S. L'Gree
2004-07-20 02:45:17 UTC
Many Whites wonder why Blacks rape, steal, and destroy everything
civilized that crosses their path. Every city they move into is
transformed from a beautiful, lively metropolis into a "ghetto": dirty,
run-down, smelly, decrepit, dismal, crime-ridden. Hell on Earth. They
do this over and over again. They fail out of school and wonder why
they can't get a good job.
They have increasingly disintergrated their whole culture, family
traditions, and the small amount of economic community they once had in
the first half of the 20th century. Their children are hate-filled,
violent, drugged-up social failures who glorify the dog-eat-dog life of
crime and what little "conspicuous consumption" they can afford. Their
new ideal Black man is an abusive, friendless drug kingpin wearing
flashy clothes and smoking marijuana. They have thrown themselves,
*AND* the rest of America, down the toilet.
Billions of dollars have been spent on improving their education,
getting them jobs, houses, etc. All of this money has been wasted, as
if it was thrown into a Black Hole. Blacks are more poor, miserable,
and violent than ever before.
Yet Blacks themselves seem oblivious to what is happening. They tell
themselves "it's racism" that causes all businesses to run from their
neighborhoods, that makes Whites tense up in fear when a Black person
walks by. They DO NOT WANT TO SEE that it is THEY THEMSELVES who have
destroyed the Black communities, along with much of the cilization
built up by Whites and other non-Blacks in America.
Similarly, Whites are unwilling to see their own failure to "help" the
Blacks. They prevent themselves from realizing that all the money,
effort, and time that's been spent on the Blacks is wasted.
Furthermore, they are unaware of the FEAR they obviously feel towards
Blacks (which Blacks nevertheless can sense).
BUT WHY? Why do Blacks act this way? Eldridge Cleaver, former Minister
of Information of the Black Panthers and former U.S. presidential
candidate, documents why in his book "Soul on Ice."
Cleaver identifies the ROOT of all this black criminality: a warped
love/hate desire for the WHITE WOMAN. Black men hate black women. Page
9: "One afternoon, when a large group of Negroes was on the prison yard
shooting the breeze, I grabbed the floor and posed the question: which
did they prefer, white women or black? Some said Japanese women were
their favorite, others said Chinese, some said European women, others
said Mexican women---they all stated a preferene, and they generally
freely admitted their dislike for black women."
Page 9 again: Cleaver talked to his fellow inmate, who said "'It's a
sickness," he said. 'All our lives we've had the white woman dangled
before our eyes like a carrot on a stick before a donkey: look but
don't touch.'"
Page 11, regarding a white pinup model: "...in spite of everything and
against my will and the hate I felt for the woman and all that she
represented, she appealed to me. I flew into a rage at myself, at
America, at white women, at the history that had placed those tensions
of LUST AND DESIRE in my chest."
Cleaver's "morbid broodings on the black man and the white woman" drove
him into an angry indictment of ALL OF AMERICA: its economy, its
history, its heroes, and its cultural institutions. Page 13: "The term
OUTLAW appealed to me... I had stepped outside of the white man's law,
which I repudiated with scorn and satisfaction."
Page 13: "My feelings towards white women in general could be summed up
in the following lines: 'To a White Girl: I love you because you're
white, not because you're charming or bright. Your whiteness is a silky
thread snaking through my thoughs in redhot patterns of lust and
desire. I hate you because you're white. Your white meat is nightmare
food. White is the skin of Evil. You're my Moby Dick, White Witch,
symbol of the rope and hanging tree, of the burning cross. Loving you
thus and hating you so, my heart is torn in two. Crucified."
Page 14: "I became a rapist. To refire my technique and modus operandi,
I started out by practicing on black girls in the ghetto... and when I
considered myself smooth enough, I crossed the tracks and sought out
white prey.... Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I
was defying and trampling upon the white man's law, upon his system of
values, and that i was defiling his women---and this point, I believe,
was the most satisfying to me... I felt I was getting revenge."
