A Homie's Guide to Non-Traditional Careers
(too old to reply)
S. L'Gree
2004-09-27 23:07:19 UTC
"What kind of job is that fo' a black man", was what I heard one day after
coming out of a downtown Boston deli. Some homie who clearly didn't work was
informing his fat girlfriend how he disapproved of the fact that a black guy
was working behind a sandwich counter. This was perplexing to me since I
would never look down or disparage anyone for the legitimate work they do.
All legitimate work is honorable but to this crack huffing bum it was
pathetic. Why work when you can live off public assistance and commit petty
crimes? I wanted to ask homie what he felt was appropriate work for a "black
man" but that was a waste of breath because I already knew what he thought
was appropriate. Let's see there's rapping, basketball and crime.

Now every homie pretends that he is all three of these things. We can see
this in his dress, language and general deportment but very few homies can
become rappers or B-ballers and with white boys like Eminem and all these
European ballers it's getting increasing tight in the field. Crime is always
a viable alternative but even most homies don't have the stomach for this
kind of work because it requires effort. So what we have is about 99.99999%
of the worlds homies that don't do shit, live with their mothers or
grandmothers well into their 50's, spend good chunks of their lives
incarcerated or rely on the mercy of the social service industry. What we
have here is a helpless and feckless man-child completely incapable of
surviving in the 21st century with out the welfare handout.

In spite of this life devoid of purpose or meaning homie is still acutely
aware of all the oh so important and subtle nuances of ghetto culture that
must be strictly adhered to. This is homie's raison d'etre. This is the only
conceivable reason I can see for homie rolling out of bed every day at noon.
Of course staying abreast of the latest ghetto values and trends cost money
and public assistance and it's myriad of handouts isn't enough to cover the
expenses. Remember pimping ain't easy and it ain't cheap either. So in order
for homie to make ends meets he must somehow earn money with out having to
be tied down to an office, a time clock and specific responsibilities. In
other words homie doesn't want to be an adult. So homie must seek out
employment in alternative fields. You know, jobs more appropriate for a
"black man". Here's our short list of homie-approved jobs for those
interested in careers off the beaten path.

Street Dancing

All homies are obligated to keep up on the latest dance moves. While a white
kid is cramming for the SATs his homie counterpart is home practicing dance
moves in front of a mirror. Whoa to the homie who breaks out a dance move
that is not sanctioned within the narrow confines of ghetto culture. Since
homie loves to dance and while he is young enough to do so with some gusto
he may as well make some money off it. This is why you always see a bunch of
homies break dancing for white people in downtown areas. Stupid whites are
only more than happy to part with their money to see homie dance and then
comment about how "those coloreds really have rhythm" You'd have rhythm to
if you poured 110% of your energy in the latest dance move as opposed to
work and family. Closely related to dancing are various tricks, stunts and
banging out rhythms on plastic buckets. I use to run into this homie that
would run up a brick wall and then do a flip for a dollar. He did this all
day long and put great energy into this stunt. What amazed me about this was
what length homies go to in order to avoid real work. I only gave this guy
money once. On assenting up a brick wall he lost his footing and came down
on his head, bleeding everywhere. I gave him a quarter.


This of course is a fancy word for begging. This is another perfectly
appropriate non-traditional career option for homie. There is no shame in
begging since homie rationalizes this as getting one over on the man.
Besides homie's whole life revolves around begging and handouts in one-way
or another. More industrious homies have some poorly constructed sob story
about needing bus fare or a bowl of soup. It works well on terrified whites
from the suburbs that have never actually encountered a colored person. They
practically hand these homies their wallets and then run away in fear. Later
over Dubonet and crustless cucumber sandwiches they can brag to their
friends about their new found street cred. But back to the begging. Many
homies have simply given up on the sob story or the shucking, jiving and
goofing that go along with begging from whites. These are the types that
simply sit there jiggling a Styrofoam cup filled with change as if this
demanded some sort of action from the working public. Amazingly people do
respond and drop change into their cups. Other homies are more aggressive
about begging. These are usually the grown men that accost teenagers and
women demanding a dollar. Recently some homies have used their own children
here in Boston to walk up to cars at intersections with tin cans and
matching t-shirts begging for some fictitious church or sports team. There
is no depth that homie won't sink to in order to avoiding earning money via

