The payoffs of social engieering
(too old to reply)
S. L'Gree
2004-08-19 15:49:07 UTC
Affirmative Action chickens come home to roost.

College Seniors No More Knowledgeable Than 1950s High School Grads

By Scott Hogenson
CNSNews.com Executive Editor

(CNSNews.com) - The college seniors of today have no better grasp of
general knowledge than the high school graduates of almost half a
century ago, according to the results of a new study.

The average of correct responses for modern college seniors on a
series of questions assessing "general cultural knowledge" was 53.5
percent compared with 54.5 percent of high school graduates in 1955,
according to a survey by Zogby International.

The Zogby poll of 401 randomly selected college seniors was conducted
in April for the Princeton, N.J.-based National Association of
Scholars and released Wednesday.

"The average amount of knowledge that college seniors had was just
about the same as the average amount of knowledge that high school
graduates had back in the 1950s," said NAS President Stephen H. Balch.

Balch noted that the high school grads of half a century ago performed
better than today's college seniors on history questions, while
contemporary students fared better on questions covering art and
literature, with no appreciable difference on geography questions.

The questions asked in the April poll by Zogby were virtually the same
as questions asked by the Gallup Organization in 1955, with a few
questions being slightly modified to reflect history.

"The questions were just about identical, as identical as we could
make them," said Balch. "In most cases, they were absolutely

Balch attributed the stagnation of performance on general knowledge
questions to several factors, including a decreased emphasis on
general knowledge in high school, placing colleges and universities in
the position of having to fill academic gaps among students entering

"This is fundamental knowledge that everyone should have and if your
students are being admitted without it, then that only reinforces the
need for you to take general education seriously," Balch said.

But Balch said he didn't consider such actions to be remedial in
nature, noting that "the remedial problems have to do with students
not being able to write or read at the eighth grade level and still
getting into college. There are many institutions in which that's a
difficulty. You have people who just don't have the skills let alone
the knowledge."

Even though the NAS study raises questions about the caliber of
general education offered in high schools, colleges and universities
also bear some responsibility, Balch said.

"I think it probably has a lot to do with the dumbing down of
curriculum, both at the college and high school level," said Balch.
"It looks good, certainly, to say 'more people are graduating from
college,' but is there any real intellectual yield from it?"

Also part of the problem is that many colleges are placing less
emphasis on liberal arts education in favor of more specialized
education geared toward specific career paths, which Balch said isn't
necessarily in the best interest of students or society.

"I think these results, which don't seem to show a great deal of
value-added in the general cultural knowledge domain - I think these
results are quite interesting and disappointing," said Balch. "We
would hope that the college students of today would have done a good
deal better than the high school students of the past."

Also contributing to the trend is an easing of college admissions
standards. While Balch doesn't advocate a return to standards
requiring competency in Greek or Latin, he does say colleges should
"insist that the student coming have basic areas of knowledge."

A solid background in general knowledge, Balch said, is "very
important both for good citizenship and, for many people at least, for
a happy and interesting life," by providing students with what Balch
called "cultural furniture that allows them to be better citizens."

Bob LeChevalier
2004-08-19 20:18:20 UTC
Post by S. L'Gree
"The average amount of knowledge that college seniors had was just
about the same as the average amount of knowledge that high school
graduates had back in the 1950s," said NAS President Stephen H. Balch.
This is an ancient study that was discussed here 2 years ago when it
was first publicized.

The poll asked a rather trivial set of 11 questions (as in, knowing
the answers meant someone might be good at Trivial Pursuit).

Here is the cite for the actual report, which noted problems with some

15. Which is the largest lake in North America?
16. What is the national language of Brazil?
17. In what country was the Battle of Waterloo fought?
18. Who made the first non-stop transatlantic solo flight?
19. What professions do you associate with Florence Nightingale?
20. What is the capital city of Spain?
21. What composer wrote The Messiah?
22. Who wrote a play entitled, A Midsummer Night’s Dream?
23. Which planet is nearest the sun?
24. What is the name of the decoration given to those in the armed
forces who are wounded in action against an enemy?
25. What great scientist do you associate with the Theory of
Post by S. L'Gree
Balch noted that the high school grads of half a century ago performed
better than today's college seniors on history questions, while
contemporary students fared better on questions covering art and
literature, with no appreciable difference on geography questions.
As can be seen, the sampling of questions was so small that this
statement is grossly overblown. There was precisely ONE question on
literature and ONE question on art, and TWO questions on history.
Post by S. L'Gree
The questions asked in the April poll by Zogby were virtually the same
as questions asked by the Gallup Organization in 1955, with a few
questions being slightly modified to reflect history.
"The questions were just about identical, as identical as we could
make them," said Balch. "In most cases, they were absolutely
Balch attributed the stagnation of performance on general knowledge
questions to several factors, including a decreased emphasis on
general knowledge in high school, placing colleges and universities in
the position of having to fill academic gaps among students entering
Actually, I would attribute it to the total NON-emphasis on general
knowledge in college, such that kids who might have known the stuff in
high school would almost certainly have forgotten the material by the
time they graduate college.

An honest comparison would have been high school kids against high
school kids.
Post by S. L'Gree
"This is fundamental knowledge that everyone should have and if your
students are being admitted without it, then that only reinforces the
need for you to take general education seriously," Balch said.
They may have had it when admitted. Of course, it is arguable that
their idea of fundamental knowledge matches what others think is
Post by S. L'Gree
But Balch said he didn't consider such actions to be remedial in
nature, noting that "the remedial problems have to do with students
not being able to write or read at the eighth grade level and still
getting into college.
An entirely unsupported claim.
Post by S. L'Gree
Even though the NAS study raises questions about the caliber of
general education offered in high schools, colleges and universities
also bear some responsibility, Balch said.
"I think it probably has a lot to do with the dumbing down of
curriculum, both at the college and high school level," said Balch.
"It looks good, certainly, to say 'more people are graduating from
college,' but is there any real intellectual yield from it?"
Why should there be "intellectual yield"? College these days is about
getting a piece of paper certifying you are suited for professional
work in some specialty. College is NOT about being an intellectual.
Post by S. L'Gree
Also part of the problem is that many colleges are placing less
emphasis on liberal arts education in favor of more specialized
education geared toward specific career paths, which Balch said isn't
necessarily in the best interest of students or society.
The colleges are doing no such thing. Students are not CHOOSING to
study the liberal arts, since a liberal arts degree takes a lot longer
to cover the cost in time and tuition of getting the degree. The
students who want a liberal arts education CHOOSE a liberal arts
education. Does Balch reject the right of adult students paying
tuition to CHOOSE what they will study?

lojbab ***@lojban.org
Bob LeChevalier, Founder, The Logical Language Group
(Opinions are my own; I do not speak for the organization.)
Artificial language Loglan/Lojban: http://www.lojban.org
Tom Shelly, White God
2004-08-19 20:41:15 UTC
On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:18:20 -0400, Bob LeChevalier
Post by Bob LeChevalier
15. Which is the largest lake in North America?
16. What is the national language of Brazil?
17. In what country was the Battle of Waterloo fought?
18. Who made the first non-stop transatlantic solo flight?
19. What professions do you associate with Florence Nightingale?
20. What is the capital city of Spain?
21. What composer wrote The Messiah?
22. Who wrote a play entitled, A Midsummer Night’s Dream?
23. Which planet is nearest the sun?
24. What is the name of the decoration given to those in the armed
forces who are wounded in action against an enemy?
25. What great scientist do you associate with the Theory of
You might as well be asking niggers to recite War and Peace.



FACT #3: The I.Q.'s of American Negroes are from
15 to 20 points, on average, below those of
Whites. (26) (16) (18) (22)

FACT #4: These Black\White differences have been
demonstrated repeatedly by every test ever
by every branch of the U.S. Military, every state,
county, and local school board, the U.S. Dept. of
Education, etc. The same ratio of difference has
true over a 40 year period. (18) (26) (24)

FACT #5: With an average I.Q. of 85, only 16% of
Blacks score over 100, while half the White
population does. The Negro overlap of White median
I.Q.'s ranges from 10 to 25 percent-- equality
require 50 percent. (31) (27) (16)

FACT #6: Blacks are 6 times as likely to have
of 50 to 70 which put them in the slow learner
(retarded) category, while Whites are ten times
likely to score 130 or over. (15) (16) (18) (23)

FACT # 7: The U.S. government's PACE
examination, given to 100,000 university graduates
who are prospective professional or administrative
civil-service employees each year, is passed with a
score of 70 or above by 58% of the whites who take
it but by only 12% of the Negroes. Among top
the difference between Negro and White performance
is even more striking: 16% of the white applicants
make scores of 90 or above, while only one-fifth of
one percent of a Negro applicants score as high as
90--a White/Black success ration of 80/1. (27)

FACT #8: Differences between Negro and White
children increase with chronological age, the gap
performance being largest at the high school and
college levels. (31) (26)

FACT #9: White/Negro I.Q. differences are
constantly excused as results of environmental
variations. but at least five studies that have
to equate socio-economic backgrounds of the two
races indicate no significant change in relative
As environment improves, the Negro does better but
so does the White. The gap is not decreased. (26)
fact, extensive research by DR. G.J. McGurk,
associate Professor of Psychology at Villanove
University, reveals that the gap in intelligence
Blacks and Whites INCREASES where
socio-economic levels of both races are raised to
middle classes. (18)

FACT #10: In 1915, Dr. G.W. Ferfuson took 1000
school children in Virginia, divided them into 5
categories, and tested them for mental aptitude. On
average. full-blooded Negroes scored 69.2% as high
as Whites. Three-quarter Negroes scored 73.0% as
high as Whites. One-half Negroes scored 81.2% as
high as Whites. One-quarter Negroes scored 91.8% as
high as Whites. All of these Blacks lived as and
considered themselves "Negroes." Their environments
and "advantages" or disadvantages were exactly the
same. (14) Also see (26) pg 452.

FACT #11: Results of the Army Beta test given by
the U.S. Army to over 386,000 illiterate soldiers
WWI showed Negro draftees to be "inferior to the
Whites on all types of tests used in the Army."
Additionally, tests were conducted upon pure
Negroes, Mulattoes, and Quadroons. It was found
that "the lighter groups made better scores." (14)

FACT #12: Studies conducted with identical twins
raised apart in radically different environments
provide conclusive evidence that over-all influence
heredity exceeds that of environment in a ratio of
about 3 to 1. (41)

FACT #13: Even when Blacks and Whites have the
same backgrounds, in terms of family income and
childhood advantages, Blacks still have average
scores 12 to 15 points lower than comparable
This includes cases where Black children have been
adopted by White parents. Their I.Q.s may be
improved by environment, but they are still closer
their biological parents than their adoptive
parents. (3)
(15) (26)

FACT #14: Equalitarian ideologists often discount
I.Q. test results with the excuse that they are
biased. Nonetheless, NO ONE, not the NAACP nor
the United Negro College Fund, nor NEA had been
able to develop an intelligence test which shows
Blacks and Whites scoring equally. (15) (42) (3)

FACT # 15: American Indians, who often live in
conditions far worse than American Blacks during
their entire lives, still consistently outscore
them on
I.Q. tests. (3) (27)

FACT #16: The offspring of interracial marriages
to have lower I.Q.s than the white parent. (11)

3.American Renaissance, Dec. '90, Box 2504,
Menlo Park, CA 94026

11.Fields, Dr. Ed, The Dangers of Interracial
Marriage, PO Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061

14.Jacob, A. White Man, Think Again! 1965, publ.
by author.

15.Jensen, Arthur R. Bias in Mental Testing, The
Free Press, New York 1980
16.Jensen, Arthur R. Straight Talk About Mental
Tests, the Free Press. (Macmillan) New York,

18.McGurk, Frank, "A Scientist's Report on Race
Differences." U.S. News and World Report,
Sept. 21, 1956. Washington, D.C.

22.Putnam, Carleton. Race and Reason, 1961,
Howard Allen Press, Cape Canaveral, FL

23.Putnam, Carleton. Race and Reality, a Search
for Solutions, 1967, Howard Allen, Box 76,
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
24.Putnam, Carleton. A Study in Racial Realities,
an address at the University of California at
Davis, Dec. 17, 1964
27.Simpson, William Gayley. Which Way Western
Man? 1978, National Alliance Press, Box 3535,
Washington, D. C. 20007

31.Stell v Savannah-Chattham County Board of
Education, U.S. District Court, Southern
Georgia, May 13, 1963.

Race Differences in Intelligence: a Global Perspective Richard Lynn

University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland

THE MANKIND QUARTERLY, V31:3, Spring 1991, 255-296.

