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Here is some more racist propaganda from our media.
A perspective is lacking. Extreme accusations - probably by those who have
been bribed - are blown out proportion and the native and the native's
values are trashed.
The peculiar and weird anarchist views are given center stage as
representing the prevailing, popular sentiment.
Should a 'respectable' media bother with the trashy sensationalism promoted
in this article about Zambia?
On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 16:08:52 -0700, "S. L'Gree"
Post by S. L'GreeAIDS cure beliefs fuel child rape
By Shapi Shacinda
LUSAKA (Reuters) -
Ahh. Reuters.
Post by S. L'GreeA myth is fuelling a heinous crime across southern
I note that at no time have I read a report from Reuters which refer to
the aggression in Iraq and the rapes and murders of thousands of innocent
beings as 'heinous crime'.
Is it? Or about what could be fueling similar 'heinous crimes' in UK or
Post by S. L'GreeIt goes like this: if you want to succeed at
work or cure yourself of AIDS, you need to have sex with
a minor or one of your own children.
The result has been a surge in reported cases of child
rape, particularly in Zambia, a scourge that has shaken
this deeply Christian country of 10 million people to
its core.
Is it a 'christian' myth?
Recent month-long visit to Southern African countries by colleagues did not
uncover such a myth - leave alone "a surge".
My visit a few years ago to some rural areas in East AFrican region
revealed numerous communities ( that were away from the white tourist
routes) that were essentially untouched by HIV/AIDS.
There are many in USA who subscribe to similar myths regarding incurable
diseases - not just HIV/AIDS.
Post by S. L'GreeAbout one in five Zambian adults has the HIV virus
that leads to AIDS; around 22 million people in the
whole southern African region are infected.
How often do we read words like "about" and "up to" or "as many as") when
foreigners with ulterior ($$) motives refer to HIV/AIDS in African
[Shall we read "up to 150% of the population is affected"?]
Do we read those evasive phrases when referring to HIV/AIDS in USA or UK
...? Rarely.
[You probably never read the following: "About 1 in 3 people in
USA are infected with the HIV/AIDS virus .." Why not? More later]
Since we really don't know the figure well, would the rate also be stated
as 'about 1 in 100'?
Let us have a perspective here: How many people in the whole of New York
area are affected? Or Los Angeles?
How many people in the USA region are affected? How many in the EU region?
[Hint: Many times more]
Would Reuters worry more, and write even more articles, covering countries
where the incidence of HIV+ status is higher than in Zambia?
Post by S. L'GreeAlmost every day, Zambian newspapers carry chilling tales
of child rape -- tales that are depressingly familiar to
readers of the South African press, where the only
consolation may lie in the fact that they are not quite
so frequent.
Whether or not sensational stories are carried in a publication depends on
a number of factors. For instance, could it be that the editors in South
Africa are a lot more sophisticated in excercising editing their stories
than those in Zambia? It also may depend on whether such lurid stories sell
papers in Zambia. We have many similarly trashy publications in USA. Most
of us disregard them as a source of news or information. Come to think of
it, Reuters probably yanks some stories from there ...
Post by S. L'GreeZambian Vice President Nevers Mumba says the crime has
become a serious problem, with more than 400 cases
recorded between January and June 2003, up from 238 in
the same period last year.
Some blame traditional healers, whom most people turn to
for medical advice, not least because so few can afford
a doctor.
"Traditional healers are misleading some rapists that HIV
infection can be reversed if a man has sex with a minor...
it is a tragedy and something that is endangering the
lives of our children," said Ireen Nkunda, a counsellor
for abused children at a Lusaka-based Young Women Christian
Association (YWCA).
Ahh. Christian. They couldn't pass the chance.
What are their christian priests trying to reverse when they have sex with
minors in their charge? Is it a less 'heinous crime' when priests do it?
We have not read from Reuters any reports of those who condemn, and call
for legislation against, the all christian, and especially the Catholic,
church. Is such a scathing condemnation of the christain church and the
bible that is 'fueling the heinous child rape' forthcoming from Reuters?
[What would we be reading in the media if those Islamists
were found engangiung in child reape/pedophilia in USA or
UK or Germany .. We would dismiss this trashy article except
for the 'heinous' racist, psychological warfare content
therein ..]
Post by S. L'GreeNkunda said the YWCA handled 110 cases of child rape
between January and September of this year.
Oh, well. Maybe the story should have been filed in September.
Post by S. L'Gree"Once we had a case of a father who raped his
one-and-half-year-old baby," she said.
We have cases of rapes of much younger kids - some just a few weeks old.