Windshield Washing

What a deal this is. Homie pounces on your car at an intersection and wipes
down your windshield. I have never given anyone a penny for this and have
chased homies away from the intersection for touching my car. It might not
be so bad if they actually cleaned your windshield but they never do. They
always make it dirtier than it was to begin with. Of course it's not about
providing a service and getting paid for it. It's about getting a handout
under the guise of work. Once again homie relies heavily on horrified and
gullible whites from the suburbs to fork it over.


Yes loitering. It may look like loafing to you but homie has turned
loitering into an art form. Loitering is the gateway to a variety of
different non-traditional enterprises that homie relies on to supplement his
welfare benefits. This is why homie groups always fight any legislation
about anti-loitering laws. Homies are an outdoor people and weather
permitting they love to stand on corners seemingly doing nothing but ask any
beat cop why homie loves to loiter and you'll get the real picture.
Loitering is really nothing more than a front for homies most favored non
traditional from of work: Dealing in stolen and illicit products. The
loitering homie is the middleman of the ghetto economy. Drugs and stolen
items always find their way to some street corner where runners distribute
the wares into the ghetto economy. It's the one stop shopping for homie and
all his need. Need some crack? A DVD Player? X-Box? New sneakers? A firearm?
Well get your ass down to the street corner and loiter. Why be a lowly
ghetto consumer when you to can be a ghetto retailer.

2004-09-28 13:46:51 UTC
Niggers are some damn stupid beasts !