The world literature on racial differences in intelligence is reviewed
three points of view. Firstly, studies using intelligence tests
that Caucasoids in North America, Europe and Australasia generally
mean IQs of around 100. Mongoloids typically obtain slightly higher
means in
the range of 100-106. African Negroids obtain mean IQs of around 70,
Negroid-Caucasoids in the United States and Britain obtain means of
85. Amerindians and the South East Asian races typically obtain means
in the
range of 85-95.

A second source of evidence comes from studies of reaction times which
provide measures of the neurological efficiency of the brain. These
show that Mongoloids have the fastest reaction times, followed by
and then by Negroids. Thirdly, the races can be assessed for their
contributions to civilization. Here the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids
made the most significant advances both in the foundation of the early
civilizations and in more recent developments.

The existence of racial differences in intelligence has been known
since the
time of the First World war when tests given to large numbers of
conscripts in the United States revealed that blacks had an average
intelligence level about 15 IQ points below that of whites. In the
decades there has been debate over the question of whether these
have a genetic basis. This debate has largely taken place in the
context of
the differences in intelligence found in different racial populations
in the
United States. Genetic theorists have pointed to the high heritability
intelligence and the difficulties of formulating credible
explanations to explain the difference (Jensen 1972, 1973, 1980;
1971). Environmentalists have pointed to a variety of factor-s which
consider capable of explaining the low Negroid IQ, of which the most
important are bias in the tests, the adverse social and economic
conditions experienced by blacks, discrimination and prejudice from
majorities and the historical legacy of slavery which has demoralized
and destroyed their family structure (Flynn, 1980; Jaynes and
1989; Mackintosh and Mascie-Taylor, 1985). Neither side has yet
succeeded in
convincing the other and the issue remains unresolved, although a
poll has shown that the majority of experts now believe there is some
genetic basis to the low black IQ (Snyderman and Rothman, 1988).

The Purpose of the present paper is to consider the problem of racial
differences in intelligence in a global perspective. Part one of the
contains a review of the many studies which have been made of the
intelligence of different races throughout the world. The principal
here is whether the world wide evidence supports the genetic or the
environmental position.

In general terms the genetic theory requires that there should be a
reasonably high degree of consistency of the intelligence levels shown
populations of different races in a variety of geographical locations.
Negroids should universally have lower intelligence levels than
and this difference should be found in Africa and the West Indies as
well as
in the United States and Britain. The reason for this is that the
genes or
alleles (alternative forms of genes) for low intelligence, if these
should be present in all Negroid populations and not merely in those
ancestors were transported as slaves to the New World. Furthermore,
in the United States and Britain are nearly all Negroid Caucasoid
(Reed, 1969). Their Caucasoid genes should, on the genetic hypothesis,
their intelligence level as compared with the pure Negroids of Africa.
the genetic theory demands that African Negroids should have lower
intelligence levels than the Negroid-Caucasoid hybrids of the United
and Britain. Whether or not this is the case can be regarded as a test
the genetic theory and any studies showing that pure African Negroids
higher IQs than American or British Negroid hybrids would falsify the
genetic hypothesis.

A similar degree of consistency of intelligence levels should be found
all races if the intelligence is largely genetically determined. The
intelligence of Caucasoids should be approximately the same, whether
live in the United States, Britain, Europe, Australia or New Zealand.
same consistency should be present in the third major race of mankind,
Orientals or Mongoloids, who are present not only in their native
habitat of
north east Asia but also in the United States and Europe. Hence a
world wide
examination of the consistency of racial differences in intelligence
provide a perspective on the genetic and environmental theories which
lacking in the studies carried out in the local contexts of the United
States and, more recently, in Britain.

Part two of the paper deals with the question of whether the racial
differences in intelligence as measured by intelligence tests are also
present in reaction times, i.e. the speed of response to simple
stimuli. The
interest of this question is that recent work has shown that reaction
are a measure of intelligence and appear to represent differences in
neurological efficiency of brain processes (Jensen, 1982; Eysenck,
1982). A
positive finding of racial differences in reaction times would rule
out many
of the explanations for the intelligence differences advanced by
environmentalists such as bias in the tests, the legacy of slavery and
forth, and would point to a genetically determined neurological basis
the differences. Whether or not there are racial differences in
times which run parallel with those in intelligence therefore provides
further test of the genetic and environmental theories.

Part three of the paper considers the racial differences in the
and advancement of civilization. The establishment of civilization
numerous discoveries such as the invention of writing and arithmetic
these must have been due to the work of highly intelligent
individuals. This
part of the paper considers whether the racial differences in the
establishment of civilizations are the same as those found in the
performance of intelligence tests.

Intelligence Test Performance

Intelligence tests were developed in the first two decades of the
and in the following seventy years numerous studies have been
published of
the intelligence of different peoples in many parts of the world. The
principal studies have been collated and classified by the race and
summarized in Tables I through 6. Intelligence was initially
as a single entity quantified by the intelligence quotient and many
have reported racial differences in terms of a single 1(2. The
basis for representing intelligence in terms of a single 1(2 is
(1927) work identifying a general factor present in all cognitive
tests and
his conceptualization of this as general intelligence, now known as
Spearman's g, and identified as a generalized problem solving ability
enters into the performance of all cognitive tasks.

This theory of intelligence was challenged in the nineteen thirties by
Thurstone (1938) who proposed an alternative model which dispensed
with the
concept of Spearman's g and postulated six primary mental abilities
designated reasoning, spatial, numerical, verbal, perceptual speed and
fluency abilities. In the late nineteen-forties an integration of the
Spearman and Thurstone models was proposed by Burt (1949). This
consisted of
a hierarchical model of intelligence in which Spearman's general
factor was
split into two correlated group factors now generally known as the
and visuospatial abilities. These can in turn be broken down further
narrower primary abilities, of which some twenty to thirty have been
identified (Cattell, 1971). Burt's model is widely accepted in
psychology and is adopted in this paper. Where possible means for
populations are given for general intelligence (Spearman's g) and for
verbal and visuospatial abilities. Intelligence tests are normally
calibrated with the mean IQ set at 100 and the standard deviation at
This metric has been adopted and the mean IQ of American Caucasoids
set at
100 to serve as the standard in terms of which IQs of all other
are expressed. Further details of the methods used for the
calculations of
mean IQs for different populations are given in the appendix.


Mean IQs for Caucasoid peoples in the United States, Britain,
Europe, Australia and New Zealand are set out in Table 1. In this and
subsequent tables summary results are given for the geographical
location of
the sample, the age of the subjects, the numbers, the tests used and
IQs for general, verbal and visuospatial intelligence. General
is conceptualized as Spearman's g, the general factor present in all
cognitive tasks, and most effectively measured by tests of reasoning
such as Raven's Progressive Matrices and Cattell's Culture Fair Test.
It can
also be measured by omnibus tests such as the Wechslers and the
Binet. Results from all these tests are entered in the tables under
intelligence. Verbal 1Qs in the tables are derived from the verbal
scales of
the Wechslers and from verbal comprehension scales in such tests as
Differential Aptitude and the McCarthy. Visuospatial IQs are derived
the performance scales of the Wechslers and from visuospatial scales
in the
Differential Aptitude, the McCarthy and similar tests, and from figure
copying tests such as the Draw-a-Man.

Inspection of the results set out in the table will show firstly that
Caucasoids in the United States and Britain obtain virtually identical
IQs. This was first demonstrated in the 1932 Scottish survey of Il
olds who obtained a mean IQ of 99 on the American Stanford Binet. The
subsequent studies shown in the table under Scotland and Britain
this result. The earlier standardization of tests in the United States
generally based on normative samples of Caucasoids only, such as the
Stanford Rinet and Wechsler tests, but the later standardizations such
the WISC-R included Negroids. For this reason an adjustment has to be
to American means for later tests, because when the mean of the
total population is set at 100, the mean of American Caucasoids is
as derived from the standardization sample of the WISC-R (Jensen and
Reynolds, 1982).

Further inspection of the results set out in Table i shows that the
mean IQs
from all these Caucasoid populations lies in the range of 94-107, with
single exception of a low value of 87 for Spain found by Nieto Alegre
et al
(1967). The variations between and within the countries are probably
principally to differences in sampling accuracy and procedures and to
differences in living standards. Differences in sampling accuracy and
procedures can occur because of the difficulty of obtaining
samples and to differences in whether the mentally retarded are
included. In
the case of children, those in private schools may or may not be
included in
the samples. Sampling differences are probably largely responsible for
number of the discrepancies in the means obtained from the same
e.g. the two studies of general intelligence in Australia give means
of 95
and 104, and the three studies of France give means of 98, 104 and 94.

The largest discrepancy in the table is between the mean 1(2 of 87 for
obtained by Nieto Alegre et al and the mean of 98 obtained by Buj.
probably arises from a sampling difference between the two studies.
Alegre et al obtained their sample From military conscripts drawn from
whole of Spain, whereas Buj drew his samples for Spain and other
from the populations of the capital cities. While the sampling
adopted by Buj seems reasonable, it is probable that in less
developed countries like Spain with a rather backward peasant
there are considerable differences between the mean IQs in the rural
and in cities. In fact in the Nieto Alegre study there was a range of
approximately 15 IQ points between the means of the conscripts from
poorest rural regions and the most prosperous and more urbanized
centers. As
countries have become more industrialized the numbers of their rural
peasantry have declined and rural-urban differences in intelligence
largely disappeared. Thus Scotland was a largely urbanized country by
1930s and at this time there was virtually no difference in mean IQ
urban and rural children (Scottish Council for Research in Education,
In addition to differences in sampling, some of the differences
these Caucasoid populations may also be ascribed to differences in
standards. There is a wide range of these among this set of nations.
instance, in Spain which produced the lowest mean IQ of 87 for
conscripts tested in 1965, the per capita income in that year was 770
dollars as compared with $2,003 in Britain and $4,058 in the United
(United Nations, 1970). Low incomes have an adverse effect on
because poor people have less to spend on nutritious foods and tend to
less leisure to give their children cognitive stimulation.
Nevertheless, in
spite of these considerable differences in living standards, the
picture of the results summarized in Table I is one of fairly close
similarity of mean IQs among these diverse Caucasoid populations.

The last entries in Table 1 are for the IQs of Indians derived from
Indian sub-continent, South Africa and Britain. The mean of 86 in
India is
derived from a review by Sinha (1968) of the results of 17 studies of
children aged between 9 and 15 years and totalling in excess of 5,000.
IQs lie in the range of 81 to 94, with an overall mean of
approximately 86.
But ethic Indians in Britain obtain a mean of 96 which is within the
of other Caucasoid populations. Their verbal IC~ of 89 is depressed,
this is probably because their families are recent immigrants and have
yet mastered the language. The British results suggest that when
Indians is
are reared in an economically developed environment their intelligence
is about the same as that of European Caucasoids.


The Mongoloid peoples are those indigenous to north east Asia, north
of the
Himalayas and east of the Yenisey river. Their mean IQs are set out in
2. It will be seen that for general intelligence the Mongoloid peoples
in the majority of studies to obtain somewhat higher means than
This is the case in the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, Hong
Taiwan, Singapore and The People's Republic of China. The range is
from 97
to 110, with a mean of around 106. The lowest figure is the mean of 97
obtained by Stevenson et al for Japanese 6 year olds. One explanation
this result is probably that Mongoloids tend to be late maturers.
There is a
good deal of evidence for this reviewed in Lynn (1987). It will be
that the same investigators obtained a mean of 102 for Japanese 11
olds. A further factor is that Stevenson obtained his American
sample from the city of Minneapolis in Minnesota and the mean
Caucasoid IQ
in Minnesota is 105 (Flynn, 1980, p. 107). ?'his means that 5 IQ
should be added to all of Stevenson's Japanese means.

There is some dispute about the mean IQs of ethnic Mongoloids in the
States. Vernon (1982) reviewed the literature and concluded that the
non-verbal IQ (general intelligence) was around 110 and the verbal IQ
These figures have been questioned by Flynn (1989) who maintains that
respective means are approximately 100 and 97. The best single study
American ethnic Mongoloids appears to be the Coleman et al (1966)
report of
five age groups spanning the years 6-16 From which Flynn's figures are
derived. But there are problems with the Coleman study. One is that in
and other studies the category of Orientals may include Filipinos,
mean IQ is about 85 (Flynn, 1991) and who therefore pull down the mean
ethnic Chinese and Japanese. Filipinos constitute about 20 per cent
ofi2lnerican Orientals and if these are taken out of the Coleman
sample the
remainder who are largely ethnic Chinese and Japanese obtain a mean
non-verbal IQ of 103 and a mean verbal IQ of 98. A further problem in
Coleman data concerns the nature of the tests of "non verbal ability".
Coleman himself is careful to state that the non verbal tests used in
study were not measures of intelligence. The tests were of math
largely set out in verbal format and this will have given the tests a
bias and handicapped Orientals (Coleman 1990). Probably the Coleman
verbal ability tests should not be considered as good measures of
intelligence or Spearman's g. The weaknesses of the American studies
ethnic Orientals is that hardly any of them provide a good measure of
visuospatial abilities or of Spearman's g.