Thousands each year. Many of you have not read about it - unless you check
the police crime reports or court records.
Post by S. L'GreeRodwell Vongo, head of the Traditional Healers Association
of Zambia, denies any wrong-doing by his members.
"Our members cannot mislead people in such a manner...we
have been educating them not to mislead people that they
can cure AIDS," Vongo said.
But christians tell us they can cure it and other maladies by praying to
their god ....
Are the christians misleading us?
Post by S. L'GreeNkunda said a study had found that some men rape their
children after visiting traditional healers who advise
them to have sex with a daughter or young female relative
to boost profits in their businesses.
How were these 'studies' carried out? How were they designed?
Was coercion or threats used? How many such cases were found - so as to be
Was this a 'valid' study whose conclusions can be relied upon to
criminalize a profession?
Perhaps the traditional healers in Zambia should hire a lawyer and sue the
silly pants off those christian pedophiles and their 'study' dimwits for
Another way to look at the issue is this: Was rape - let alone the rape of
kids - prevalent in Africa's traditional cultures, in which the traditional
healers flourished, before the foreign whites placed a vile foot on their
ancestral lands? NO.
"Alternative medicine" and traditional healers thrive in USA.
There are many bad doctors in USA's hospitals who are responsible for
thousands of deaths every year. At times they are disciplined. Of course
we say bad stuff about the medical profession. But generally we do not
thereby embark on a crusade of damning the white man, the entire
profession, western medicine and our way of life as a result of the bad
But then, we do not promote role models in the government, professions or
the significant media those brainwashed goons who believe that our ways,
values and systems are subordinate to those of foreigners - such as the
Islamists, communists and froggies .. .
Post by S. L'Gree"Some men also believe that they will get promoted at
their place of work if they have sex with a minor...
our children are not safe because rapists are now
within our families," she said.
Does Reuters ever proof-read their articles for sense?
"our children are not safe .. within our families". How was this conclusion
arrived at?
Are our children in USA or UK not safe since we have a higher incidence of
child rape by parents and siblings in these societies?
Nearly a MILLION kids are raped by their parents and/or siblings
in UK EACH YEAR! How many?
"That proportion is equivalent to nearly 1m of the children
in Britain today. The NSPCC said 49% of the victims were
treated violently by their mother, 40% by their father and 8%
by a step-parent."
"One in 10 - mostly girls - have been forced into sex acts
under the age of 16 and involving people known to them. In
43% of cases, the perpetrator was a brother or stepbrother,
compared with 19% saying a stepfather and 14% naming their
Has Reuters, or the African smart-ass media men, written scathing attacks
on this heinous crime? Since they are so comcerned about the African kids,
then have they checked to make sure that the whites - especially the
britons - are NOT engaging in such acts in AFrica?
So far, the reports of child rape by whites in Africa - even of pedophilia
by the Catholic priests - are not forthcoming. Should we assume that the
priests of the Christian churches in Africa do not come from the same stock
(or persuasion) as the priests in USA and EU countries? Yet we know that
many of the priests in Africa were trained in the west and do make frequent
trips abroad.
If the kids are not safe with their parents, then where should they be -
with the 'celibate', godly priests? In the homes of the officers of the
department of social services or the homes of foster parents ( where rapes
of minors are frequently reported)?
Post by S. L'GreeIn September, the story of an 11-year-old girl who died
after being raped repeatedly by her half-brother prompted
a national awakening on the subject. Police spokeswoman
Brenda Muntemba blamed "weak laws" for the increasing
child rape cases
"There is nothing the police can do if an offender
is arrested and appears before court where he is then
given bail. Our court system and even the prisons
(service) need serious reforms," Muntemba said.
There are strong laws in UK and USA. The rape of minors by parents has not
abated. On the contrary.
The root causes of the problem lie elsewhere. Perhaps a knowledgeable
person should have been interviewed.
Legal Affairs Minister George Kunda said the government was
re-drafting the Rape Act to introduce severe sentences for
child rape. Most people convicted of child rape are sentenced to
somewhere between three months and five years -- not nearly long
enough, according to child welfare advocates.
How long is "long enough"? If he knows it, shouldn't he inform the
authorities in UK and USA which have a similar problem? Do we need stricter
legislation in USA and UK? Do we need stricter legislation against priests
and the christian churches?
Post by S. L'Gree"We are reforming all laws on sexual offences, especially those
relating to child rape...we want to provide for serious sentences
that will deter would-be offenders," Kunda said.
Activists say the government is all talk and no action. "Child
rapists need to be caged.....," said Lumba Siyanga, spokeswoman
for Women for Change, Zambia's leading women's rights group.