You have been crushed SAMBO gutter apes, by the NIGGERCRUSHER !
Post by S. L'Gree
"What kind of job is that fo' a black man", was what I heard one day after
coming out of a downtown Boston deli. Some homie who clearly didn't work was
informing his fat girlfriend how he disapproved of the fact that a black guy
was working behind a sandwich counter. This was perplexing to me since I
would never look down or disparage anyone for the legitimate work they do.
All legitimate work is honorable but to this crack huffing bum it was
pathetic. Why work when you can live off public assistance and commit petty
crimes? I wanted to ask homie what he felt was appropriate work for a "black
man" but that was a waste of breath because I already knew what he thought
was appropriate. Let's see there's rapping, basketball and crime.
Now every homie pretends that he is all three of these things. We can see
this in his dress, language and general deportment but very few homies can
become rappers or B-ballers and with white boys like Eminem and all these
European ballers it's getting increasing tight in the field. Crime is always
a viable alternative but even most homies don't have the stomach for this
kind of work because it requires effort. So what we have is about 99.99999%
of the worlds homies that don't do shit, live with their mothers or
grandmothers well into their 50's, spend good chunks of their lives
incarcerated or rely on the mercy of the social service industry. What we
have here is a helpless and feckless man-child completely incapable of
surviving in the 21st century with out the welfare handout.
In spite of this life devoid of purpose or meaning homie is still acutely
aware of all the oh so important and subtle nuances of ghetto culture that
must be strictly adhered to. This is homie's raison d'etre. This is the on
Post by S. L'Gree
conceivable reason I can see for homie rolling out of bed every day at noon.
Of course staying abreast of the latest ghetto values and trends cost money
and public assistance and it's myriad of handouts isn't enough to cover the
expenses. Remember pimping ain't easy and it ain't cheap either. So in order
for homie to make ends meets he must somehow earn money with out having to
be tied down to an office, a time clock and specific responsibilities. In
other words homie doesn't want to be an adult. So homie must seek out
employment in alternative fields. You know, jobs more appropriate for a
"black man". Here's our short list of homie-approved jobs for those
interested in careers off the beaten path.
Street Dancing
All homies are obligated to keep up on the latest dance moves. While a white
kid is cramming for the SATs his homie counterpart is home practicing dance
moves in front of a mirror. Whoa to the homie who breaks out a dance move
that is not sanctioned within the narrow confines of ghetto culture. Since
homie loves to dance and while he is young enough to do so with some gusto
he may as well make some money off it. This is why you always see a bunch of
homies break dancing for white people in downtown areas. Stupid whites are
only more than happy to part with their money to see homie dance and then
comment about how "those coloreds really have rhythm" You'd have rhythm to
if you poured 110% of your energy in the latest dance move as opposed to
work and family. Closely related to dancing are various tricks, stunts and
banging out rhythms on plastic buckets. I use to run into this homie that
would run up a brick wall and then do a flip for a dollar. He did this all
day long and put great energy into this stunt. What amazed me about this was
what length homies go to in order to avoid real work. I only gave this guy
money once. On assenting up a brick wall he lost his footing and came down
on his head, bleeding everywhere. I gave him a quarter.
This of course is a fancy word for begging. This is another perfectly
appropriate non-traditional career option for homie. There is no shame in
begging since homie rationalizes this as getting one over on the man.
Besides homie's whole life revolves around begging and handouts in one-way
or another. More industrious homies have some poorly constructed sob story
about needing bus fare or a bowl of soup. It works well on terrified whites
from the suburbs that have never actually encountered a colored person. They
practically hand these homies their wallets and then run away in fear. Later
over Dubonet and crustless cucumber sandwiches they can brag to their
friends about their new found street cred. But back to the begging. Many
homies have simply given up on the sob story or the shucking, jiving and
goofing that go along with begging from whites. These are the types that
simply sit there jiggling a Styrofoam cup filled with change as if this
demanded some sort of action from the working public. Amazingly people do
respond and drop change into their cups. Other homies are more aggressive
about begging. These are usually the grown men that accost teenagers and
women demanding a dollar. Recently some homies have used their own children
here in Boston to walk up to cars at intersections with tin cans and
matching t-shirts begging for some fictitious church or sports team. There
is no depth that homie won't sink to in order to avoiding earning money via
Windshield Washing
What a deal this is. Homie pounces on your car at an intersection and wipes
down your windshield. I have never given anyone a penny for this and have
chased homies away from the intersection for touching my car. It might not
be so bad if they actually cleaned your windshield but they never do. They
always make it dirtier than it was to begin with. Of course it's not about
providing a service and getting paid for it. It's about getting a handout
under the guise of work. Once again homie relies heavily on horrified and
gullible whites from the suburbs to fork it over.
Yes loitering. It may look like loafing to you but homie has turned
loitering into an art form. Loitering is the gateway to a variety of
different non-traditional enterprises that homie relies on to supplement his
welfare benefits. This is why homie groups always fight any legislation
about anti-loitering laws. Homies are an outdoor people and weather
permitting they love to stand on corners seemingly doing nothing but ask any
beat cop why homie loves to loiter and you'll get the real picture.
Loitering is really nothing more than a front for homies most favored non
traditional from of work: Dealing in stolen and illicit products. The
loitering homie is the middleman of the ghetto economy. Drugs and stolen
items always find their way to some street corner where runners distribute
the wares into the ghetto economy. It's the one stop shopping for homie and
all his need. Need some crack? A DVD Player? X-Box? New sneakers? A firearm?
Well get your ass down to the street corner and loiter. Why be a lowly
ghetto consumer when you to can be a ghetto retailer.
2004-09-28 20:32:22 UTC
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 09:46:51 -0400, "niggercrusher"
Post by niggercrusher
Niggers are some damn stupid beasts !
You have been crushed SAMBO gutter apes, by the NIGGERCRUSHER !
Sambo is Indian, not African, you damn stupid beast.


