Fallujah ragheads: "City unfit for animals" HAHAHAHA!
(too old to reply)
Kaptain L'Merika
2004-12-28 22:15:53 UTC
Bani adam aezaye yek digarand
ke dar afarinesh be yek goharand
cho ozvi be dard avarad rozegar
degar ozv ha ra namanad qarar
to kaz mehnate digaran bighami
nashayad ke namat nahand adami

"For children, a woman. For pleasure, a boy. But for sheer ecstacy, a

-- Old Arab Proverb
Kaptain L'Merika
2004-12-29 03:36:39 UTC
The people are coming back , their house is destroyed , their friend and
relative are killed
they have no food , no jobs , no money Ž, nothing , they are angry.
they will join the resitance and
in doing so will be shot down as the subanthropoidal dogs that they are.

Ask them if they'd rather have Saddam back, Akhmed
Kaptain L'Merika
2004-12-29 04:20:31 UTC
The iraqi are fighting in own country , they afford the high casualties.
That I can believe, the way their women keep spewing out two-legged smart
bombs who can hardly wait to throw their lives away for nothing.
according to koran , fighting and dying for god and vaterland is the
greatest possible honor.
Hmmm, that's odd. The "vaterland" of Iraq is based on lines drawn on a map
by British cartographers a hundred years ago.
a moslem woman will be glad to give her children to jihad.
That's why we keep saying, "Kill them all and let Allah sort them out."
Life on Earth is worthless to Muslims. They'd rather kill infidels by
blowing themselves up at age 18 and taking a shortcut to Heaven rather than
spend a lifetime of grinding, wretched poverty thanks to the laws of
Mohammed that they're forced to obey.
dying in Jihad is the shortest way to paradise ,
Typical stupid-ass camel jock, demanding "instant gratification." Why work
yourself to heaven when you can kill yourself and take a shortcut, huh?
living under occupation is the hell .
the US cannot afford such high causalties , the US soldiers donŽt fight
Vaterland or God or Freedom , They are
mercenaries , they have to fight for a handful valueless $ , the hell is
their home and evil their fate.
Again, when things get bad enough, entire Islamic countries will be
COMPLETELY DEPOPULATED, almost certainly with chemical weapons. After
enough terror attacks by ragheads, no one in the civilized world will object
to large portions of the Middle East being subjected to the Mother Of All
Ethnic Cleansings. I mean it will attract no more attention than spraying
for vermin. The oil, the ports, and the refineries will still be there
after nothing but single-celled organisms have been left alive.
Kaptain L'Merika
2004-12-29 22:47:00 UTC
If Democracy fails, then
eventually Arab anger towards the middle east will reach a crescendo
and an all out world war between Christian nations and Islamic nations
will follow.
Translation: Islam will be wiped off the face of the earth.
Wonko The Sane
2005-01-09 04:11:48 UTC
Post by Kaptain L'Merika
If Democracy fails, then
eventually Arab anger towards the middle east will reach a crescendo
and an all out world war between Christian nations and Islamic nations
will follow.
Translation: Islam will be wiped off the face of the earth.
Oh don't be silly. If democracy fails the US will pull back its
troops and the Islamic nations will proceed to kill each other
off as they struggle to fill the power vacuum we created.
I'm betting that the Tikriti Sunnis would come out on
top in a civil war. The Saddamites can't do much against a real army
like ours, but if they are up against Shiites they don't have
to try to hard to win.
2005-01-09 04:46:35 UTC
Post by Wonko The Sane
Post by Kaptain L'Merika
If Democracy fails, then
eventually Arab anger towards the middle east will reach a crescendo
and an all out world war between Christian nations and Islamic nations
will follow.
Translation: Islam will be wiped off the face of the earth.
Oh don't be silly. If democracy fails the US will pull back its
troops and the Islamic nations will proceed to kill each other
off as they struggle to fill the power vacuum we created.
I'm betting that the Tikriti Sunnis would come out on
top in a civil war. The Saddamites can't do much against a real army
like ours, but if they are up against Shiites they don't have
to try to hard to win.
Your malice is effeminate; and hence, disgusting. Go home. You don't

Wonko The Sane
2005-01-09 15:17:20 UTC
Post by Grantland
Post by Wonko The Sane
Post by Kaptain L'Merika
If Democracy fails, then
eventually Arab anger towards the middle east will reach a crescendo
and an all out world war between Christian nations and Islamic nations
will follow.
Translation: Islam will be wiped off the face of the earth.
Oh don't be silly. If democracy fails the US will pull back its
troops and the Islamic nations will proceed to kill each other
off as they struggle to fill the power vacuum we created.
I'm betting that the Tikriti Sunnis would come out on
top in a civil war. The Saddamites can't do much against a real army
like ours, but if they are up against Shiites they don't have
to try to hard to win.
Your malice is effeminate; and hence, disgusting. Go home. You don't
Lets see, you're the one posting all the "Jewish Cabal rules the world"
I thought running around like a frantic ninny babbling about
Jewish bogeymen hiding under your bed was an effeminate trait.
As for not belonging, I assure you I don't belong to your crew.
Bush is the AntiChrist!!
2005-01-09 16:41:37 UTC
Post by Wonko The Sane
Post by Kaptain L'Merika
If Democracy fails, then
eventually Arab anger towards the middle east will reach a crescendo
and an all out world war between Christian nations and Islamic nations
will follow.
Translation: Islam will be wiped off the face of the earth.
Oh don't be silly. If democracy fails the US will pull back its
troops and the Islamic nations will proceed to kill each other
off as they struggle to fill the power vacuum we created.
I doubt it there never was a vacuum, the Sunnis are still in charge and
contol everything over there. The Shiites have no political experience,
and are no more saavy than your typical American rural hick.

The Sunnis are your New Yorkers.
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Bush is re-elected, fly the flag upside down!