If Flynn should prove to be correct it would appear that the mean IQ
American ethnic Orientals is a little below that of Mongoloids in the
countries of the Pacific rim. The explanation for this may be that the
Chinese and Japanese immigrants from whom the majority of ethnic
are derived may have been below the average intelligence levels of
parent populations in Asia. The early immigrants came largely as
laborers to
build the railways and do other unskilled work developing the
of the west coast. This not particularly desirable work may have
those of less than average ability. If this is so, the high
educational and
occupational achievements of ethnic Orientals in the United States may
due to high work motivation rather than high intelligence levels.

A striking feature of the results for Mongoloids is that their verbal
are consistently lower than their visuospatial IQs. In most studies
differences are substantial amounting to between 10 to 15 IQ points.
pattern is present in Japan, Hong Kong, the United States and Canada.
It has
also been found among ethnic Japanese in Hawaii although these data
are not
presented in a form from which mean IQs can be calculated (Nagoshi and
Johnson, 1987). This difference is also picked up in the United States
performance on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), on which ethnic
invariably do better than Caucasians on the mathematics test (largely
measure of general intelligence and visuospatial ability) but less
well than
Caucasians on the verbal test (Wainer, 1988). A further manifestation
of the
strong visuospatial and weak verbal abilities of ethnic O1-iental
lies in their tendency to do well in professions like science,
and engineering which call for strong visuospatial abilities and
poorly in
law which calls for strong verbal abilities. This pattern of
achievement has been well documented by Weyl (1969, 1989) in his
studies of
the achievements of the major American ethnic populations. His method
involves the analysis of the frequencies of ethnic names among those
have achieved occupational distinction calculated in relation to their
frequencies in the general population. Thus he finds that common
names like Wong are greatly overrepresented in American Men and Women
Science, as compared with their frequency in the general population,
under represented in Who's Who in American Law. On the basis of this
he constructs a performance co-efficient for which average achievement
100. A co-efficient of 200 means that an ethnic group appears twice as
frequently in reference works of occupational distinction as would be
expected from its numbers in the total population, while a
co-efficient of
50 means that it appears half as often. In his first study he finds
ethnic Chinese obtained performance co-efficients of 506 in
308 in engineering and 438 in science but only 54 in law (Weyl, 1969).
second study oil later data confirms this pattern for the 1980s, when
Chinese obtained a performance co-efficient for science of 620, while
law their performance co-efficient was only 24.

It is easy to understand how this remarkable disparity arises.
typically discover that they tend to be good at some things and poor
others. There is a natural tendency for- young people to concentrate
those activities they are good at, be they sciences, languages, arts,
sport or whatever, and to make their careers in them. The reason that
different people are good at different things depends partly on
genetic and
partly on environmental differences. The widespread appearance of the
visuospatial - weak verbal ability pattern among Mongoloids in so many
diver-se geographical locations suggests that it has a genetic basis
that this is responsible for their striking over-achievement in the
and architecture and under-achievement in law.


The mean IQs of Negroids have invariably been found to be
lower than those of Caucasoids. Many studies have been done in the
States and by the mid-1960's Shuey (1966) was able to present a
summary of
362 investigations. The overall mean IQ of American Negroids was
approximately 85. Subsequent studies in the United States such as
those of
Coleman (1966), Broman, Nichols and Kennedy (1975) and others have
that this is about the right figure.

As a result of these studies it is sometimes assumed that the mean IQ
of all
Negroids is approximately 85 or 1 standard deviation below that of
Caucasoids. However, it has to be noted that almost all American
are Negroid-Caucasoid hybrids (Reed, 1989) and the same is probably
true of
most Negroids in the West Indies and Britain. To obtain mean IQs Of
Negroids it is necessary to take samples in Africa. For this reason
I(Zs for pure African Negroids are listed separately in Table 3 from
Negroid-Caucasoid hybrids in the United States, Britain, the West
Indies and
South Africa.

The first good study of the intelligence of pure African Negroids was
carried out in South Africa by Fick (1929). He used the American Army
Test, a non verbal test devised in the United States in the First
World War
for testing recruits who could not speak English, and administered it
10-14 year old Caucasoid, Negroid and Colored (Negroid-Caucasoid
school children. In relation to the Caucasoid mean of 100, based on
than 10,000 children, largely urban pure Negroid children obtained a
mean IQ
of 65, while urban Colored children obtained a mean IQ of 84. It is
interesting to note that these South African Coloreds or
hybrids obtained a mean IQ virtually identical to that of American
Caucasoid-Negroid hybrids.

The other studies of the IQs of pure Negroids summarized in Table 3
means in the range 65-81. Vernon tested his small sample in Kampala
with a
number of tests and the overall mean was about 80, but this sample was
from an academic secondary school and the result suggests that the
mean for
the population would be around 70. The best single study of the
intelligence is probably that of Owen (1989), who presents results for
16 year olds in the eighth grade who had been in school for around 8
and should have been well versed in paper and pencil tests. The test
was the South African Junior Aptitude which is well constructed arid
standardized and provides measures of verbal arid non verbal
spatial ability, verbal comprehension, perceptual speed and memory.
The mean
1Q of the sample in comparison with Caucasoid South African norms is
69. It
is also around the median of the studies listed in Table 3. It is
therefore to round this figure up to 70 and take this as the
mean for pure Negroids.

Negroid-Caucasoid Hybrids

As noted, virtually all American Negroids are hybrids with some
ancestry. The same is probably the case with West Indian and British
Negroids. Although this has never been documented, West Indian
lived as slaves on white owned plantations from the 17th to the 19th
in similar conditions to those of Negroids in the United States. There
undoubtedly a certain amount of interbreeding between white estate
and Negroid slaves, which gave rise to a number of Negroid-Caucasoid
whose existence as a considerable class was noted by Anthony Trollope
in his
Tour of the West Indies.

The results for Negroid-Caucasoid hybrids are shown in Table 4 . For
United States, seven major- post Shuey (1966) studies are listed
because of
their special interest by virtue of the large number of subjects,
the), yield IQs for the verbal and visuospatial abilities, or because
are derived from young children. These show that the Negroid mean 1Q
approximately 85 is present among children as young as 2-6 year-olds.

In Britain the three major studies of Negroids obtained mean IQs of
86, 94
and 87, broadly similar to those in the United States. Figures are
for two Of the Caribbean islands, namely Barbados (mean IQ = 82) and
(mean IQ = 66-75).

The Negroid-Caucasoid differences appear to be of about the same
for general intelligence arid the verbal and visuospatial abilities.
Detailed studies by Jensen and his colleagues have shown that when
are carefully matched the Negroid-Caucasoid differences are greatest
general intelligence (Spearman's g) and for the visuospatial abilities
less for verbal ability (Jensen and Reynolds, 1982; Reynolds and
1983; Naglieri and Jensen, 1987). Nevertheless, the broad picture,
the results as a whole, is that the three abilities are of
equal magnitude. This also appears to be the case ill South Africa
to the results of Owen.


The results of studies of the intelligence of Amerindians are
summarized in
Table 5 . The mean general IQs have invariably been found to be
below that of Caucasoids. The largest study is that of Coleman et al
which obtained a mean of 94, but a number of studies have reported
means in
the 70-90 range. The median of the 15 studies listed is 89 which can
taken as a reasonable approximation, indicating that the Amerindian
mean IQ
falls someway between that of Caucasoids and Negroid-Caucasoid
hybrids. The
same intermediate position is occupied by Amerindians ill performance
on the
Scholastic Aptitude Test (Wainer, 1958).

In addition, all the studies of Amerindians have found that they have
visuospatial than verbal IQs. The studies listed are those where the
Amerindians speak English as their first language, so this pattern of
results is unlikely to be solely due to the difficulty of taking the
tests. in an unfamiliar language. The verbal-visuospatiaI disparity is
picked up in the Scholastic Aptitude Test, where Amerindians
score higher on the mathematical test than on the verbal (Wainer,
1988). The
strong visuospatial-weak verbal pattern of abilities in the
resembles that of the Mongoloids, although in the Mongoloids the whole
ability profile is shifted upwards by some 10-15 IQ points. This
is not altogether surprising in view of the close genetic relationship
the two races, Amerindians being all offshoot of the Mongoloids who
the Bering Straits from north east Siberia into Alaska at some time in
prehistory. The similarity of the cognitive profile of the two races
suggests that this profile was present in the common stock from which
contemporary races are derived, and that some factor raised the
levels in the Mongoloids following the geographical differentiation of
two races.

South East Asians

The South East Asian races comprise Polynesians, Micronesians,
Maoris and Australian Aborigines. The results of intelligence test
of these subraces are shown in Table 6. Apart from the low mean of 67
for a
small sample of Australian Aborigine children, all the mean Iqs lie in
range of 80-95. The one study to include measures of general, verbal
visuospatial abilities for New Zealand Maoris shows that this group
does not
share the strong visuospatial-weak verbal ability profile of
Mongoloids and
Amerindians. Although the intelligence of this group of peoples has
not been
extensively researched there are sufficient studies to suggest a mean
IQ2 of
about 90.

Racial Differences in Reaction Times

It has often been argued that the racial differences in intelligence
performance may be due to the tests being biased or to a variety of
environmental factors such as differences in education, experience of
dealing with visual representations, motivation, attitudes towards
taking and nutrition. The alternative theory is that these differences
a genetic basis. In order to test for which of these different
is correct, a study has been carried out to determine whether the
differences in intelligence are also present in reaction times. The
rationale of the study is that reaction times provide a measure of the
brain's neurological efficiency in dealing with very simple tasks and
unaffected by education, motivation and other environmental factors
with the
possible exception of extreme malnutrition.

It has been shown in a number of studies that reaction times are
associated with intelligence, and the explanation widely accepted for
association is that reaction times provide a measure of the
efficiency of the brain in analysis and decision making (Jensen, 1982:
Eysenck, 1982). Hence if there are racial differences in reaction
times of
the same kind as those present in intelligence test performance, it
can be
inferred that these differences lie at the neurological level and
reflect genetic differences.

Reaction times consist of the speed with which a subject reacts to
stimuli. Normally a light comes on and the subject has to press a
button to
turn it off. Reaction time tasks can be varied to present different
of difficulty. In the present study three reaction time tasks were
used of
different degrees of difficulty. In the simplest task a single light
on and the subject moves his hand to switch it off. This response
takes around half a second. In more complex situations, one of several
lights comes on and has to be switched off. These are known as choice
reaction times and take a little longer. In a still more complex task,
lights come on of which two are close together and one stands apart.
the subject has to judge which is the light that stands apart and
switch it
off. This is known as the odd man out task. It is more difficult than
simpler reaction time tasks and typically takes about twice as long.

All three reaction time tasks were used in the present study. In
the apparatus used in the investigation was designed to measure two
processes in reaction time tasks known as movement times and decision
in these tasks the subject has to make a decision about what to do
times) and then execute the decision by moving the finger to switch
off the
light (movement times). Both these times were recorded automatically
disks by a microcomputer.

The subjects used in the study consisted of 9 year old children
representative of the three major races of Mongoloids, Caucasoids and
Negroids. The Mongoloids were obtained from Hong Kong and Japan, the
Caucasoids from Britain and Ireland and the Negroids from South
Africa. All
the children were drawn as socially representative samples from
public primary schools in their respective countries with the
exception of
the Irish children who came from rural areas and whose mean IQ was
lower than would otherwise have been expected.

In all the five samples decision times, movement times and
were negatively correlated with intelligence. Further details of the
reaction time apparatus, testing procedures and analyses of the
between the reaction time measures and intelligence for the samples
given in Shigehisa and Lynn (1991), Chan, Eysenck and Lynn (1991) and
and Holmshaw (1991).

