On Fri, 05 Nov 2004 18:56:00 -0500, Meat Plow <***@skuz.net> wrote
something really boring, so it
was replaced with interesting stuff:
From: John_S <***@orchard.net>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d,...,alt.buzzard.rules
Subject: Re: John_Stromberg OWN3D for life
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 17:02:44 -0500
I would expect you to deny it, John, but my intel says otherwise. And
ironically that intel is someone who you know right here in ibm-pc.d :)
Enjoy your OUTING, I'll enjoy watching you twitch and squirm denying it.
(g) Yeah,it's gotta be more entertaining than rolling that booger
between your thumb and finger.
Only bitches and queers have a tough time dealing with life's little
setbacks - you already my bitch - now it looks like yer gonna go queer
on us.
Here's a hanky "Sue" - now blooooooooooow!
ya dumb little fag.
From: John_S <***@orchard.net>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d
Subject: Re: John_Stromberg OWN3D for life
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 17:51:33 -0500
Yes he is John Stromberg. He's been around for quite a long time and has
a very colorful past with ties to the old Inner Circle. Looks like he
shouldn't have trusted a certain person with his real name especially
when he decided to kook out and align himself with the UFFucknozzles.
His hypocrisy IS THE HUMOR.
Wuzza matter poosy, dontcha like me laffing atchoo?!
My intel is certain of this. I wouldn't go public with this if it was
anything less than accurate.
Oh please, please, please. Pursue that John Stromberg thing!
BTW, it's the fact that you'd try it that let's the rest of Usnet know
what a dickless bitch you are. Makes me feel good knowing I did not
misjudge you.
I don't give a flying fuck about warez posters. They can take care of
themselves. All I care about is Boone and now Stromberg trying to squirm
their way out of an outing.
Oh yeah, look at me squirm!
From: John_S <***@orchard.net>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d,...,alt.fan.uff
Subject: Re: John_Stromberg OWN3D for life
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 17:14:23 -0500
Yes he is John Stromberg. He's been around for quite a long time and has
a very colorful past with ties to the old Inner Circle.
With "ties" to the IC? - then you really have no idea - no friggin
A railroad track has "ties" buttstick - the IC never did. But keep on
digging - when your plum tuckered out - head on down to Arkansas -
they got some public diamond fields your kind of enthusiasm would
enjoy - you won't get shit there either, but mebbe some day a farmer
will appreciate the well-tilled soil.
Looks like he shouldn't have trusted a certain person with his real
name especially when he decided to kook out and align himself with
the UFFucknozzles.
You'd laff your ass off at all his dirty little secrets. :)
(g) So would I - tell me some of the more colorful ones, would ya?
C'mon, you and me - we should play a little game - you tell a story,
and I back your ass up and load it with gunpowder for being so damn
Stories and secrets - we want stories and secrets drippy!!!!
Here, poosy, poosy poosy, give us a secret!