visit the New York City Homebrewers Guild website:
S. L'Gree
2004-09-29 04:22:32 UTC
Post by Phil
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 09:46:51 -0400, "niggercrusher"
Post by niggercrusher
Niggers are some damn stupid beasts !
You have been crushed SAMBO gutter apes, by the NIGGERCRUSHER !
Sambo is Indian, not African, you damn stupid beast.
If I remember right, Little BLACK Sambo in the old-time kiddie books was a
jungle bunny.
2004-09-29 02:54:53 UTC
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 21:22:32 -0700, "S. L'Gree"
Post by S. L'Gree
Post by Phil
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 09:46:51 -0400, "niggercrusher"
Post by niggercrusher
Niggers are some damn stupid beasts !
You have been crushed SAMBO gutter apes, by the NIGGERCRUSHER !
Sambo is Indian, not African, you damn stupid beast.
If I remember right, Little BLACK Sambo in the old-time kiddie books was a
jungle bunny.
You don't.

He wasn't.

You're an idiot.

visit the New York City Homebrewers Guild website:
S. L'Gree
2004-09-29 17:04:55 UTC
Post by Phil
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 21:22:32 -0700, "S. L'Gree"
Post by S. L'Gree
Post by Phil
Sambo is Indian, not African, you damn stupid beast.
If I remember right, Little BLACK Sambo in the old-time kiddie books was a
jungle bunny.
You don't.
He wasn't.
Damnest East Indian I ever saw:


When was the last time you had an eye exam?
2004-09-29 18:16:48 UTC
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 10:04:55 -0700, "S. L'Gree"
Post by S. L'Gree
When was the last time you had an eye exam?
Have someone read the book to you again. He's Indian.

visit the New York City Homebrewers Guild website:
S. L'Gree
2004-09-29 20:59:50 UTC
Post by Phil
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 10:04:55 -0700, "S. L'Gree"
Post by S. L'Gree
When was the last time you had an eye exam?
Have someone read the book to you again. He's Indian.
Maybe that's what Helen Bannerman had in mind when she wrote it over 100
years ago, but folks of the colored persuasion will beg to differ. If you
really want to waste your time and effort, try convincing Jesse Jackson and
his ilk that "Sambo" isn't synonymous with niggerobilia: "David Pilgrim, the
director of the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia
http://www.ferris.edu/news/jimcrow/ at Ferris State University in Michigan,
said: 'I don't know what the value would be. It's going to open new wounds.
In terms of promoting race relations, it won't help.'"

"Although historians generally agree Bannerman probably chose the name in
ignorance, the word "sambo" has a long history as a racial slur. The book
itself, when reprinted in many pirated editions, often became an overtly
racist tract. Sambo was variously depicted as a jungle denizen, a simpleton
or as a slave boy in the American South. Images of the character were
screened on to ashtrays, put into cartoons, and made the centre of target
games. Bannerman depicted Sambo as a fuzzy-headed boy with big red lips and
bulging eyes - images consistent with 19th-century portrayals of black
people. The names she used for her characters - Sambo's parents are called
Mumbo and Jumbo - also drew reproach."

Besides, I never heard any Hindus taking offense to "Sambo," even though
tigers aren't native to Africa. Now spin your wheels some more for us and
keep us entertained.

New image for Little Black Sambo


WITH central characters called Mumbo and Jumbo, The Story of Little Black
Sambo became a byword for racial hatred and was labelled one of the most
controversial children's books ever written.

But now, the 19th-century text by Helen Bannerman is to be re-released by a
New York publisher, while critics call for the book to be reclaimed as a
positive image of black people.

The re-release of the book, with fresh illustrations, by Handprint Books has
angered some black critics, while drawing praise from the prestigious Kirkus

Bannerman, from Edinburgh, wrote The Story of Little Black Sambo in 1899, to
entertain her children as they travelled through India at the time of the

The story became popular in the United States but, after successive reprints
in the Forties and Fifties, the title character was transformed into a
stereotype through racist illustrations, while the word "sambo" was widely
used a racist slur.

Christopher Franceschelli, the publisher, said the new illustrations avoid
the racial caricatures that pervaded earlier releases and have the potential
to wipe away any racial stereotypes.