Summary statistics for the five samples giving the numbers tested,
mean IQs,
means for the 12 reaction time measures and standard deviations for
entire sample are shown in Table 7. The last column of the table gives
product moment correlations between the Progressive Matrices and the
reaction time measures. it will be seen that the Hong Kong and
children obtained the highest mean IQs, fastest decision times and low
decision time variabilities, the British and Irish children were
intermediate, while the South African Negroids obtained the lowest
means on
the Progressive Matrices, slowest decision times and highest
All the correlations are high and five of the six are statistically

The movement times of the five populations do not show any consistent
overall relationship with Progressive Matrices scores. It is however
interesting to note that the Negroid children tend to have fast
times. In the complex and odd man out tasks their movement times are
significantly faster than those of British, Irish and Chinese

It is known that the speed of reaction times is genetically determined
to a
significant extent. This has been shown by Vernon (1989) in a study of
identical and 52 non-identical twins, which produced a heritability
coefficient of.51 for reaction times. Somewhat similar results have
reported by Ho, Baker and Decker (1988) for two other speed of
processing tasks which gave heritability coefficients of.47 and .24.
authors have also shown that the positive correlation between measures
speed of information processing and intelligence arises from common
processes suggesting that common genetically controlled neurological
mechanisms are involved in the performance of both types of task.

It is therefore considered that the most reasonable interpretation of
Mongoloid-Caucasoid-Negroid results is that these reflect genetic
differences between the three racial groups. It is not considered
that educational differences could be involved because of the extreme
simplicity of the tasks. Motivational differences are improbable,
reaction times seem unaffected by motivation (Jensen, 1982). It might
thought that nutritional differences might be involved.

However, the fact that the Negroid children performed faster than the
Caucasoid on movement times makes it unlikely that poor nutrition
could have
reduced neural conduction rates. We are therefore left with
determined differences in information processing capacities as the
probable explanation of the Mongoloid-Caucasoid-Negroid differences in
decision times.

Contributions to Civilization

A third source of evidence on racial differences in intelligence lies
in the
degree to which the various races have made significant intellectual,
scientific and technological discoveries and inventions. The argument
that these advances are likely to be made by a few outstanding and
intelligent individuals. There will be more of these in a population
the average level of intelligence is high, and hence the intelligence
of populations and whole races can be infer-red from their

The first writer to advance this argument was Galton (1869) but he
his analysis to the Greeks of the classical period, England and
the Negroids and the Australian Aborigines. His conclusion was that
Creeks produced the greatest number of intellectual advances and could
therefore be considered the most intelligent population. He placed the
marginally above the English, and a long way below these he placed the
Negroids and the Aborigines.

Galton's treatment of the problem was sketchy, but it provided the
idea on which others were to build. The most extensive analysis of
this kind
was carried out by Baker (1974). He first set up twenty one criteria
which the achievements of early civilizations could be judged. These
were as

In the ordinary circumstances of life in public places, they cover the
greater part of the trunk with clothes.

They keep the body clean and take care to dispose of its waste

They do not practice severe mutilation or deformation of the body,
for medical reasons.

They have knowledge of building in brick or stone, if the necessary
materials are available in their territory.

Many of them live in towns or cities, which are linked by roads.

They cultivate food-plants.

They domesticate animals and use some of the larger ones for transport
have in the past so used them), if suitable species are available.

They have knowledge of the use of metals, if these are available.

They use wheels.

They exchange property by the use of money.

They order their society by a system of laws, which are enforced in
such a
way that they ordinarily go about their various concerns in times of
without danger of attack or arbitrary arrest.

They permit accused persons to defend themselves and to bring
witnesses for
their defence.

They do not use torture to extract information or for punishment.

They do not practice cannibalism.

Their religious systems include ethical elements and are not purely or
grossly superstitious.

They use a script (not simply a succession of pictures) to communicate

There is some facility in the abstract use of numbers, without
of actual objects (or in other words, at least a start has been made

A calendar is in use, accurate to within a few days in the year.

Arrangements are made for the instruction or the young in intellectual

There is some appreciation of the fine arts.

Knowledge and understanding are valued as ends in themselves.

Having set up these criteria, Baker proceeded to analyze the
record of the races to ascertain which have originated civilizations.
conclusion was that the Caucasoid peoples developed all 21 components
civilization in four independent locations. These were the Sumerian in
valley of the Tigris and the Euphrates, the Cretian, the Indus Valley,
the ancient Egyptian. The Mongoloids also developed a full
civilization in
the Sinic civilization in China. The Amerindians achieved about half
of the
21 components in the Maya society of Guatemala, a little less in the
and Aztec societies, but these peoples never invented a written
script, the
wheel (except possibly in children's toys), the principle of the arch
their architecture, metal working, or money for the exchange of goods.
Negroids and the Australian aborigines achieved virtually none of the
criteria of civilization. While Baker confined his analysis to the
achievements of the races in originating civilizations, there can be
doubt that the same race differences appear in the historically later
development of more advanced cultures. During the last 2,000 years the
discoveries that constitute developed peoples have been made only by
Caucasoid and Mongoloid peoples. For the first sixteen hundred or so
of this period a case can be made out that the Mongoloid civilization
China was marginally ahead. The Han period of around 200-100 BC saw
introduction of written examinations for candidates for the mandarin
service, an idea which was considered an advance when it was
introduced into
Britain some 2,000 years later (Bowman, 1989). printing was invented
China by about 800, some 600 years before it was developed in Germany.
Marco Polo visited China about the year 1300 he was amazed at the
quality of
civilization in the numerous prosperous cities and particularly at the
of paper money, a concept not introduced into the general use in
until the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Chinese discovered
gunpowder about the year 1050 and developed the technology for using
it for
guns and not only, as popularly supposed, for fireworks. They were the
to invent the principle of the magnetic compass. Their technology for
manufacture of high quality porcelain was well ahead of anything in
until the late eighteenth century. Details of these and many other
scientific and technological achievements are given in Needham (1954).

During the last five centuries the Caucasoid peoples of Europe and
of North America have pulled ahead of the Mongoloids in science and
technology. This is probably because China has been run as a single
bureaucratic empire in which innovation has been discouraged first
under the
emperors and more recently under the communists while Japan was
from outside influences until relatively recently. Europe, in
contrast, has
been divided into numerous states, many of which afforded a high
degree of
personal freedom of thought, expression and technological innovation,
between which there was open communication. Nevertheless, although the
Europeans have generally been ahead of the Mongoloids during the last
centuries, since 1950 the Japanese have provided a strong challenge
and have
surpassed the West in the production of a number of high quality
technological goods.

A useful source for evaluating the contributions of the human races to
scientific and technological achievements is available in Asimov's
Chronology of Science and Discovery. This lists approximately 1,500 of
most important scientific and technological discoveries and inventions
have ever been made. The first three are bipedality, the manufacture
stone tools and the use of fire which antedate the evolution of the
Thereafter every single invention and discovery was made by the
Caucasian or
Mongoloid peoples. This compilation confirms the historical record.
Who can
doubt that the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids are the only two races
have made any significant contribution to civilization.


The studies of racial differences in intelligence test results,
times and scientific and technological discoveries show a high degree
consistency. All three sources of evidence indicate that the two races
the highest intelligence levels are the Mongoloids and the Caucasoids.
are followed by the Amerindians, while the south east Asian races and
Negroids are ranked lowest. The intelligence test results and the
times tend to indicate that average Mongoloid intelligence levels are
little higher than those of Caucasoids, but the difference is
small as compared with other racial differences. 'The general
consistency of
the results from the three sources of evidence, and the consistency of
different intellectual achievements of the races over a long
period, points to a substantial genetic determination for these
If genetic factors were not involved, there would have been much
variation over time and place and the observed consistencies would not
present. Whatever criteria are adopted, the Caucasoids and the
are the two most intelligent races and the historical record shows
that this
has been the case for approximately the last 5,000 years.

The environmentalist may argue that the Negroid peoples in Africa, the
Caribbean, the United States and Britain, and the Amerindians, Maoris
Australian aborigines, all live in socially and economically
conditions, as compared with Caucasoids and Mongoloids, and that these
conditions are responsible for some or perhaps all of their low
intelligence. This argument call be met by the concept of
genotype-environment correlation, originally proposed by Ploinin, De
and Loehlin (1977) and developed by Scarr and McCartney (1983).

There are two processes of genotype-environment correlation which are
relevant to the present problem. The first is "passive" and has the
that children tend to be reared in environments which are correlated
their own genetic potentialities. The principle applies for any trait
has a heritability, and this is undoubtably true of intelligence, and
in the
case of intelligence means that intelligent parents transmit the
characteristic genetically through their genes and environmentally
the advantageous environment which they provide for their children.
The two
modes of transmission have the effect that intelligent children tend
to be
reared in intelligence-enhancing environments. This brings the
genotypes and
the advantageous environments into positive correlation and implies
those reared in advantageous environments tend to have superior
This applies, for instance, to middle class children as compared with
working class children, and can also, arguably, be applied to
Caucasoid and
Mongoloid children as contrasted with those of other races. There is a
second "active" type of genotype-environment correlation which states
people play an active role in creating their own environments.
intelligent peoples are able to create a socially and economically
environment to an extent which cannot be done by less intelligent
Scarr and McCartney call this "niche building", and the two peoples
who have
been successful in building socially and economically developed niches
which to live and rear their children have been the Caucasoids and the

The argument frequently advanced that poor social and economic
are responsible for the lower intelligence of the Negroids, Aborigines
Amerindians places the cart before the horse. It assumes that the
impoverished environments of these peoples are simply the result of
circumstances over which these peoples themselves have no control.
Such a
claim does not stand up to examination. There are so many cases which
cannot explain, such as the achievements of Chinese, Japanese, Korean
Vietnamese immigrants in the United States and of Indians in Britain
Africa. The only plausible explanation for why these peoples have
where others, initially more advantageously placed, have failed is
that they
have the right genotypes for building socially and economically
environments for themselves and their families.

Appendix: Notes on the Calculation of IQs

One of the principal problems in the calculation of the mean IQs for
various racial populations concerns the date at which the data were
collected. Mean IQs in the economically advanced nations have been
increasing during the last half century (Lynn and Hampson, 1986;
1987). This poses the problemof whether an adjustment should be made
this increase in studies where a test standardized in the United
Britain, Australia or New Zealand has been administered some years
later to
another population. The adjustment involves making an addition to the
American, British or Australasian means to allow for the time interval
between the two test administrations. The effect is generally to
Caucasoid IQs in relation to those of other peoples. The increases are
however quite small and do not remove the higher means obtained by
populations, as shown in Lynn (1987).

For the present paper it was decided not to make such adjustments on
grounds. Firstly, the rates of secular increase of intelligence vary
from about 1 to 6 IQ points per decade in studies of different age
and different tests. It is therefore impossible to obtain any precise
estimate of what adjustment would be appropriate for many of the
Secondly, the great majority of the studies employ tests initially
standardized in the United States, Britain, Australia or New Zealand.
countries have high standards of living in relation to other
populations and
therefore enjoy some environmental advantage for the development of
intelligence. This advantage is to some degree counterbalanced by the
earlier administration of the tests. The decision was therefore made
not to
adjust the results for other populations for the time differential
the two test administrations but to report the mean IQs as originally
published. However, tests given to racial groups in the same country
as the
standardization samples have been reduced to allow for the secular
in the mean IQ of the base population. ?'his correction applies to the
and Lee (1972) Canadian Chinese sample, whose mean IQs are reduced by
7 IQ
points to allow for the secular increase of intelligence 1947-1970;
and to
the Belgian Korean sample whose IQs are reduced by 10 points to allow
for a
secular increase of intelligence in Belgium 19541983. Figures for
intelligence are derived either from nonverbal reasoning tests such as
Progressive Matrices and the Culture Fair, or from full scale Wechsler
In some studies only verbal and performance Wechsler IQs are reported
where this is the case these have been averaged to give an approximate
figure for the full scale IQ. Where means for Wechsler subtests are
reported, the verbal IQs are calculated from Vocabulary, Information,
Comprehension, Similarities and Arithmetic, and Visuospatial IQs from
Design, Object Assembly, Picture Arrangement, Picture Completion and
The reason for this is that factor analysis has shown that these are
best measures of the two abilities (Jensen and Reynolds, 1982). In the
of non- American standardizations of the Wechslers, IQs are calculated
the WISC tests by reading the means off the standardization tables and
converting to American IQs. Buj's IQs are given in relation to a
mean of 100.


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according to results of the 2000
National Assessment of Educational

Some 63 percent of black fourth-graders scored
below basic, as did 58 percent of
Hispanics --
which hasn't change much in eight

(Sources: WSJ reporter, "Reading Scores for U.S.
Fourth-Graders Haven't Climbed at All
in Eight Years,"
Wall Street Journal; and Associated
Press, "Gap Grows
Between Best, Worst Students,"
Washington Times;
both on April 9, 2001. )

Racial Realities

Are There Genetic Differences That Affect IQ?

