(too old to reply)
2004-11-03 11:55:48 UTC
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?


BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?

2004-11-03 16:58:39 UTC
Post by SueNet
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
(g) Keep on guessing - you might even get lucky some day!
Post by SueNet
All that wailing - stub yer toe did ya?
Post by SueNet
BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
Uh, DUMMY - uber k00k has the aol account.

They call me "STROMBERG"
2004-11-03 23:24:18 UTC
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 06:55:48 -0500, in alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d,
Post by SueNet
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
what you should be asking him is, did he ever figure out how to access
the bios on the old ibm he aquired from his next door neighbor.

2004-11-04 00:16:51 UTC
Post by Rackemup
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 06:55:48 -0500, in alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d,
Post by SueNet
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
what you should be asking him is, did he ever figure out how to access
the bios on the old ibm he aquired from his next door neighbor.
rackalump - the toad that stabbed noodles right square in the back
2004-11-04 00:24:58 UTC
Post by Rackemup
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 06:55:48 -0500, in alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d,
Post by SueNet
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
what you should be asking him is, did he ever figure out how to access
the bios on the old ibm he aquired from his next door neighbor.
rackalump - the toad that stabbed noodles right square in the back
You're sick, John. Seek help now.
2004-11-04 01:52:07 UTC
Post by Rackemup
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 06:55:48 -0500, in alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d,
Post by SueNet
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
what you should be asking him is, did he ever figure out how to access
the bios on the old ibm he aquired from his next door neighbor.
rackalump - the toad that stabbed noodles right square in the back
You're right, John.
Yup, it's true.
2004-11-04 02:42:49 UTC
Yup, it's true. I'm sick and I need help.
Yes, John, it's true. You are sick and you need help.
2004-11-04 04:07:34 UTC
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 19:16:51 -0500, in alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d,
Post by Rackemup
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 06:55:48 -0500, in alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d,
Post by SueNet
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
what you should be asking him is, did he ever figure out how to access
the bios on the old ibm he aquired from his next door neighbor.
rackalump - the toad that stabbed noodles right square in the back
oooops my mistake it was a compaq.

This has probably got to be the second most common question after
" where's the ON switch".
Friends next door just inherited their daughters' Presario. I've never
had the priviledge of owning a "name computer". But still, need to set
the printer port from "standard" to ECP/EPP so that it'll properly
drive a Canon printer in Win98.
Now after wandering hopelessly lost thru ComPAQs site, I still don't
have a clue. Is BIOS accessible at boot time via keypress combo? Does
it require a separate boot/diags diskette? Is this function reached
within Windows/Control Panel? Does one of the many ComPAQ cds this
thing came with likely to be required?
They being "old" like me, are not "touchpad friendly", and would like
to use a standard keyboard and mouse. The machine has 1 ps2 port. Is
the simplest method to use a ps2 keyboard on that port, then a
standard serial mouse on the 9pin DIN?
Multi-Tiered Untouchability
2004-11-04 06:23:03 UTC
Post by SueNet
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
You're not factoring in the sporge attacks, are you?
Post by SueNet
BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
I don't see how any of this is helpful.
Its just another example of Bill's pathetic face saving attempts that
failed miserably. Bill has been kicked, spit on and humiliated so very
badly the last couple of weeks, these tiny fisted tantrums are to be

I must confess - watching Bill do his daily morning damage control
dance has been a great source of entertainment for me of late. (BSEG)

PS - If you're ever in the Canton Ohio area (Plain Township), I _highly_
recommend 'Rumours Cafe' on 30th St. I got a thick juicy strip steak cooked
to perfection (medium bloody) and topped with grilled asparagus spears that
was quite good and reasonably priced to boot.
2004-11-04 06:39:29 UTC
Glory ye on this holy date 4 Nov 2004 06:23:03 -0000
It came to pass when Multi-Tiered Untouchability <***@bills_house.now>
Hast spoken it in <***@anonymous.poster>
And thee said unto news:alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d
::On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 15:29:09 -0000, "(akula)" <***@sharks.plc.ltd>
::>SueNet <***@insurgent.orq> wrote:
::>>John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
::>>triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
::>You're not factoring in the sporge attacks, are you?
::>>BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
::>I don't see how any of this is helpful.
::Its just another example of Bill's pathetic face saving attempts//SLAP//

Did ya email him yet, chickenshit.
- --

Another fine post from TheApostle:

Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives,
arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality,
insane speculation, and wild rumours.