Cleaver quotes a line from LeRoi Jones' book "The Dead Lecturer", which
he felt resonates with his behavior: "'A cult of death need of the
simple striking arm under the street lamp. The cutters from under their
rented earth. Come up, black dada nihilismus. Rape the white girls.
Rape their fathers. Cut the mothers' throats.' -- I have lived those
lines... There are, of course, many young blacks out there right now
who are slitting white throats and raping the white girl."
Later in the book, Cleaver says (through a fictional character) on page
159: "The white woman is more than a woman to me.... She's a goddess, a
symbol. My love for her is religious and beyond fulfillment. I worship
her. I love a white woman's dirty drawers... desire for the white woman
is like a cancer eating my heart out and devouring my brain."
However. Page 16: *** "I know that the black man's sick attitude toward
the white woman is a revolutionary sickness: it keeps him perpetually
out of harmony with the system that is oppressing him. Many whites
flatter themselves with the idea that the Negro male's lust and desire
for the white dream girl is purely an esthetic attraction, but nothing
could be further from the truth. His motivation is often of such a
bloody, hateful, bitter, and malignant nature that whites would really
be hard pressed to find it flattering." ***
Cleaver was RULED by these emotions, which were a swirling vortex of
twisted love/hate, self-hate, ENVY and LUST---all centered around the
WHITE WOMAN. Still ruled by this insane lust and seeing the world ,
Cleaver observed the Civil Rights movement's sit ins, freedom raids,
etc, and thought it was BEAUTIFUL. This RAPE LUST is the same desire
that drove so many Blacks to FORCE THEMSELVES on unwilling whites. They
legitimized this RAPE LUST with preachers' talk and high-sounding
ideals, supplied by masochistic whites, but in their HEARTS they all
felt what Cleaver described: an overwhemling feeling of self-hate,
envy, and LUST. This is the desire that fueled the black Civil Right's
Page 161: "I believe that if a leader wanted to unite the Negroes in a
solid unity, he could do so very easily. All he'd have to do is promise
every black man a white woman and every black woman a white man. He
would have so many followers that he wouldn't know what to do with them
all." This is called INTERGRATION. This was the promise offered by
Black leaders: MIXING with the Whites.
What motivated these Whites to promise Blacks intergration with Whites?
Cleaver quotes Norman Podhoretz's essay "My Negro Problem--And Ours,"
from "Commentary" Feb 1963 ("Soul on Ice" page 191): "...just as in
childhood I ENVIED the Negroes for what seemed to me their superior
masculinity, so I ENVY them today for what seems to me their superior
physical grace and beauty."
Once again, ENVY ruled the Civil Rights movement's leaders, Black and
non-Black. This same bitter, resentful, ENVY rules Blacks today. Blacks
have STOLEN aspects of White culture and turned them into a very
negative "Black Culture." Despite all the words, it is about Blacks
ENVYING whites.
That is why their insane youth wear flashy clothes and aspire to drive
fancy cars. They hate themselves to the CORE. They seek to BECOME the
White Man. This insane, jealous desire can only result in the
DESTRUCTION of both groups, Black and White. Blacks have thrown away
what they once had to IMITATE aspects of white culture (because they
want to BECOME White! Not LIKE whites, but they want to BECOME WHITE!).
They have dominated the hearts of timid, weak whites, who have thrown
billions of their hard-earned money and wealth to the Blacks, who have
only devoured it like an ever-expanding Black Hole's vortex.
The Blacks have NOT improved. They are worse off than ever, despite the
effort spent to help them. They CONSUME this money and send it down a
tunnel to oblivion. Every city that they've touched has become a
Whites, as if in a trance, GIVE AND GIVE to the greedy Black Holes.