IQ is a taboo subject-especially when comparing the differences
between the Negro and Caucasian races.
Anyone who attempts to publicly point out the facts on the real
genetic differences in IQ between Blacks
and Whites will be targeted by the controlled press, government,
school system, communist and jewish
groups for defamation, economic terrorism and even physical harm. Ask
brilliant scientist Dr. William
Shockley, awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1956 for the
invention and development of the
transistor. He dedicated the remainder of his life to warn and
instruct his White race on the true nature of
the genetic differences between the races, especially in IQ. Every
place he went to lecture, Dr. Shockley
faced riots and threats of violence. Many scheduled appearances were
canceled. Why do the rabid,
militant egalitarians want to prevent people like Dr. Shockley from
presenting the facts on racial
differences like IQs? Why are they so intolerant? Because they cannot
stand against the truth.

To question the doctrine of the genetic equality of human races in
mental abilities is to violate what is
unquestionably the most powerful taboo in the twentieth century.
- Prof. Arthur Jensen, Straight Talk About Mental Tests, p. 206

Prominent Studies

Here are the facts from a few prominent studies (of hundreds) about IQ
and race. Audrey M. Shuey, in a
book entitled The Testing of Negro Intelligence, (Social Science
Press, New York, 1966) brought
together over 380 studies testing American Blacks and Whites. These
studies included Blacks and Whites
from different socio-economic backgrounds over a 50 year period. The
conclusion was this: that average
Black IQ scores were 15 and 20 points lower than White averages. As
Dr. Shuey stated:

"It appears evident that ... White children scored consistently above
colored children, on the

Interestingly, Dr. Shuey's book was "hardly reviewed" by the
egalitarian media due to its devastating
effect on the notion that the environment was the sole determining
factor in IQ differences (Hans J.
Eysenck, The I.Q. Argument, The Library Press, 1971, p. 16).

Let's look at another study done in 1960. Here 1,800 Negro and White
children from the Southeastern
states were tested on the Standford-Binet intelligence scale. The
results tabulated below showed that the
average Negro IQ was 80.7 compared to the average White IQ of 101.8.









Very Superior

44 to 1

27 to 1
High Average

26 to 1

4.7 to 1

1.64 to 1
Low Average

.5 to 1

.125 to 1

Of course, the popular theory is that IQ is due to environmental
conditions and not genetics. However,
numerous studies have been done proving that when Black and White
children were tested from the same
socio-economic backgrounds, the Whites continually out-performed
Blacks by a significant amount
at each socio-economic level. Dr. Arthur Jensen provides a study done
in California on IQs of the 622
Black and 622 White children in conjunction with a socio-economic
scale from 1-10


Other Evidences Against The Environment Theory

If environment were the main cause of differences in IQ between
Negroes and Whites, then why are not
other races who have socio-economic and cultural standards different
from Whites also affected? Read
these quotes from noted researchers in the field of IQ:

... On a composite of twelve SES [socio-economic status] and other
environment indices, the
American Indian population ranks about as far below black standards as
blacks rank below that
of Whites ... But it turns out that Indians score higher than blacks
on tests of intelligence ... On a
nonverbal reasoning test given in the first grade, before schooling
could have had much impact,
Indian children exceeded the mean score of blacks by the equivalent of
14 IQ points ... Opposite
from what one would predict from the theory that ethnic group
differences in IQ merely reflect
SES differences. - Arthur Jensen, Straight Talk About Mental Tests And
Bias In Mental Testing, Free
Press, New York, p. 470

... if this [cultural] bias is responsible for Negro inferiority, when
does it not work against other
racial groups, like Asians tested in California? They are inferior to
Whites on socio-economic and
educational grounds, although not as much as the Negroes; but they
nevertheless do as well as the
Whites, and even better when tests involving abstract reasoning are
concerned. Cultural bias in
"white IQ tests" has clearly not put Oriental subjects off. Why should
it affect Negroes so
strongly, who after all have shared the White culture for much longer,
and who are perhaps more
closely integrated with it? - H.J. Eyseneck, Race, Intelligence and
Education, 1971, p. 120

Even when Blacks and Whites have the same backgrounds, in terms of
family income and childhood advantages, Blacks still have average I.Q.
scores 12 to 15 points lower than comparable Whites. This includes
cases where Black children have been adopted by White parents. Their
I.Q.s may be improved by environment, but they are still closer to
their biological parents than their adoptive parents.
Jensen, Arthur R. Bias in Mental Testing, The Free Press, New York

Shuey, Audrey H., The Testing of Negro Intelligence, Social Science
Press, New York, 1966

White/Negro I.Q. differences are constantly excused as results of
environmental variations. but at least five studies that have
attempted to equate socio-economic backgrounds of the two races
indicate no significant change in relative results. As environment
improves, the Negro does better but so does the White. The gap is not
decreased. (26) In fact, extensive research by DR. G.J. McGurk,
associate Professor of Psychology at Villanove University, reveals
that the gap in intelligence between Blacks and Whites INCREASES
where socio-economic levels of both races are raised to the middle
classes. (18)

Shuey, Audrey H., The Testing of Negro Intelligence, Social Science
Press, New York, 1966

McGurk, Frank, "A Scientist's Report on Race Differences." U.S. News
and World Report, Sept. 21, 1956. Washington, D.C.

In reality, the failure of African American children to
make the educational grade cannot
be explained by any of the above factors. Statistics
anyalzed by the New York Times
(July 4, 1999) dispel the poverty argument by establishing
that impoverished white
children whose parents earn less than $10,000 a year score
higher on standardized
SAT tests than black children whose parents earn more than
$70,000. None of the
above arguments, moreover, can explain why Vietnamese
children who are poor and
discriminated against, whose schools are under-funded, and
who are culturally at a
greater disadvantage than blacks, and have even fewer "role
models" to inspire them,
still manage to be educationally competitive.

AS OF 04/02

Lewis Terman, who revised the Goddard (1911)
translation of the
Binet-Simon Scale (1905) to become the
Stanford-Binet IQ test, wrote
in 1916 regarding two lower-scoring children,
that they reflected:

"the level of intelligence which is very, very
common among Spanish,
Indian and Mexican families of the Southwest and also among negroes.
Their dullness
seems to be racial, or at least inherent in the family stocks from
which they come. The fact
that one meets this type with such extraordinary frequency among
Indians, Mexicans, and
negroes suggests quite forcibly that the whole question of racial
differences in mental
traits will have to be taken up anew and by experimental methods. The
writer predicts
that when this is done there will be discovered enormously significant
racial differences
in general intelligence, differences which cannot be wiped out by any
scheme of mental

Children of this group should be segregated in special classes and be
given instruction
which is concrete and practical. They cannot master abstractions, but
they can often be
made efficient workers, able to look out for themselves. There is no
possibility at present
of convincing society that they should not be allowed to reproduce,
although from a
eugenic point of view they constitute a grave problem because of their
unusually prolific
breeding." [pp. 91-92]

FACT #3: The I.Q.'s of American Negroes are from 15 to 20 points, on
average, below those of American Whites.
Jensen, Arthur R. Straight Talk About Mental Tests, the Free Press.
(Macmillan) New York, 1981
McGurk, Frank, "A Scientist's Report on Race Differences." U.S. News
and World Report, Sept. 21, 1956. Washington, D.C.
Putnam, Carleton. Race and Reason, 1961, Howard Allen Press, Cape
Canaveral, FL
" Shuey, Audrey H., The Testing of Negro Intelligence, Social
Science Press, New York, 1966
Tom Shelly, White God
2004-08-19 20:39:06 UTC
On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 08:49:07 -0700, "S. L'Gree"
Post by S. L'Gree
(CNSNews.com) - The college seniors of today have no better grasp of
general knowledge than the high school graduates of almost half a
century ago, according to the results of a new study.
You simply can not apply human standards of behavior to niggers and
certainly can not expect them to learn at the same pace as humans.

In California, schools no longer give niggers IQ tests because too
many of them ended up in special education classes and were labeled as
retarded. Since then, the standards of retardation have been lowered
but it's still not enough so California just stopped giving niggers IQ
tests altogether.


FACT #3: The I.Q.'s of American Negroes are from
15 to 20 points, on average, below those of
Whites. (26) (16) (18) (22)

FACT #4: These Black\White differences have been
demonstrated repeatedly by every test ever
by every branch of the U.S. Military, every state,
county, and local school board, the U.S. Dept. of
Education, etc. The same ratio of difference has
true over a 40 year period. (18) (26) (24)

FACT #5: With an average I.Q. of 85, only 16% of
Blacks score over 100, while half the White
population does. The Negro overlap of White median
I.Q.'s ranges from 10 to 25 percent-- equality
require 50 percent. (31) (27) (16)

FACT #6: Blacks are 6 times as likely to have
of 50 to 70 which put them in the slow learner
(retarded) category, while Whites are ten times
likely to score 130 or over. (15) (16) (18) (23)

FACT # 7: The U.S. government's PACE
examination, given to 100,000 university graduates
who are prospective professional or administrative
civil-service employees each year, is passed with a
score of 70 or above by 58% of the whites who take
it but by only 12% of the Negroes. Among top
the difference between Negro and White performance
is even more striking: 16% of the white applicants
make scores of 90 or above, while only one-fifth of
one percent of a Negro applicants score as high as
90--a White/Black success ration of 80/1. (27)

FACT #8: Differences between Negro and White
children increase with chronological age, the gap
performance being largest at the high school and
college levels. (31) (26)

FACT #9: White/Negro I.Q. differences are
constantly excused as results of environmental
variations. but at least five studies that have
to equate socio-economic backgrounds of the two
races indicate no significant change in relative
As environment improves, the Negro does better but
so does the White. The gap is not decreased. (26)
fact, extensive research by DR. G.J. McGurk,
associate Professor of Psychology at Villanove
University, reveals that the gap in intelligence
Blacks and Whites INCREASES where
socio-economic levels of both races are raised to
middle classes. (18)

FACT #10: In 1915, Dr. G.W. Ferfuson took 1000
school children in Virginia, divided them into 5
categories, and tested them for mental aptitude. On
average. full-blooded Negroes scored 69.2% as high
as Whites. Three-quarter Negroes scored 73.0% as
high as Whites. One-half Negroes scored 81.2% as
high as Whites. One-quarter Negroes scored 91.8% as
high as Whites. All of these Blacks lived as and
considered themselves "Negroes." Their environments
and "advantages" or disadvantages were exactly the
same. (14) Also see (26) pg 452.

FACT #11: Results of the Army Beta test given by
the U.S. Army to over 386,000 illiterate soldiers
WWI showed Negro draftees to be "inferior to the
Whites on all types of tests used in the Army."
Additionally, tests were conducted upon pure
Negroes, Mulattoes, and Quadroons. It was found
that "the lighter groups made better scores." (14)

FACT #12: Studies conducted with identical twins
raised apart in radically different environments
provide conclusive evidence that over-all influence
heredity exceeds that of environment in a ratio of
about 3 to 1. (41)

FACT #13: Even when Blacks and Whites have the
same backgrounds, in terms of family income and
childhood advantages, Blacks still have average
scores 12 to 15 points lower than comparable
This includes cases where Black children have been
adopted by White parents. Their I.Q.s may be
improved by environment, but they are still closer
their biological parents than their adoptive
parents. (3)
(15) (26)

FACT #14: Equalitarian ideologists often discount
I.Q. test results with the excuse that they are
biased. Nonetheless, NO ONE, not the NAACP nor
the United Negro College Fund, nor NEA had been
able to develop an intelligence test which shows
Blacks and Whites scoring equally. (15) (42) (3)

FACT # 15: American Indians, who often live in
conditions far worse than American Blacks during
their entire lives, still consistently outscore
them on
I.Q. tests. (3) (27)

FACT #16: The offspring of interracial marriages
to have lower I.Q.s than the white parent. (11)

3.American Renaissance, Dec. '90, Box 2504,
Menlo Park, CA 94026

11.Fields, Dr. Ed, The Dangers of Interracial
Marriage, PO Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061

14.Jacob, A. White Man, Think Again! 1965, publ.
by author.

15.Jensen, Arthur R. Bias in Mental Testing, The
Free Press, New York 1980
16.Jensen, Arthur R. Straight Talk About Mental
Tests, the Free Press. (Macmillan) New York,

18.McGurk, Frank, "A Scientist's Report on Race
Differences." U.S. News and World Report,
Sept. 21, 1956. Washington, D.C.

22.Putnam, Carleton. Race and Reason, 1961,
Howard Allen Press, Cape Canaveral, FL

23.Putnam, Carleton. Race and Reality, a Search
for Solutions, 1967, Howard Allen, Box 76,
Cape Canaveral, FL 32920
24.Putnam, Carleton. A Study in Racial Realities,
an address at the University of California at
Davis, Dec. 17, 1964
27.Simpson, William Gayley. Which Way Western
Man? 1978, National Alliance Press, Box 3535,
Washington, D. C. 20007

31.Stell v Savannah-Chattham County Board of
Education, U.S. District Court, Southern
Georgia, May 13, 1963.

