2004-10-25 17:17:57 UTC
The newsgroup where niggers can still be owned by whites
Because in the real world, they own you.In the real world when you get into a simple fender bender with a Black
man, a Black man who you can see is real *hot* under the collar because you
failed to yield when leaving the parking lot of your local 711.
The first thing you do is lock your car doors, then you get on your
cellyfone and try calling the police to deal with your vehicular
predicament. The police want no part of it and instruct you to exchange
driver license and insurance information.
Beads of sweat start pouring down your dumb forehead as you contemplate all
the possible ways this simple task could go wrong. So, what do you do in
your infinite white wisdom~? You drive the fuck off scared out of your
fucking wits and literally owned because Mr. "Hot Under the Collar" quickly
jotted down your license plate number~*
BTW That is a *true* story~*
A savage beast which, when it sleeps,
Man girds at and despises,
But takes himself away by leaps
And bounds when it arises.
--Ambat Delaso
A savage beast which, when it sleeps,
Man girds at and despises,
But takes himself away by leaps
And bounds when it arises.
--Ambat Delaso