk
the walk.
So you have to have "balls" to tell a group that they are fucked up
and the reason why?
Well, in a face to face situation, absolutely YES.
1 white facing a crowd of niggers is not face to face.
Post by Lawrence GlickmanPost by Col. RSJYou do realize that you have just confirmed that
even you consider blacks extremely violent.
Some of them are, but then, some of them are Not.
But their propensity is higher.
Post by Lawrence GlickmanSame for white folks, yellow folks, you name it. Some are, some
aren't. The thing is, you -never- know which one's are the dangerous
ones, so my advice is to treat them all with a least a modicum of
respect. Normal courtesies, nothing like going out of the way to roll
out the Red Carpet, but just be *civil* and you shouldn't have any
trouble no matter _where_ you travel.
Well duh, now if you could just get the majority of pickaninneys to
know this we may get somewhere.
Post by Lawrence GlickmanPost by Col. RSJYou do know this, right?
see above
Post by Col. RSJI love people who self own themselves.
Post by Lawrence Glickman==============================================================
Post by Col. RSJWe all know they can't handle the truth and
by your "locking" yourself in a car a good quarter mile away shows
that you know how violent the nigger beast is.
I'm not sure that 1/4 mile away is far enough, what with those 9mm
rounds that will be zinging all over the place from the Mac 10's
More turth that the nigger is a violent beast and is unable to take
criticism without resorting to violence and gunplay. I am glad you
can see that. Now I am perplexed that you support them in their
criminal behaviours. Why is that?
I know they are NOT all to be lumped into a stereotypical pile. I've
had conversations with them at length, discussing all kinds of things,
Face to Face, and no, they didn't give me a whooping. Then again, I
didn't *bait* them by calling them names, just discussed *issues* in a
somewhat impersonal way. And guess what. For the most part, they are
Normal Ordinary People. Human even. Just with a different Point of
View than you and I might have, but that is to be expected because
they belong to a different _culture_.
Treat them with a little respect, and you will be amazed at how your
bias will slip away when you make this discovery.
They had their shot years ago. Thing is, I have no intention of
knowing them, I want nothing to do with them. I had my time as an
immature unworldly kid. I supported all that 1960's freedom march
bullshit. After dealing with them in law enforcement and the military
I pray that a plaque takes them all to hell while I can still be alive
to enjoy. I really wish I could be the one to create that plaque..
Yo feel free to be their "friend" and in the future enjoy the TNB that
befalls you.
Post by Lawrence GlickmanOtoh, there are some of them that are Bad Seed. Rotten to the core,
and they should be held in contempt. But those are the few, the
proud, the shitheads, not much unlike yourself.
Oh yeah, my posting here equates to the niggers robbing/raping/killing
at levels 3 and 4 times their percentage of the population.
Question, have you always been this stupid or did you recently suffer
a head wound?
Thanks to Anti-Nig for the info:
Blacks "were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 1998".
Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children...
28% of black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males
68.7% of blacks are born out of wedlock!
56% of black women have genital herpes!!! See page 21 of...
62% of ALL black births are paid for by the US government.
Though only 12% of the population, blacks take 38.3% of the total of all
welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the
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