Race Differences in Intelligence: a Global Perspective Richard Lynn

University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland

THE MANKIND QUARTERLY, V31:3, Spring 1991, 255-296.

The world literature on racial differences in intelligence is reviewed
three points of view. Firstly, studies using intelligence tests
that Caucasoids in North America, Europe and Australasia generally
mean IQs of around 100. Mongoloids typically obtain slightly higher
means in
the range of 100-106. African Negroids obtain mean IQs of around 70,
Negroid-Caucasoids in the United States and Britain obtain means of
85. Amerindians and the South East Asian races typically obtain means
in the
range of 85-95.

A second source of evidence comes from studies of reaction times which
provide measures of the neurological efficiency of the brain. These
show that Mongoloids have the fastest reaction times, followed by
and then by Negroids. Thirdly, the races can be assessed for their
contributions to civilization. Here the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids
made the most significant advances both in the foundation of the early
civilizations and in more recent developments.

The existence of racial differences in intelligence has been known
since the
time of the First World war when tests given to large numbers of
conscripts in the United States revealed that blacks had an average
intelligence level about 15 IQ points below that of whites. In the
decades there has been debate over the question of whether these
have a genetic basis. This debate has largely taken place in the
context of
the differences in intelligence found in different racial populations
in the
United States. Genetic theorists have pointed to the high heritability
intelligence and the difficulties of formulating credible
explanations to explain the difference (Jensen 1972, 1973, 1980;
1971). Environmentalists have pointed to a variety of factor-s which
consider capable of explaining the low Negroid IQ, of which the most
important are bias in the tests, the adverse social and economic
conditions experienced by blacks, discrimination and prejudice from
majorities and the historical legacy of slavery which has demoralized
and destroyed their family structure (Flynn, 1980; Jaynes and
1989; Mackintosh and Mascie-Taylor, 1985). Neither side has yet
succeeded in
convincing the other and the issue remains unresolved, although a
poll has shown that the majority of experts now believe there is some
genetic basis to the low black IQ (Snyderman and Rothman, 1988).

The Purpose of the present paper is to consider the problem of racial
differences in intelligence in a global perspective. Part one of the
contains a review of the many studies which have been made of the
intelligence of different races throughout the world. The principal
here is whether the world wide evidence supports the genetic or the
environmental position.

In general terms the genetic theory requires that there should be a
reasonably high degree of consistency of the intelligence levels shown
populations of different races in a variety of geographical locations.
Negroids should universally have lower intelligence levels than
and this difference should be found in Africa and the West Indies as
well as
in the United States and Britain. The reason for this is that the
genes or
alleles (alternative forms of genes) for low intelligence, if these
should be present in all Negroid populations and not merely in those
ancestors were transported as slaves to the New World. Furthermore,
in the United States and Britain are nearly all Negroid Caucasoid
(Reed, 1969). Their Caucasoid genes should, on the genetic hypothesis,
their intelligence level as compared with the pure Negroids of Africa.
the genetic theory demands that African Negroids should have lower
intelligence levels than the Negroid-Caucasoid hybrids of the United
and Britain. Whether or not this is the case can be regarded as a test
the genetic theory and any studies showing that pure African Negroids
higher IQs than American or British Negroid hybrids would falsify the
genetic hypothesis.

A similar degree of consistency of intelligence levels should be found
all races if the intelligence is largely genetically determined. The
intelligence of Caucasoids should be approximately the same, whether
live in the United States, Britain, Europe, Australia or New Zealand.
same consistency should be present in the third major race of mankind,
Orientals or Mongoloids, who are present not only in their native
habitat of
north east Asia but also in the United States and Europe. Hence a
world wide
examination of the consistency of racial differences in intelligence
provide a perspective on the genetic and environmental theories which
lacking in the studies carried out in the local contexts of the United
States and, more recently, in Britain.

Part two of the paper deals with the question of whether the racial
differences in intelligence as measured by intelligence tests are also
present in reaction times, i.e. the speed of response to simple
stimuli. The
interest of this question is that recent work has shown that reaction
are a measure of intelligence and appear to represent differences in
neurological efficiency of brain processes (Jensen, 1982; Eysenck,
1982). A
positive finding of racial differences in reaction times would rule
out many
of the explanations for the intelligence differences advanced by
environmentalists such as bias in the tests, the legacy of slavery and
forth, and would point to a genetically determined neurological basis
the differences. Whether or not there are racial differences in
times which run parallel with those in intelligence therefore provides
further test of the genetic and environmental theories.

Part three of the paper considers the racial differences in the
and advancement of civilization. The establishment of civilization
numerous discoveries such as the invention of writing and arithmetic
these must have been due to the work of highly intelligent
individuals. This
part of the paper considers whether the racial differences in the
establishment of civilizations are the same as those found in the
performance of intelligence tests.

Intelligence Test Performance

Intelligence tests were developed in the first two decades of the
and in the following seventy years numerous studies have been
published of
the intelligence of different peoples in many parts of the world. The
principal studies have been collated and classified by the race and
summarized in Tables I through 6. Intelligence was initially
as a single entity quantified by the intelligence quotient and many
have reported racial differences in terms of a single 1(2. The
basis for representing intelligence in terms of a single 1(2 is
(1927) work identifying a general factor present in all cognitive
tests and
his conceptualization of this as general intelligence, now known as
Spearman's g, and identified as a generalized problem solving ability
enters into the performance of all cognitive tasks.

This theory of intelligence was challenged in the nineteen thirties by
Thurstone (1938) who proposed an alternative model which dispensed
with the
concept of Spearman's g and postulated six primary mental abilities
designated reasoning, spatial, numerical, verbal, perceptual speed and
fluency abilities. In the late nineteen-forties an integration of the
Spearman and Thurstone models was proposed by Burt (1949). This
consisted of
a hierarchical model of intelligence in which Spearman's general
factor was
split into two correlated group factors now generally known as the
and visuospatial abilities. These can in turn be broken down further
narrower primary abilities, of which some twenty to thirty have been
identified (Cattell, 1971). Burt's model is widely accepted in
psychology and is adopted in this paper. Where possible means for
populations are given for general intelligence (Spearman's g) and for
verbal and visuospatial abilities. Intelligence tests are normally
calibrated with the mean IQ set at 100 and the standard deviation at
This metric has been adopted and the mean IQ of American Caucasoids
set at
100 to serve as the standard in terms of which IQs of all other
are expressed. Further details of the methods used for the
calculations of
mean IQs for different populations are given in the appendix.


Mean IQs for Caucasoid peoples in the United States, Britain,
Europe, Australia and New Zealand are set out in Table 1. In this and
subsequent tables summary results are given for the geographical
location of
the sample, the age of the subjects, the numbers, the tests used and
IQs for general, verbal and visuospatial intelligence. General
is conceptualized as Spearman's g, the general factor present in all
cognitive tasks, and most effectively measured by tests of reasoning
such as Raven's Progressive Matrices and Cattell's Culture Fair Test.
It can
also be measured by omnibus tests such as the Wechslers and the
Binet. Results from all these tests are entered in the tables under
intelligence. Verbal 1Qs in the tables are derived from the verbal
scales of
the Wechslers and from verbal comprehension scales in such tests as
Differential Aptitude and the McCarthy. Visuospatial IQs are derived
the performance scales of the Wechslers and from visuospatial scales
in the
Differential Aptitude, the McCarthy and similar tests, and from figure
copying tests such as the Draw-a-Man.

Inspection of the results set out in the table will show firstly that
Caucasoids in the United States and Britain obtain virtually identical
IQs. This was first demonstrated in the 1932 Scottish survey of Il
olds who obtained a mean IQ of 99 on the American Stanford Binet. The
subsequent studies shown in the table under Scotland and Britain
this result. The earlier standardization of tests in the United States
generally based on normative samples of Caucasoids only, such as the
Stanford Rinet and Wechsler tests, but the later standardizations such
the WISC-R included Negroids. For this reason an adjustment has to be
to American means for later tests, because when the mean of the
total population is set at 100, the mean of American Caucasoids is
as derived from the standardization sample of the WISC-R (Jensen and
Reynolds, 1982).

Further inspection of the results set out in Table i shows that the
mean IQs
from all these Caucasoid populations lies in the range of 94-107, with
single exception of a low value of 87 for Spain found by Nieto Alegre
et al
(1967). The variations between and within the countries are probably
principally to differences in sampling accuracy and procedures and to
differences in living standards. Differences in sampling accuracy and
procedures can occur because of the difficulty of obtaining
samples and to differences in whether the mentally retarded are
included. In
the case of children, those in private schools may or may not be
included in
the samples. Sampling differences are probably largely responsible for
number of the discrepancies in the means obtained from the same
e.g. the two studies of general intelligence in Australia give means
of 95
and 104, and the three studies of France give means of 98, 104 and 94.

The largest discrepancy in the table is between the mean 1(2 of 87 for
obtained by Nieto Alegre et al and the mean of 98 obtained by Buj.
probably arises from a sampling difference between the two studies.
Alegre et al obtained their sample From military conscripts drawn from
whole of Spain, whereas Buj drew his samples for Spain and other
from the populations of the capital cities. While the sampling
adopted by Buj seems reasonable, it is probable that in less
developed countries like Spain with a rather backward peasant
there are considerable differences between the mean IQs in the rural
and in cities. In fact in the Nieto Alegre study there was a range of
approximately 15 IQ points between the means of the conscripts from
poorest rural regions and the most prosperous and more urbanized
centers. As
countries have become more industrialized the numbers of their rural
peasantry have declined and rural-urban differences in intelligence
largely disappeared. Thus Scotland was a largely urbanized country by
1930s and at this time there was virtually no difference in mean IQ
urban and rural children (Scottish Council for Research in Education,
In addition to differences in sampling, some of the differences
these Caucasoid populations may also be ascribed to differences in
standards. There is a wide range of these among this set of nations.
instance, in Spain which produced the lowest mean IQ of 87 for
conscripts tested in 1965, the per capita income in that year was 770
dollars as compared with $2,003 in Britain and $4,058 in the United
(United Nations, 1970). Low incomes have an adverse effect on
because poor people have less to spend on nutritious foods and tend to
less leisure to give their children cognitive stimulation.
Nevertheless, in
spite of these considerable differences in living standards, the
picture of the results summarized in Table I is one of fairly close
similarity of mean IQs among these diverse Caucasoid populations.

The last entries in Table 1 are for the IQs of Indians derived from
Indian sub-continent, South Africa and Britain. The mean of 86 in
India is
derived from a review by Sinha (1968) of the results of 17 studies of
children aged between 9 and 15 years and totalling in excess of 5,000.
IQs lie in the range of 81 to 94, with an overall mean of
approximately 86.
But ethic Indians in Britain obtain a mean of 96 which is within the
of other Caucasoid populations. Their verbal IC~ of 89 is depressed,
this is probably because their families are recent immigrants and have
yet mastered the language. The British results suggest that when
Indians is
are reared in an economically developed environment their intelligence
is about the same as that of European Caucasoids.


The Mongoloid peoples are those indigenous to north east Asia, north
of the
Himalayas and east of the Yenisey river. Their mean IQs are set out in
2. It will be seen that for general intelligence the Mongoloid peoples
in the majority of studies to obtain somewhat higher means than
This is the case in the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, Hong
Taiwan, Singapore and The People's Republic of China. The range is
from 97
to 110, with a mean of around 106. The lowest figure is the mean of 97
obtained by Stevenson et al for Japanese 6 year olds. One explanation
this result is probably that Mongoloids tend to be late maturers.
There is a
good deal of evidence for this reviewed in Lynn (1987). It will be
that the same investigators obtained a mean of 102 for Japanese 11
olds. A further factor is that Stevenson obtained his American
sample from the city of Minneapolis in Minnesota and the mean
Caucasoid IQ
in Minnesota is 105 (Flynn, 1980, p. 107). ?'his means that 5 IQ
should be added to all of Stevenson's Japanese means.

