S. L'Gree
2004-12-24 12:51:17 UTC
On the radio this morning, I heard that the founder of Kwanzaa served
jail time for severely torturing two of his female followers.
Who was Ron Karenga?jail time for severely torturing two of his female followers.
Glad you asked.
He is a convicted felon - sentenced five years after inventing Kwanzaa
for torturing two black women by whipping them with electrical cords
and beating them with a karate baton after stripping them naked. He
placed in the mouth of one of the victims a hot soldering iron, also
scarring her face with the device. He put one of her big toes in a
vise, and detergent and running water in both of their mouths.
But that wasn't the beginning of the bizarre and violent behavior of
Karenga, the patron saint of Kwanzaa - not by a long shot.
Just about the time he was dreaming up this new holiday, he was also
inventing a new political movement on the campus of UCLA. That
movement was called "black cultural nationalism." His group was called
United Slaves. And it was defined mainly by violent confrontations
with the Black Panthers at UCLA. Two of his followers shot dead two
members of the Panthers in 1969.
But no sooner did Karenga get out of prison on the torture charges in
1975 than all was forgotten about his criminal and violent past. He
was proclaimed Saint Karenga. Four years later, he was running the
Black Studies Department at California State University in Long Beach.
How did he get that job in academia with his record?
Glad you asked again.
Paul Mulshine, who has done an admirable job of chronicling Karenga's
history for FrontPagemag.com, has a theory.
Karenga had a jailhouse conversion.
No, he did not become a born-again Christian. He did not renounce
violence. He did not even repudiate his past. But he did become a
And, while becoming a Christian might have disqualified him for a role
in the world of the modern U.S. university, a conversion to Marxism
was perceived as a sign of rehabilitation. The one-time psychopath had
seen the light.
In conclusion, I hope this little cultural and history lesson helps
you see the light - about Kwanzaa. It's being taught to your kids in
your government schools. It's become a commercial bonanza in black
communities through the United States. And, now, even the president of
the United States is praising it as a legitimate holiday.
Good grief. What's wrong with America?