I suspect that she will change her tune if asked whether child molesting
priests are beasts that should be jailed ...
Post by S. L'GreeThe law stipulates that no one should be subjected to HIV
tests and so when a child is raped, the accused cannot be
tested, Miriam Chipimo, an adolescent and reproductive health
specialist at Zambia's Central Board of Health said.
HIV+/AIDS is a public health and national security issue in many African
countries. Under such circumstances, Zambians must admit necessary curbs on
certain 'rights'.
Certainly this laws MUST be changed so as not to hinder those charged with
the task of safeguarding public health and public safety authorities.
For instance, in many western countries,
* it is a crime (punishable by a hefty fine and/or prison term) for a
person who knows (or has reason to be aware of) his/her HIV+ status to
engage in CONSENSUAL sex with another without informing the partner of
his/her status PRIOR to the act.
* there are programs whereby the public safety workers seek out the sex
partners of known HIV+/AIDS cases (including prostitutes) to inform them
about their exposure to the risk. Those that are HIV+ or have been exposed
to the virus, are encouraged to change their habits and practices.
[The 'carrot and the stick' being that sooner or later they will
exhaust their private funding, if any, and seek public assistance
in buying and seek public assistance to buy their expensive daily
dosage of drugs ..]
[As for those accused of rape, such tests to discover their HIV status
can be accomplished in many ways. When a crime is reported, the police
collects evidence/data from the scene and from the suspect(s).
Samples of blood, saliva, etc may be obtained - which may yield
information on the HIV status of the individual.
The effort to protect the public in a national health crisis must not
be hampered unnecessarily. In the case of a national emergency which
exists today in African countries, the comforts of one individual must
be subordinate to the safety, security and survival of the society.
Zambians MUST enact laws that the Zambians deem necessary to protect
their country. Zambians cannot afford to kowtow to the dictates of
foreigners who may be bent on causing them harm. And who are known to
have caused them and their ancestors harm. With no apologies. With no
regrets. With no restitution or reparations. Without compensation.
Without dire punishment.]
Are there other projects that should be pursued? For instance:
1) How about a program aimed at strengthening the traditional family and
traditinal values?
[But, NO. We, the white governments, churches and humanitarian groups
as aided by our local barely-educated goons, are determined to unravel
their traditional system of values. The spread of deviant, predatory
social behaviour as reported here is symptomatic of a creeping
breakdown in a society fabric.]
2) How about a program of public education on the mechanism of transmission
of the virus and the unsafe behaviours? Such a vigorous public education
program had an impact on the incidence of new cases of HIV+ (and hence the
annual number of AIDS-related deaths) in USA before drugs were developed.
[ For instance:
* 'Fidelity' and 'abstinence' reduces the rates of incidence of new
HIV cases. Such conservative behaviour has held the incidence of
HIV/AIDS in populations of numerous African and Arabic Islamic
countries and societies to less that 1%.
Would African countries promote such practices to their populations
as ONE of the ways of reducing the incidence of essentially
sexually-transmitted HIV? NO.
* HIV is MOSTLY transmitted sexually. The chances of contracting HIV
during traditional ('normal' vaginal) sex act is remote.
It is even more remote if a condom is used.
Sexually-transmitted HIV occurs almost entirely during man-man sodomy
or man-woman sodomy.
Would African governments be willing (like the USA government) to
urgently sensitize their populations to this deadly danger inherent
in this indulgent practice - that African governments are pressured
to adopt as a policy by Anthony "Butcher of Basra" Blair or else ...
In fact, during my visit to Kenya a few years ago, I was dumbfounded
to hear, and see teens watching as, homosexuality was promoted on
the public media during prime time - without any warning regarding
STDs or a strong recommendation of 'safe sex' practices.
Gosh. It is difficult at times to feel sorry for Africans.
But then, the blame must lie with their leaders as well as the people
they appoint into leadership AND the professionals who should know
better but sit silently by - an act of self-destruction ..]
[Why is it that the Africans are unable to rise up to the challenge
- even when they KNOW the severity of, and bemoan, the catastrophe
that is stalking the lands and exterminating their societies?
Hint: We control them - their economy, business, politics, their
mental conditioning in their education system, and social agenda.
We are determined to decimate the non-european populations of Africa.
Call it the new and final scramble for Africa.
You may also write the title "How the African Races were
Exterminated" to be filed under "Africans" in the folder named
"Extermination by Europeans" in which we also find "Aus Aborigines",
"Tasmanians", 'Aztecs', 'Incas', 'American Indians Tribes', ..]
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