There is some dispute about the mean IQs of ethnic Mongoloids in the
States. Vernon (1982) reviewed the literature and concluded that the
non-verbal IQ (general intelligence) was around 110 and the verbal IQ
These figures have been questioned by Flynn (1989) who maintains that
respective means are approximately 100 and 97. The best single study
American ethnic Mongoloids appears to be the Coleman et al (1966)
report of
five age groups spanning the years 6-16 From which Flynn's figures are
derived. But there are problems with the Coleman study. One is that in
and other studies the category of Orientals may include Filipinos,
mean IQ is about 85 (Flynn, 1991) and who therefore pull down the mean
ethnic Chinese and Japanese. Filipinos constitute about 20 per cent
ofi2lnerican Orientals and if these are taken out of the Coleman
sample the
remainder who are largely ethnic Chinese and Japanese obtain a mean
non-verbal IQ of 103 and a mean verbal IQ of 98. A further problem in
Coleman data concerns the nature of the tests of "non verbal ability".
Coleman himself is careful to state that the non verbal tests used in
study were not measures of intelligence. The tests were of math
largely set out in verbal format and this will have given the tests a
bias and handicapped Orientals (Coleman 1990). Probably the Coleman
verbal ability tests should not be considered as good measures of
intelligence or Spearman's g. The weaknesses of the American studies
ethnic Orientals is that hardly any of them provide a good measure of
visuospatial abilities or of Spearman's g.

If Flynn should prove to be correct it would appear that the mean IQ
American ethnic Orientals is a little below that of Mongoloids in the
countries of the Pacific rim. The explanation for this may be that the
Chinese and Japanese immigrants from whom the majority of ethnic
are derived may have been below the average intelligence levels of
parent populations in Asia. The early immigrants came largely as
laborers to
build the railways and do other unskilled work developing the
of the west coast. This not particularly desirable work may have
those of less than average ability. If this is so, the high
educational and
occupational achievements of ethnic Orientals in the United States may
due to high work motivation rather than high intelligence levels.

A striking feature of the results for Mongoloids is that their verbal
are consistently lower than their visuospatial IQs. In most studies
differences are substantial amounting to between 10 to 15 IQ points.
pattern is present in Japan, Hong Kong, the United States and Canada.
It has
also been found among ethnic Japanese in Hawaii although these data
are not
presented in a form from which mean IQs can be calculated (Nagoshi and
Johnson, 1987). This difference is also picked up in the United States
performance on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), on which ethnic
invariably do better than Caucasians on the mathematics test (largely
measure of general intelligence and visuospatial ability) but less
well than
Caucasians on the verbal test (Wainer, 1988). A further manifestation
of the
strong visuospatial and weak verbal abilities of ethnic O1-iental
lies in their tendency to do well in professions like science,
and engineering which call for strong visuospatial abilities and
poorly in
law which calls for strong verbal abilities. This pattern of
achievement has been well documented by Weyl (1969, 1989) in his
studies of
the achievements of the major American ethnic populations. His method
involves the analysis of the frequencies of ethnic names among those
have achieved occupational distinction calculated in relation to their
frequencies in the general population. Thus he finds that common
names like Wong are greatly overrepresented in American Men and Women
Science, as compared with their frequency in the general population,
under represented in Who's Who in American Law. On the basis of this
he constructs a performance co-efficient for which average achievement
100. A co-efficient of 200 means that an ethnic group appears twice as
frequently in reference works of occupational distinction as would be
expected from its numbers in the total population, while a
co-efficient of
50 means that it appears half as often. In his first study he finds
ethnic Chinese obtained performance co-efficients of 506 in
308 in engineering and 438 in science but only 54 in law (Weyl, 1969).
second study oil later data confirms this pattern for the 1980s, when
Chinese obtained a performance co-efficient for science of 620, while
law their performance co-efficient was only 24.

It is easy to understand how this remarkable disparity arises.
typically discover that they tend to be good at some things and poor
others. There is a natural tendency for- young people to concentrate
those activities they are good at, be they sciences, languages, arts,
sport or whatever, and to make their careers in them. The reason that
different people are good at different things depends partly on
genetic and
partly on environmental differences. The widespread appearance of the
visuospatial - weak verbal ability pattern among Mongoloids in so many
diver-se geographical locations suggests that it has a genetic basis
that this is responsible for their striking over-achievement in the
and architecture and under-achievement in law.


The mean IQs of Negroids have invariably been found to be
lower than those of Caucasoids. Many studies have been done in the
States and by the mid-1960's Shuey (1966) was able to present a
summary of
362 investigations. The overall mean IQ of American Negroids was
approximately 85. Subsequent studies in the United States such as
those of
Coleman (1966), Broman, Nichols and Kennedy (1975) and others have
that this is about the right figure.

As a result of these studies it is sometimes assumed that the mean IQ
of all
Negroids is approximately 85 or 1 standard deviation below that of
Caucasoids. However, it has to be noted that almost all American
are Negroid-Caucasoid hybrids (Reed, 1989) and the same is probably
true of
most Negroids in the West Indies and Britain. To obtain mean IQs Of
Negroids it is necessary to take samples in Africa. For this reason
I(Zs for pure African Negroids are listed separately in Table 3 from
Negroid-Caucasoid hybrids in the United States, Britain, the West
Indies and
South Africa.

The first good study of the intelligence of pure African Negroids was
carried out in South Africa by Fick (1929). He used the American Army
Test, a non verbal test devised in the United States in the First
World War
for testing recruits who could not speak English, and administered it
10-14 year old Caucasoid, Negroid and Colored (Negroid-Caucasoid
school children. In relation to the Caucasoid mean of 100, based on
than 10,000 children, largely urban pure Negroid children obtained a
mean IQ
of 65, while urban Colored children obtained a mean IQ of 84. It is
interesting to note that these South African Coloreds or
hybrids obtained a mean IQ virtually identical to that of American
Caucasoid-Negroid hybrids.

The other studies of the IQs of pure Negroids summarized in Table 3
means in the range 65-81. Vernon tested his small sample in Kampala
with a
number of tests and the overall mean was about 80, but this sample was
from an academic secondary school and the result suggests that the
mean for
the population would be around 70. The best single study of the
intelligence is probably that of Owen (1989), who presents results for
16 year olds in the eighth grade who had been in school for around 8
and should have been well versed in paper and pencil tests. The test
was the South African Junior Aptitude which is well constructed arid
standardized and provides measures of verbal arid non verbal
spatial ability, verbal comprehension, perceptual speed and memory.
The mean
1Q of the sample in comparison with Caucasoid South African norms is
69. It
is also around the median of the studies listed in Table 3. It is
therefore to round this figure up to 70 and take this as the
mean for pure Negroids.

Negroid-Caucasoid Hybrids

As noted, virtually all American Negroids are hybrids with some
ancestry. The same is probably the case with West Indian and British
Negroids. Although this has never been documented, West Indian
lived as slaves on white owned plantations from the 17th to the 19th
in similar conditions to those of Negroids in the United States. There
undoubtedly a certain amount of interbreeding between white estate
and Negroid slaves, which gave rise to a number of Negroid-Caucasoid
whose existence as a considerable class was noted by Anthony Trollope
in his
Tour of the West Indies.

The results for Negroid-Caucasoid hybrids are shown in Table 4 . For
United States, seven major- post Shuey (1966) studies are listed
because of
their special interest by virtue of the large number of subjects,
the), yield IQs for the verbal and visuospatial abilities, or because
are derived from young children. These show that the Negroid mean 1Q
approximately 85 is present among children as young as 2-6 year-olds.

In Britain the three major studies of Negroids obtained mean IQs of
86, 94
and 87, broadly similar to those in the United States. Figures are
for two Of the Caribbean islands, namely Barbados (mean IQ = 82) and
(mean IQ = 66-75).

The Negroid-Caucasoid differences appear to be of about the same
for general intelligence arid the verbal and visuospatial abilities.
Detailed studies by Jensen and his colleagues have shown that when
are carefully matched the Negroid-Caucasoid differences are greatest
general intelligence (Spearman's g) and for the visuospatial abilities
less for verbal ability (Jensen and Reynolds, 1982; Reynolds and
1983; Naglieri and Jensen, 1987). Nevertheless, the broad picture,
the results as a whole, is that the three abilities are of
equal magnitude. This also appears to be the case ill South Africa
to the results of Owen.


The results of studies of the intelligence of Amerindians are
summarized in
Table 5 . The mean general IQs have invariably been found to be
below that of Caucasoids. The largest study is that of Coleman et al
which obtained a mean of 94, but a number of studies have reported
means in
the 70-90 range. The median of the 15 studies listed is 89 which can
taken as a reasonable approximation, indicating that the Amerindian
mean IQ
falls someway between that of Caucasoids and Negroid-Caucasoid
hybrids. The
same intermediate position is occupied by Amerindians ill performance
on the
Scholastic Aptitude Test (Wainer, 1958).

In addition, all the studies of Amerindians have found that they have
visuospatial than verbal IQs. The studies listed are those where the
Amerindians speak English as their first language, so this pattern of
results is unlikely to be solely due to the difficulty of taking the
tests. in an unfamiliar language. The verbal-visuospatiaI disparity is
picked up in the Scholastic Aptitude Test, where Amerindians
score higher on the mathematical test than on the verbal (Wainer,
1988). The
strong visuospatial-weak verbal pattern of abilities in the
resembles that of the Mongoloids, although in the Mongoloids the whole
ability profile is shifted upwards by some 10-15 IQ points. This
is not altogether surprising in view of the close genetic relationship
the two races, Amerindians being all offshoot of the Mongoloids who
the Bering Straits from north east Siberia into Alaska at some time in
prehistory. The similarity of the cognitive profile of the two races
suggests that this profile was present in the common stock from which
contemporary races are derived, and that some factor raised the
levels in the Mongoloids following the geographical differentiation of
two races.

South East Asians

The South East Asian races comprise Polynesians, Micronesians,
Maoris and Australian Aborigines. The results of intelligence test
of these subraces are shown in Table 6. Apart from the low mean of 67
for a
small sample of Australian Aborigine children, all the mean Iqs lie in
range of 80-95. The one study to include measures of general, verbal
visuospatial abilities for New Zealand Maoris shows that this group
does not
share the strong visuospatial-weak verbal ability profile of
Mongoloids and
Amerindians. Although the intelligence of this group of peoples has
not been
extensively researched there are sufficient studies to suggest a mean
IQ2 of
about 90.

Racial Differences in Reaction Times

It has often been argued that the racial differences in intelligence
performance may be due to the tests being biased or to a variety of
environmental factors such as differences in education, experience of
dealing with visual representations, motivation, attitudes towards
taking and nutrition. The alternative theory is that these differences
a genetic basis. In order to test for which of these different
is correct, a study has been carried out to determine whether the
differences in intelligence are also present in reaction times. The
rationale of the study is that reaction times provide a measure of the
brain's neurological efficiency in dealing with very simple tasks and
unaffected by education, motivation and other environmental factors
with the
possible exception of extreme malnutrition.

It has been shown in a number of studies that reaction times are
associated with intelligence, and the explanation widely accepted for
association is that reaction times provide a measure of the
efficiency of the brain in analysis and decision making (Jensen, 1982:
Eysenck, 1982). Hence if there are racial differences in reaction
times of
the same kind as those present in intelligence test performance, it
can be
inferred that these differences lie at the neurological level and
reflect genetic differences.

Reaction times consist of the speed with which a subject reacts to
stimuli. Normally a light comes on and the subject has to press a
button to
turn it off. Reaction time tasks can be varied to present different
of difficulty. In the present study three reaction time tasks were
used of
different degrees of difficulty. In the simplest task a single light
on and the subject moves his hand to switch it off. This response
takes around half a second. In more complex situations, one of several
lights comes on and has to be switched off. These are known as choice
reaction times and take a little longer. In a still more complex task,
lights come on of which two are close together and one stands apart.
the subject has to judge which is the light that stands apart and
switch it
off. This is known as the odd man out task. It is more difficult than
simpler reaction time tasks and typically takes about twice as long.

All three reaction time tasks were used in the present study. In
the apparatus used in the investigation was designed to measure two
processes in reaction time tasks known as movement times and decision
in these tasks the subject has to make a decision about what to do
times) and then execute the decision by moving the finger to switch
off the
light (movement times). Both these times were recorded automatically
disks by a microcomputer.

The subjects used in the study consisted of 9 year old children
representative of the three major races of Mongoloids, Caucasoids and
Negroids. The Mongoloids were obtained from Hong Kong and Japan, the
Caucasoids from Britain and Ireland and the Negroids from South
Africa. All
the children were drawn as socially representative samples from
public primary schools in their respective countries with the
exception of
the Irish children who came from rural areas and whose mean IQ was
lower than would otherwise have been expected.

In all the five samples decision times, movement times and
were negatively correlated with intelligence. Further details of the
reaction time apparatus, testing procedures and analyses of the
between the reaction time measures and intelligence for the samples
given in Shigehisa and Lynn (1991), Chan, Eysenck and Lynn (1991) and
and Holmshaw (1991).

