Post by Meat Plow[snip]
Would you mind explaining - are you stating his last name is Stromberg?
Yes he is John Stromberg. He's been around for quite a long time and has
a very colorful past with ties to the old Inner Circle.
With "ties" to the IC? - then you really have no idea - no friggin
A railroad track has "ties" buttstick - the IC never did. But keep on
digging - when your plum tuckered out - head on down to Arkansas -
they got some public diamond fields your kind of enthusiasm would
enjoy - you won't get shit there either, but mebbe some day a farmer
will appreciate the well-tilled soil.
Post by Meat PlowLooks like he
shouldn't have trusted a certain person with his real name especially when
he decided to kook out and align himself with the UFFucknozzles.
You'd laff your ass off at all his dirty little secrets. :)
(g) So would I - tell me some of the more colorful ones, would ya?
C'mon, you and me - we should play a little game - you tell a story,
and I back your ass up and load it with gunpowder for being so damn
Stories and secrets - we want stories and secrets drippy!!!!
Here, poosy, poosy poosy, give us a secret!