Post by Joel EdgeNot having kids doesn't mean that you are more responsible. Wages haven't
kept track with the cost of living. Your heterosexual neighbors are having
raise kids and feed them. You don't have that problem. Your health insurance
is (probably) also cheaper. Auto also probably don't cost as much. Is your
car insurance as a single? When you married your car insurance skyrockets.
When your kids get old enough to drive, get a second or part time job.
I am recently divorced. My kids are pretty much grown. My expenses are lot
cheaper now.
I was just following the logic of the original writer who suggested that
homosexuals pay for the cost of treating AIDS because they account for
most of of the total cost of public AIDS treatment in the U.S. My
reasoning is that if we do this, then since poor heterosexuals with too
many children make up most of the total cost of public emergency room
treatment in the U.S., that they somehow be required to pay for it, and
I suggested a tax on children.
I actually got the idea from a local newspaper article I read last week.
The columnist was discussing the recent scandals surrounding Texas'
child protective services in which overloaded caseworkers failed to
protect children under their review who later died from abuse. He was
arguing for increased funding of the child protective services agency,
and he suggested increasing the cigarette tax to pay for it. I thought
that was just ludicrous, while I hate tobacco and smokers I don't see
why they should be forced to pay for child protection. Taxes are often
collected in a way so that they are somewhat related to the services
they pay for. So gasoline taxes pay for road maintenance, cigarette
taxes for health care of smokers, alcohol taxes might be used to fund
DWI enforcement, etc. Since child protective services protect all
children from abuse, it seems reasonable that some sort of tax be
levied on children to pay for their protection.
Also, the more children a person has, the more the government has to
pay for their public education. Yet a person with 10 kids pays the
same school district property tax as his homosexual neighbor with no
kids at all. Or in your case, you paid taxes to educate your kids
who are now out of school, and you are still paying taxes to educate
other people's kids.