Newbie information for first-time posters. We don't want to know who you are,
where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother or UFF.

"Raw Data for Raw Nerves"
Got troll problems or a sociopath problem
Find out here: http://tinylink.com/?c3n59rn4zJ

Need a Quote?

Real Pirates are no pirates at all; They don't kill for their reputation
...they earn it.
Meat Plow
2004-11-04 11:28:57 UTC
Post by Multi-Tiered Untouchability
Post by SueNet
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
You're not factoring in the sporge attacks, are you?
Post by SueNet
BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
I don't see how any of this is helpful.
Its just another example of Bill's pathetic face saving attempts that
failed miserably. Bill has been kicked, spit on and humiliated so very
badly the last couple of weeks, these tiny fisted tantrums are to be
ummmmm,, you're the one issuing the Death Match challenges and posting
threats not me, John :)
Post by Multi-Tiered Untouchability
I must confess - watching Bill do his daily morning damage control dance
has been a great source of entertainment for me of late. (BSEG)
Nothing beats watching you and John Stromberg trying to waltz your way out
of this outing :)
Post by Multi-Tiered Untouchability
PS - If you're ever in the Canton Ohio area (Plain Township), I _highly_
recommend 'Rumours Cafe' on 30th St. I got a thick juicy strip steak
cooked to perfection (medium bloody) and topped with grilled asparagus
spears that was quite good and reasonably priced to boot.
Rumours sucks. Best place for steaks is Peter Shears. Here is the address,
how about I buy you a nice bloody rare filet some night? Email
***@skuz.net with the date and time. And use your bandwidth
provider-given account so I can verify this won't be a wild goose chase.

Peter Shears Downtown
427 East Tuscarawas Street (Cherry)
Canton , OH 44708
Phone: (330) 588-8300
Cuisine: American , Fine Dining

