Scamming Blacks
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S. L'Gree
2004-09-06 03:35:56 UTC
Government does none of this. It will do many other things for blacks.
It will provide food, housing, medical care-charity, things that keepers
of a zoo would provide. It provides jobs on easy terms. It never does
anything that implies an expectation of performance.
That's why America is nothing more than a Wild nigger Animal Park and
we merely manage the nigger herd here as best as possible.
Now.....when are we going to start managing the size of the herd
Open up a "Wild Nigger Safari Jungle Theme Park.". As you drive though the
gates of any state pen, you look to the right and see a herd of niggers
rumbling majestically down a B-ball court chasing its instinctual game, the

As you gaze to the left you view a heard of aboriginal nig-nogs grazing on
various forms of sustenance such as pork rinds, quarter-pounders with
cheese, extra-crunchy extra-spicy fried chicken, carp heads, watermelon,
chitluns, crunchy corn starch, and nigger corpses. Its also fascinating to
be there during nigger catnip hour when the feeders throw crack rocks in the
enclosure and watch the niggers tussle and scratch each other with glee over
this nigger delight. Remember don't get to close or the niggers will fling
some nigger poo at you. Its best to keep your windows rolled up too. These
comical primates find find poo-flinging funny.

Down at the water hole niggers congregate to get their fill of malt liquor,
where many of the nigger call and hoot can be heard such as "yo, wassup
muthafucka," "fucka," "eyez gots me da whitez bitch," "wor bon, wor bon, wor
bon," "crack da king, crack you up".

Many things frighten these proto-monkeys especially sounds like "work" or
"pay the bills". These sounds are even used to keep these wild beast niggers
in the nigger areas of the theme park.

Of course, sometimes a nigger gets rambunctious and escapes from its
habitat. This is why every visitor to the Wild Nigger Safari Jungle Theme
Park is given a large caliber machine gun to dispose of the obnoxious
nigger. Remember, don't aim at the nigger head as the skull bone is very
thick and its brain is too small for all but the most highly trained
marksman to even hope to hit. Aim at the shins to knock it down and then
just let it bleed out. The other niggers will consume the living beast right
before your very eyes!!!!

So remember next time you're vacationing just drive up to any of the
nation's many friendly prisons.

Drive in and say: "I want to spend the day at Wild Nigger Safari Jungle
Theme Park!!!!!!."

2004-09-06 01:49:36 UTC
Post by S. L'Gree
Government does none of this. It will do many other things for blacks.
It will provide food, housing, medical care-charity, things that keepers
of a zoo would provide. It provides jobs on easy terms. It never does
anything that implies an expectation of performance.
That's why America is nothing more than a Wild nigger Animal Park and
we merely manage the nigger herd here as best as possible.
Now.....when are we going to start managing the size of the herd
Open up a "Wild Nigger Safari Jungle Theme Park.". As you drive though the
gates of any state pen, you look to the right and see a herd of niggers
rumbling majestically down a B-ball court chasing its instinctual game, the
"Instinctual game" huh? Oh how soon we forget. The white man created the
game and the white man used to say that the black man did not have the
physical aspects to play the game(excuse). Once we not only learned how to
play b-ball and other sports, we mastered them! Then the excuse was:"the
black man is physically designed for such a game." That is yet another
excuse. They claimed that the white man had the mind and the black man had
the body. That is why they like to keep coaches as whites as possible and
certain teams like the Utah Jazz make it a point to have at least two of
their starters be white. The lone holdout position was the NFL quarterback.
Whites needed to have a position that they could compete in, so (as usual)
instead of having an equal playing field, whites made sure that blacks got
shut out of the QB position. The last thing whites want is an all-black
sports league. Why shouldn't be since blacks are the ones who make it worth
watching. Whites still own.
2004-09-06 03:06:01 UTC
Post by S. L'Gree
Government does none of this. It will do many other things for blacks.
It will provide food, housing, medical care-charity, things that keepers
of a zoo would provide. It provides jobs on easy terms. It never does
anything that implies an expectation of performance.
That's why America is nothing more than a Wild nigger Animal Park and
we merely manage the nigger herd here as best as possible.
Now.....when are we going to start managing the size of the herd
Open up a "Wild Nigger Safari Jungle Theme Park.". As you drive though the
gates of any state pen, you look to the right and see a herd of niggers
rumbling majestically down a B-ball court chasing its instinctual game, the
As you gaze to the left you view a heard of aboriginal nig-nogs grazing on
various forms of sustenance such as pork rinds, quarter-pounders with
cheese, extra-crunchy extra-spicy fried chicken, carp heads, watermelon,
chitluns, crunchy corn starch, and nigger corpses. Its also fascinating to
be there during nigger catnip hour when the feeders throw crack rocks in the
enclosure and watch the niggers tussle and scratch each other with glee over
this nigger delight. Remember don't get to close or the niggers will fling
some nigger poo at you. Its best to keep your windows rolled up too. These
comical primates find find poo-flinging funny.
Down at the water hole niggers congregate to get their fill of malt liquor,
where many of the nigger call and hoot can be heard such as "yo, wassup
muthafucka," "fucka," "eyez gots me da whitez bitch," "wor bon, wor bon, wor
bon," "crack da king, crack you up".
Many things frighten these proto-monkeys especially sounds like "work" or
"pay the bills". These sounds are even used to keep these wild beast niggers
in the nigger areas of the theme park.
Of course, sometimes a nigger gets rambunctious and escapes from its
habitat. This is why every visitor to the Wild Nigger Safari Jungle Theme
Park is given a large caliber machine gun to dispose of the obnoxious
nigger. Remember, don't aim at the nigger head as the skull bone is very
thick and its brain is too small for all but the most highly trained
marksman to even hope to hit. Aim at the shins to knock it down and then
just let it bleed out. The other niggers will consume the living beast right
before your very eyes!!!!
So remember next time you're vacationing just drive up to any of the
nation's many friendly prisons.
Drive in and say: "I want to spend the day at Wild Nigger Safari Jungle
Theme Park!!!!!!."
DREAMER !!!!!!!! Kombatt 18.