American Whites have THROWN AWAY more and more of their civilization to
these greedy, devouring monsters. WHEN WILL THEY STOP? If Whites
continue, they will throw away EVERYTHING THEY HAVE to these jealous
Blacks, and they will be left with NOTHING.
civilized that crosses their path. Every city they move into is
transformed from a beautiful, lively metropolis into a "ghetto": dirty,
run-down, smelly, decrepit, dismal, crime-ridden. Hell on Earth. They
do this over and over again. They fail out of school and wonder why
they can't get a good job.
They have increasingly disintergrated their whole culture, family
traditions, and the small amount of economic community they once had in
the first half of the 20th century. Their children are hate-filled,
violent, drugged-up social failures who glorify the dog-eat-dog life of
crime and what little "conspicuous consumption" they can afford. Their
new ideal Black man is an abusive, friendless drug kingpin wearing
flashy clothes and smoking marijuana. They have thrown themselves,
*AND* the rest of America, down the toilet.
Billions of dollars have been spent on improving their education,
getting them jobs, houses, etc. All of this money has been wasted, as
if it was thrown into a Black Hole. Blacks are more poor, miserable,
and violent than ever before.
Yet Blacks themselves seem oblivious to what is happening. They tell
themselves "it's racism" that causes all businesses to run from their
neighborhoods, that makes Whites tense up in fear when a Black person
walks by. They DO NOT WANT TO SEE that it is THEY THEMSELVES who have
destroyed the Black communities, along with much of the cilization
built up by Whites and other non-Blacks in America.
Similarly, Whites are unwilling to see their own failure to "help" the
Blacks. They prevent themselves from realizing that all the money,
effort, and time that's been spent on the Blacks is wasted.
Furthermore, they are unaware of the FEAR they obviously feel towards
Blacks (which Blacks nevertheless can sense).
BUT WHY? Why do Blacks act this way? Eldridge Cleaver, former Minister
of Information of the Black Panthers and former U.S. presidential
candidate, documents why in his book "Soul on Ice."
Cleaver identifies the ROOT of all this black criminality: a warped
love/hate desire for the WHITE WOMAN. Black men hate black women. Page
9: "One afternoon, when a large group of Negroes was on the prison yard
shooting the breeze, I grabbed the floor and posed the question: which
did they prefer, white women or black? Some said Japanese women were
their favorite, others said Chinese, some said European women, others
said Mexican women---they all stated a preferene, and they generally
freely admitted their dislike for black women."
Page 9 again: Cleaver talked to his fellow inmate, who said "'It's a
sickness," he said. 'All our lives we've had the white woman dangled
before our eyes like a carrot on a stick before a donkey: look but
don't touch.'"
Page 11, regarding a white pinup model: "...in spite of everything and
against my will and the hate I felt for the woman and all that she
represented, she appealed to me. I flew into a rage at myself, at
America, at white women, at the history that had placed those tensions
of LUST AND DESIRE in my chest."
Cleaver's "morbid broodings on the black man and the white woman" drove
him into an angry indictment of ALL OF AMERICA: its economy, its
history, its heroes, and its cultural institutions. Page 13: "The term
OUTLAW appealed to me... I had stepped outside of the white man's law,
which I repudiated with scorn and satisfaction."
Page 13: "My feelings towards white women in general could be summed up
in the following lines: 'To a White Girl: I love you because you're
white, not because you're charming or bright. Your whiteness is a silky
thread snaking through my thoughs in redhot patterns of lust and
desire. I hate you because you're white. Your white meat is nightmare
food. White is the skin of Evil. You're my Moby Dick, White Witch,
symbol of the rope and hanging tree, of the burning cross. Loving you
thus and hating you so, my heart is torn in two. Crucified."
Page 14: "I became a rapist. To refire my technique and modus operandi,
I started out by practicing on black girls in the ghetto... and when I
considered myself smooth enough, I crossed the tracks and sought out
white prey.... Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I
was defying and trampling upon the white man's law, upon his system of
values, and that i was defiling his women---and this point, I believe,
was the most satisfying to me... I felt I was getting revenge."