I was there last night :)
Meat Plow
2004-11-05 12:18:01 UTC
Post by SueNet
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
You're not factoring in the sporge attacks, are you?
Post by SueNet
BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
I don't see how any of this is helpful.
Did anyone else's Irony Meter explode when they read this?
There's something you're missing Tripp - I learn from my mistakes.
There's also a wide gulf between our approach to usenet. I don't hold
newsgroup takeovers and endless bwahahaha bullsh*t in high regard. Your
"outing" of batty didn't cause him to run away and neither has your
"outing" of john_s - but it might end up with some guy in Michigan getting
some undeserved harassment.
And your years of being a hypocritical pompous ass have not done one
fucking thing either. You're still the whiny little piece of shit
who responds to every troll the UFFuckheads post. I wish I had a fucking
dollar for each time someone told you to "practice what you preach"
You are NOT Mr. Usenet, Mr. Warez so take my advise and get the fuck over
yourself now.
I subscribe to usenet because I enjoy helping others and learning from
others. If I wanted to be a real asshole, I could start unloading some of
your private gaffs here - but that would just give the idiots more to crow
over. I want to see the noise level drop, not go up.
What do you mean "if I wanted to be a real asshole" ???? NEWSFLASH!! You
are a real asshole. That's the way most everyone feels about you. YOu are
the reason the UFFuckheads are as fucked up as they are. You're the reason
Chris Caputo gets some "undeserved harrassment" Why the fuck don't you
just admit to being a fucking troll and get it over with already. That's
what you are.
2004-11-05 17:40:48 UTC
Post by Meat Plow
Post by SueNet
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
You're not factoring in the sporge attacks, are you?
Post by SueNet
BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
I don't see how any of this is helpful.
Did anyone else's Irony Meter explode when they read this?
There's something you're missing Tripp - I learn from my mistakes.
There's also a wide gulf between our approach to usenet. I don't hold
newsgroup takeovers and endless bwahahaha bullsh*t in high regard. Your
"outing" of batty didn't cause him to run away and neither has your
"outing" of john_s - but it might end up with some guy in Michigan getting
some undeserved harassment.
And your years of being a hypocritical pompous ass have not done one
fucking thing either. You're still the whiny little piece of shit
who responds to every troll the UFFuckheads post. I wish I had a fucking
dollar for each time someone told you to "practice what you preach"
You are NOT Mr. Usenet, Mr. Warez so take my advise and get the fuck over
yourself now.
Unoriginal, many others have already said EXACTLY the same thing.
Post by Meat Plow
I subscribe to usenet because I enjoy helping others and learning from
others. If I wanted to be a real asshole, I could start unloading some of
your private gaffs here - but that would just give the idiots more to crow
over. I want to see the noise level drop, not go up.
What do you mean "if I wanted to be a real asshole" ???? NEWSFLASH!! You
are a real asshole. That's the way most everyone feels about you. YOu are
the reason the UFFuckheads are as fucked up as they are. You're the reason
Chris Caputo gets some "undeserved harrassment" Why the fuck don't you
just admit to being a fucking troll and get it over with already. That's
what you are.
Unoriginal, many others have already said EXACTLY the same thing.
Meat Plow
2004-11-05 12:19:56 UTC
Post by SueNet
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
You're not factoring in the sporge attacks, are you?
Post by SueNet
BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
I don't see how any of this is helpful.
Did anyone else's Irony Meter explode when they read this?
There's something you're missing Tripp - I learn from my mistakes.
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's also a wide gulf between our approach to usenet.
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't hold newsgroup takeovers and endless bwahahaha bullsh*t in high
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your "outing" of
batty didn't cause him to run away and neither has your "outing" of
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- but it might end up with some guy
in Michigan getting some undeserved harassment.
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I subscribe to usenet because I enjoy helping others and learning from
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
If I wanted to be a real
asshole, I could start unloading some of your private gaffs here
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- but that would just give the idiots more
to crow over. I want to see the noise level drop, not go up.
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
Damn son, them are some real FLAMES !!

BTW, got that AOL laptop secured yet?

2004-11-05 17:43:12 UTC
Post by Meat Plow
Post by SueNet
John_Stromberg posted almost 100 times yesterday. That's damn near
triple what he usually posts. Guess I struck a nerve eh?
You're not factoring in the sporge attacks, are you?
Post by SueNet
BTW how's that AOL account and your laptop doin, Mr. Stromberg?
I don't see how any of this is helpful.
Did anyone else's Irony Meter explode when they read this?
There's something you're missing Tripp - I learn from my mistakes.
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's also a wide gulf between our approach to usenet.
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't hold newsgroup takeovers and endless bwahahaha bullsh*t in high
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your "outing" of
batty didn't cause him to run away and neither has your "outing" of
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- but it might end up with some guy
in Michigan getting some undeserved harassment.
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I subscribe to usenet because I enjoy helping others and learning from
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
If I wanted to be a real
asshole, I could start unloading some of your private gaffs here
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- but that would just give the idiots more
to crow over. I want to see the noise level drop, not go up.
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
drippy say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
say:Muhahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drippy
Damn son, them are some real FLAMES !!
BTW, got that AOL laptop secured yet?
BTW, have you "hacked" it yet?

What was your plan, sending an infected e-mail from your OE client,
and pasting "Muhahahahahahahahah" at the end?


Go get 'em poosy - erm, "tigger".