He said: "I came to the books with some of the same instinctively liberal
misgivings, but seeing these magnificent illustrations made me re-read the
text. These renderings transcend the stereotype and turn it on its head."

The book offered an opportunity for readers to enjoy a story about a heroic
black child, rather than focus on racial imagery, he added.

"If we don't look back at what has happened, if we can't confront this
creatively, we are doomed to repeat this.

"Black was almost the only adjective possible in identifying a child of
colour and had all the bias that a colonial, imperialist, educated British
or Scotswoman would have brought to it, but without the obvious edge of, 'By
saying "black" I have belittled or foreshortened'."

But critics say these old associations are so hurtful they bury any
redeeming value the book may have.

David Pilgrim, the director of the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia, at
Ferris State University in Michigan, said: "I don't know what the value
would be. It's going to open new wounds. In terms of promoting race
relations, it won't help."

Bannerman was born Brodie Cowan Watson in Edinburgh, in 1863, the daughter
of a minister and army chaplain.

She was educated by her father until the age of ten, and was then sent to
school in Scotland, studying French and German, and later graduated from St
Andrew's University. After marrying a surgeon serving in the British Army of
India, she spent 30 years in the country.

The Story of Little Black Sambo tells of a boy who outwits a group of tigers
bent on devouring him by giving them his red coat, blue trousers and purple
shoes, then getting them to quarrel among themselves over who looks the

Despite decades of protest that it contains racist caricatures and a
derogatory name, sales of the book Amazon rank well above many children's

Although historians generally agree Bannerman probably chose the name in
ignorance, the word "sambo" has a long history as a racial slur. The book
itself, when reprinted in many pirated editions, often became an overtly
racist tract.

Sambo was variously depicted as a jungle denizen, a simpleton or as a slave
boy in the American South. Images of the character were screened on to
ashtrays, put into cartoons, and made the centre of target games.

Bannerman depicted Sambo as a fuzzy-headed boy with big red lips and bulging
eyes - images consistent with 19th-century portrayals of black people. The
names she used for her characters - Sambo's parents are called Mumbo and
Jumbo - also drew reproach.

Julius Lester, a US author, said: "Very unconsciously, with no malice
aforethought, [Bannerman] was reflecting her times.

"The fact that she was hurting black people never entered her mind - which
doesn't let her off the hook. This is a wonderful story, but one that has
caused a lot of pain."

In 1996, HarperCollins issued a version of the book in the UK called The
Story of Little Babaji which renamed the mother and father Mamaji and

In a letter to The Times newspaper in 1972, Bannerman's son, Robert, said:
"My mother would not have published the book had she dreamt for a moment
that even one small boy would have been made unhappy thereby."

2004-09-29 20:42:16 UTC
On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 13:59:50 -0700, "S. L'Gree"
Post by S. L'Gree
"Although historians generally agree Bannerman probably chose the name in
ignorance, the word "sambo" has a long history as a racial slur. The book
itself, when reprinted in many pirated editions, often became an overtly
racist tract. Sambo was variously depicted as a jungle denizen, a simpleton
or as a slave boy in the American South.
With fancy clothes?
Post by S. L'Gree
Images of the character were
screened on to ashtrays, put into cartoons, and made the centre of target
games. Bannerman depicted Sambo as a fuzzy-headed boy with big red lips and
bulging eyes - images consistent with 19th-century portrayals of black
people. The names she used for her characters - Sambo's parents are called
Mumbo and Jumbo - also drew reproach."
Look at the illustrations in the original publication of the book:


Sambo wasn't fuzzy-headed. He had thick wavy hair.
Post by S. L'Gree
Besides, I never heard any Hindus taking offense to "Sambo," even though
tigers aren't native to Africa.
No tigers in Africa? That's the first right thing you've probably
said in a very long time.
Post by S. L'Gree
Now spin your wheels some more for us and keep us entertained.
How's this for spinning:


Helen Bannerman wrote the story for her children while they lived in
India. Hence the reference to the tigers (as opposed to lions).
There's also the reference to ghi (what they call 'butter' in India.
Post by S. L'Gree
"My mother would not have published the book had she dreamt for a moment
that even one small boy would have been made unhappy thereby."
Leave it to the bigots to take an innocent children's story and make
it a simple of ignorance.

visit the New York City Homebrewers Guild website:
2004-09-30 15:49:04 UTC
Post by Phil
Leave it to the bigots to take an innocent children's story and make
it a simple of ignorance.
Simple is as simple does, Phil! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!
"Bubba got a BJ, BU$H screwed us all!" - Slim
George "The AWOL President" Bush: http://www.awolbush.com/
WHY IRAQ?: http://www.angelfire.com/creep/gwbush/remindus.html

VOTE HIM OUT! November 2, 2004
2004-09-29 04:41:34 UTC
Post by S. L'Gree
Post by Phil
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 09:46:51 -0400, "niggercrusher"
Post by niggercrusher
Niggers are some damn stupid beasts !
You have been crushed SAMBO gutter apes, by the NIGGERCRUSHER !
Sambo is Indian, not African, you damn stupid beast.
If I remember right, Little BLACK Sambo in the old-time kiddie books was a
jungle bunny.
Also one of the two end men in traditional minstrel shows (Mr. Bones
was the other). Big Al.
2004-09-30 14:44:23 UTC
If you notice your picture in your link. the Sambo is pictured with a Tiger.
I wonder how many tigers there are in Africa, hmmmmmm?
Post by KOMBATT 18
Post by S. L'Gree
Post by Phil
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 09:46:51 -0400, "niggercrusher"
Post by niggercrusher
Niggers are some damn stupid beasts !
You have been crushed SAMBO gutter apes, by the NIGGERCRUSHER !
Sambo is Indian, not African, you damn stupid beast.
If I remember right, Little BLACK Sambo in the old-time kiddie books was a
jungle bunny.
Also one of the two end men in traditional minstrel shows (Mr. Bones
was the other). Big Al.
2004-09-30 15:34:32 UTC
On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 14:44:23 GMT, "TheRemedy"
Post by TheRemedy
If you notice your picture in your link. the Sambo is pictured with a Tiger.
I wonder how many tigers there are in Africa, hmmmmmm?
Why should something like the truth get in the way of a bigot's

visit the New York City Homebrewers Guild website:
S. L'Gree
2004-09-30 20:22:41 UTC
Post by TheRemedy
If you notice your picture in your link. the Sambo is pictured with a
Tiger. I wonder how many tigers there are in Africa, hmmmmmm?
But how many illustrators of children's books knew that circa 1900? Back in
the days of colonial empires muds were muds, servile and subhuman. At least
the same mistake wasn't made with "The Jungle Book." After all the hell
raised about "Song of the South" (1948), no way would Walt Disney have put a
brillo-haired, gorilla-nosed Mowgli on celluloid.
2004-10-01 03:38:26 UTC
On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 13:22:41 -0700, "S. L'Gree"
Post by S. L'Gree
Post by TheRemedy
If you notice your picture in your link. the Sambo is pictured with a
Tiger. I wonder how many tigers there are in Africa, hmmmmmm?
But how many illustrators of children's books knew that circa 1900? Back in
the days of colonial empires muds were muds, servile and subhuman. At least
the same mistake wasn't made with "The Jungle Book." After all the hell
raised about "Song of the South" (1948), no way would Walt Disney have put a
brillo-haired, gorilla-nosed Mowgli on celluloid.
Helen Bannerman didn't just write the story; she was the original
illustrator for the book. She did all this while she was in India.
Get your head out of your ass and see the world without your shitty

visit the New York City Homebrewers Guild website:
2004-10-02 21:12:56 UTC
Post by Phil
Get your head out of your ass and see the world without your shitty
"Bubba got a BJ, BU$H screwed us all!" - Slim
George "The AWOL President" Bush: http://www.awolbush.com/
WHY IRAQ?: http://www.angelfire.com/creep/gwbush/remindus.html

VOTE HIM OUT! November 2, 2004