Cleaver quotes a line from LeRoi Jones' book "The Dead Lecturer", which
he felt resonates with his behavior: "'A cult of death need of the
simple striking arm under the street lamp. The cutters from under their
rented earth. Come up, black dada nihilismus. Rape the white girls.
Rape their fathers. Cut the mothers' throats.' -- I have lived those
lines... There are, of course, many young blacks out there right now
who are slitting white throats and raping the white girl."
Later in the book, Cleaver says (through a fictional character) on page
159: "The white woman is more than a woman to me.... She's a goddess, a
symbol. My love for her is religious and beyond fulfillment. I worship
her. I love a white woman's dirty drawers... desire for the white woman
is like a cancer eating my heart out and devouring my brain."
However. Page 16: *** "I know that the black man's sick attitude toward
the white woman is a revolutionary sickness: it keeps him perpetually
out of harmony with the system that is oppressing him. Many whites
flatter themselves with the idea that the Negro male's lust and desire
for the white dream girl is purely an esthetic attraction, but nothing
could be further from the truth. His motivation is often of such a
bloody, hateful, bitter, and malignant nature that whites would really
be hard pressed to find it flattering." ***
Cleaver was RULED by these emotions, which were a swirling vortex of
twisted love/hate, self-hate, ENVY and LUST---all centered around the
WHITE WOMAN. Still ruled by this insane lust and seeing the world ,
Cleaver observed the Civil Rights movement's sit ins, freedom raids,
etc, and thought it was BEAUTIFUL. This RAPE LUST is the same desire
that drove so many Blacks to FORCE THEMSELVES on unwilling whites. They
legitimized this RAPE LUST with preachers' talk and high-sounding
ideals, supplied by masochistic whites, but in their HEARTS they all
felt what Cleaver described: an overwhemling feeling of self-hate,
envy, and LUST. This is the desire that fueled the black Civil Right's
Page 161: "I believe that if a leader wanted to unite the Negroes in a
solid unity, he could do so very easily. All he'd have to do is promise
every black man a white woman and every black woman a white man. He
would have so many followers that he wouldn't know what to do with them
all." This is called INTERGRATION. This was the promise offered by
Black leaders: MIXING with the Whites.
What motivated these Whites to promise Blacks intergration with Whites?
Cleaver quotes Norman Podhoretz's essay "My Negro Problem--And Ours,"
from "Commentary" Feb 1963 ("Soul on Ice" page 191): "...just as in
childhood I ENVIED the Negroes for what seemed to me their superior
masculinity, so I ENVY them today for what seems to me their superior
physical grace and beauty."
Once again, ENVY ruled the Civil Rights movement's leaders, Black and
non-Black. This same bitter, resentful, ENVY rules Blacks today. Blacks
have STOLEN aspects of White culture and turned them into a very
negative "Black Culture." Despite all the words, it is about Blacks
ENVYING whites.
That is why their insane youth wear flashy clothes and aspire to drive
fancy cars. They hate themselves to the CORE. They seek to BECOME the
White Man. This insane, jealous desire can only result in the
DESTRUCTION of both groups, Black and White. Blacks have thrown away
what they once had to IMITATE aspects of white culture (because they
want to BECOME White! Not LIKE whites, but they want to BECOME WHITE!).
They have dominated the hearts of timid, weak whites, who have thrown
billions of their hard-earned money and wealth to the Blacks, who have
only devoured it like an ever-expanding Black Hole's vortex.
The Blacks have NOT improved. They are worse off than ever, despite the
effort spent to help them. They CONSUME this money and send it down a
tunnel to oblivion. Every city that they've touched has become a
Whites, as if in a trance, GIVE AND GIVE to the greedy Black Holes.
American Whites have THROWN AWAY more and more of their civilization to
these greedy, devouring monsters. WHEN WILL THEY STOP? If Whites
continue, they will throw away EVERYTHING THEY HAVE to these jealous
Blacks, and they will be left with NOTHING.