When kaffirs crash in the jungle --
(too old to reply)
S. L'Gree
2004-12-18 04:12:24 UTC
-- and no one is around to hear it, do they make any noise?

Dangers of flying in Africa

By Lucy Jones
BBC News Online

Air crashes in Africa are not uncommon.

While living in the Central African Republic a large Boeing cargo airplane
carrying onions from Chad crashed into a neighbourhood not far from where I

Only one of 22 passengers survived - a crew member who took refuge in the
metal-walled kitchen.

He had lived through several crashes - which he regarded as one of the
dangers of working on African airlines.

He told investigators that the aircraft had crashed because it had run out
of fuel - a minute before reaching the runway.

A few days later, a friend working for an aid organisation crashed an
aircraft upon landing - the termite hills on the red dust runway had got in
the way.

My friends who flew diamond dealers to mines in the bush would say they were
often forced to fly overloaded.

Travelling by air in parts of Africa can be fraught with inconveniences.

Flights can be delayed for days or in some cases even weeks at a time, with
passengers often given no compensation or even a hotel bed.

To arrive with all one's luggage intact can be nothing short of a miracle.

Limited transport

But flying can also be dangerous.

Mark Pilling, managing editor of London-based Airline Business recommends
passengers travelling across the continent to stick to established airlines.

"Scheduled airlines in Africa are safe as anywhere else - generally," he

But scheduled airlines do not exist in many corners of Africa.

And given the vastness of the continent and the lack of road and railway
networks, there is often no other way of getting around, other than to fly.

1983 Angolan Airlines Boeing 737 - 126 killed
1987 South African Airways Boeing 747 - 160 killed
1989 French UTA DC-10 - 171 killed
1995 Cameroon airliner - 60 killed
1996 Antonov-32 cargo plane - 350 killed
2000 - Kenya Airways Airbus - 169 killed

2004-12-20 17:05:06 UTC
Post by S. L'Gree
-- and no one is around to hear it, do they make any noise?
2004-12-20 17:17:06 UTC
niggers always make noise.
Post by Blippie
Post by S. L'Gree
-- and no one is around to hear it, do they make any noise?
LEROY KNEVIL, black history advisor to the stars says:
Gay_Creeper and his asshole nigger butt buddy EXTREME are
pussy farts,brain dead butt plugs!!!Just like
the rest of the niggers in the world!!they all need shooting!!
Mr./Mrs.EXTREME is an AIDS carrier in a penal facility!
He/She wears women clothing and is the queen of cell block
"N"! Mr/Mrs, EXTREME has been in lockups most of his/her
adult life.Mr./Mrs. EXTREME loves kids! so watch out!
Mr./Mrs.EXTREME is a tattoo freak also.Mr./Mrs.EXTREME has
tattoos of small children around his/her pubic area.
INSTRUMENTS!!!!! Mr./Mrs. EXTREME can be found in other
inmates cells at night or lurking in the showers!!
Mr./Mrs.EXTREME will rape,rob or kill you! Mr./Mrs.EXTREME
is a typical nigger animal! Mr./Mrs.EXTREME should have
gotten the death sentence. but due to liberal nigger
lovers Mr./Mrs.EXTREME did not! Mr./Mrs.EXTREME could be
released at anytime so be on the look out.
running with scissors
2004-12-21 08:26:28 UTC
niggers always make noise.
not if the bass bins are blown.