Summary statistics for the five samples giving the numbers tested,
mean IQs,
means for the 12 reaction time measures and standard deviations for
entire sample are shown in Table 7. The last column of the table gives
product moment correlations between the Progressive Matrices and the
reaction time measures. it will be seen that the Hong Kong and
children obtained the highest mean IQs, fastest decision times and low
decision time variabilities, the British and Irish children were
intermediate, while the South African Negroids obtained the lowest
means on
the Progressive Matrices, slowest decision times and highest
All the correlations are high and five of the six are statistically

The movement times of the five populations do not show any consistent
overall relationship with Progressive Matrices scores. It is however
interesting to note that the Negroid children tend to have fast
times. In the complex and odd man out tasks their movement times are
significantly faster than those of British, Irish and Chinese

It is known that the speed of reaction times is genetically determined
to a
significant extent. This has been shown by Vernon (1989) in a study of
identical and 52 non-identical twins, which produced a heritability
coefficient of.51 for reaction times. Somewhat similar results have
reported by Ho, Baker and Decker (1988) for two other speed of
processing tasks which gave heritability coefficients of.47 and .24.
authors have also shown that the positive correlation between measures
speed of information processing and intelligence arises from common
processes suggesting that common genetically controlled neurological
mechanisms are involved in the performance of both types of task.

It is therefore considered that the most reasonable interpretation of
Mongoloid-Caucasoid-Negroid results is that these reflect genetic
differences between the three racial groups. It is not considered
that educational differences could be involved because of the extreme
simplicity of the tasks. Motivational differences are improbable,
reaction times seem unaffected by motivation (Jensen, 1982). It might
thought that nutritional differences might be involved.

However, the fact that the Negroid children performed faster than the
Caucasoid on movement times makes it unlikely that poor nutrition
could have
reduced neural conduction rates. We are therefore left with
determined differences in information processing capacities as the
probable explanation of the Mongoloid-Caucasoid-Negroid differences in
decision times.

Contributions to Civilization

A third source of evidence on racial differences in intelligence lies
in the
degree to which the various races have made significant intellectual,
scientific and technological discoveries and inventions. The argument
that these advances are likely to be made by a few outstanding and
intelligent individuals. There will be more of these in a population
the average level of intelligence is high, and hence the intelligence
of populations and whole races can be infer-red from their

The first writer to advance this argument was Galton (1869) but he
his analysis to the Greeks of the classical period, England and
the Negroids and the Australian Aborigines. His conclusion was that
Creeks produced the greatest number of intellectual advances and could
therefore be considered the most intelligent population. He placed the
marginally above the English, and a long way below these he placed the
Negroids and the Aborigines.

Galton's treatment of the problem was sketchy, but it provided the
idea on which others were to build. The most extensive analysis of
this kind
was carried out by Baker (1974). He first set up twenty one criteria
which the achievements of early civilizations could be judged. These
were as

In the ordinary circumstances of life in public places, they cover the
greater part of the trunk with clothes.

They keep the body clean and take care to dispose of its waste

They do not practice severe mutilation or deformation of the body,
for medical reasons.

They have knowledge of building in brick or stone, if the necessary
materials are available in their territory.

Many of them live in towns or cities, which are linked by roads.

They cultivate food-plants.

They domesticate animals and use some of the larger ones for transport
have in the past so used them), if suitable species are available.

They have knowledge of the use of metals, if these are available.

They use wheels.

They exchange property by the use of money.

They order their society by a system of laws, which are enforced in
such a
way that they ordinarily go about their various concerns in times of
without danger of attack or arbitrary arrest.

They permit accused persons to defend themselves and to bring
witnesses for
their defence.

They do not use torture to extract information or for punishment.

They do not practice cannibalism.

Their religious systems include ethical elements and are not purely or
grossly superstitious.

They use a script (not simply a succession of pictures) to communicate

There is some facility in the abstract use of numbers, without
of actual objects (or in other words, at least a start has been made

A calendar is in use, accurate to within a few days in the year.

Arrangements are made for the instruction or the young in intellectual

There is some appreciation of the fine arts.

Knowledge and understanding are valued as ends in themselves.

Having set up these criteria, Baker proceeded to analyze the
record of the races to ascertain which have originated civilizations.
conclusion was that the Caucasoid peoples developed all 21 components
civilization in four independent locations. These were the Sumerian in
valley of the Tigris and the Euphrates, the Cretian, the Indus Valley,
the ancient Egyptian. The Mongoloids also developed a full
civilization in
the Sinic civilization in China. The Amerindians achieved about half
of the
21 components in the Maya society of Guatemala, a little less in the
and Aztec societies, but these peoples never invented a written
script, the
wheel (except possibly in children's toys), the principle of the arch
their architecture, metal working, or money for the exchange of goods.
Negroids and the Australian aborigines achieved virtually none of the
criteria of civilization. While Baker confined his analysis to the
achievements of the races in originating civilizations, there can be
doubt that the same race differences appear in the historically later
development of more advanced cultures. During the last 2,000 years the
discoveries that constitute developed peoples have been made only by
Caucasoid and Mongoloid peoples. For the first sixteen hundred or so
of this period a case can be made out that the Mongoloid civilization
China was marginally ahead. The Han period of around 200-100 BC saw
introduction of written examinations for candidates for the mandarin
service, an idea which was considered an advance when it was
introduced into
Britain some 2,000 years later (Bowman, 1989). printing was invented
China by about 800, some 600 years before it was developed in Germany.
Marco Polo visited China about the year 1300 he was amazed at the
quality of
civilization in the numerous prosperous cities and particularly at the
of paper money, a concept not introduced into the general use in
until the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The Chinese discovered
gunpowder about the year 1050 and developed the technology for using
it for
guns and not only, as popularly supposed, for fireworks. They were the
to invent the principle of the magnetic compass. Their technology for
manufacture of high quality porcelain was well ahead of anything in
until the late eighteenth century. Details of these and many other
scientific and technological achievements are given in Needham (1954).

During the last five centuries the Caucasoid peoples of Europe and
of North America have pulled ahead of the Mongoloids in science and
technology. This is probably because China has been run as a single
bureaucratic empire in which innovation has been discouraged first
under the
emperors and more recently under the communists while Japan was
from outside influences until relatively recently. Europe, in
contrast, has
been divided into numerous states, many of which afforded a high
degree of
personal freedom of thought, expression and technological innovation,
between which there was open communication. Nevertheless, although the
Europeans have generally been ahead of the Mongoloids during the last
centuries, since 1950 the Japanese have provided a strong challenge
and have
surpassed the West in the production of a number of high quality
technological goods.

A useful source for evaluating the contributions of the human races to
scientific and technological achievements is available in Asimov's
Chronology of Science and Discovery. This lists approximately 1,500 of
most important scientific and technological discoveries and inventions
have ever been made. The first three are bipedality, the manufacture
stone tools and the use of fire which antedate the evolution of the
Thereafter every single invention and discovery was made by the
Caucasian or
Mongoloid peoples. This compilation confirms the historical record.
Who can
doubt that the Caucasoids and the Mongoloids are the only two races
have made any significant contribution to civilization.


The studies of racial differences in intelligence test results,
times and scientific and technological discoveries show a high degree
consistency. All three sources of evidence indicate that the two races
the highest intelligence levels are the Mongoloids and the Caucasoids.
are followed by the Amerindians, while the south east Asian races and
Negroids are ranked lowest. The intelligence test results and the
times tend to indicate that average Mongoloid intelligence levels are
little higher than those of Caucasoids, but the difference is
small as compared with other racial differences. 'The general
consistency of
the results from the three sources of evidence, and the consistency of
different intellectual achievements of the races over a long
period, points to a substantial genetic determination for these
If genetic factors were not involved, there would have been much
variation over time and place and the observed consistencies would not
present. Whatever criteria are adopted, the Caucasoids and the
are the two most intelligent races and the historical record shows
that this
has been the case for approximately the last 5,000 years.

The environmentalist may argue that the Negroid peoples in Africa, the
Caribbean, the United States and Britain, and the Amerindians, Maoris
Australian aborigines, all live in socially and economically
conditions, as compared with Caucasoids and Mongoloids, and that these
conditions are responsible for some or perhaps all of their low
intelligence. This argument call be met by the concept of
genotype-environment correlation, originally proposed by Ploinin, De
and Loehlin (1977) and developed by Scarr and McCartney (1983).

There are two processes of genotype-environment correlation which are
relevant to the present problem. The first is "passive" and has the
that children tend to be reared in environments which are correlated
their own genetic potentialities. The principle applies for any trait
has a heritability, and this is undoubtably true of intelligence, and
in the
case of intelligence means that intelligent parents transmit the
characteristic genetically through their genes and environmentally
the advantageous environment which they provide for their children.
The two
modes of transmission have the effect that intelligent children tend
to be
reared in intelligence-enhancing environments. This brings the
genotypes and
the advantageous environments into positive correlation and implies
those reared in advantageous environments tend to have superior
This applies, for instance, to middle class children as compared with
working class children, and can also, arguably, be applied to
Caucasoid and
Mongoloid children as contrasted with those of other races. There is a
second "active" type of genotype-environment correlation which states
people play an active role in creating their own environments.
intelligent peoples are able to create a socially and economically
environment to an extent which cannot be done by less intelligent
Scarr and McCartney call this "niche building", and the two peoples
who have
been successful in building socially and economically developed niches
which to live and rear their children have been the Caucasoids and the

The argument frequently advanced that poor social and economic
are responsible for the lower intelligence of the Negroids, Aborigines
Amerindians places the cart before the horse. It assumes that the
impoverished environments of these peoples are simply the result of
circumstances over which these peoples themselves have no control.
Such a
claim does not stand up to examination. There are so many cases which
cannot explain, such as the achievements of Chinese, Japanese, Korean
Vietnamese immigrants in the United States and of Indians in Britain
Africa. The only plausible explanation for why these peoples have
where others, initially more advantageously placed, have failed is
that they
have the right genotypes for building socially and economically
environments for themselves and their families.

Appendix: Notes on the Calculation of IQs

One of the principal problems in the calculation of the mean IQs for
various racial populations concerns the date at which the data were
collected. Mean IQs in the economically advanced nations have been
increasing during the last half century (Lynn and Hampson, 1986;
1987). This poses the problemof whether an adjustment should be made
this increase in studies where a test standardized in the United
Britain, Australia or New Zealand has been administered some years
later to
another population. The adjustment involves making an addition to the
American, British or Australasian means to allow for the time interval
between the two test administrations. The effect is generally to
Caucasoid IQs in relation to those of other peoples. The increases are
however quite small and do not remove the higher means obtained by
populations, as shown in Lynn (1987).

For the present paper it was decided not to make such adjustments on
grounds. Firstly, the rates of secular increase of intelligence vary
from about 1 to 6 IQ points per decade in studies of different age
and different tests. It is therefore impossible to obtain any precise
estimate of what adjustment would be appropriate for many of the
Secondly, the great majority of the studies employ tests initially
standardized in the United States, Britain, Australia or New Zealand.
countries have high standards of living in relation to other
populations and
therefore enjoy some environmental advantage for the development of
intelligence. This advantage is to some degree counterbalanced by the
earlier administration of the tests. The decision was therefore made
not to
adjust the results for other populations for the time differential
the two test administrations but to report the mean IQs as originally
published. However, tests given to racial groups in the same country
as the
standardization samples have been reduced to allow for the secular
in the mean IQ of the base population. ?'his correction applies to the
and Lee (1972) Canadian Chinese sample, whose mean IQs are reduced by
7 IQ
points to allow for the secular increase of intelligence 1947-1970;
and to
the Belgian Korean sample whose IQs are reduced by 10 points to allow
for a
secular increase of intelligence in Belgium 19541983. Figures for
intelligence are derived either from nonverbal reasoning tests such as
Progressive Matrices and the Culture Fair, or from full scale Wechsler
In some studies only verbal and performance Wechsler IQs are reported
where this is the case these have been averaged to give an approximate
figure for the full scale IQ. Where means for Wechsler subtests are
reported, the verbal IQs are calculated from Vocabulary, Information,
Comprehension, Similarities and Arithmetic, and Visuospatial IQs from
Design, Object Assembly, Picture Arrangement, Picture Completion and
The reason for this is that factor analysis has shown that these are
best measures of the two abilities (Jensen and Reynolds, 1982). In the
of non- American standardizations of the Wechslers, IQs are calculated
the WISC tests by reading the means off the standardization tables and
converting to American IQs. Buj's IQs are given in relation to a
mean of 100.


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according to results of the 2000
National Assessment of Educational

Some 63 percent of black fourth-graders scored
below basic, as did 58 percent of
Hispanics --
which hasn't change much in eight

(Sources: WSJ reporter, "Reading Scores for U.S.
Fourth-Graders Haven't Climbed at All
in Eight Years,"
Wall Street Journal; and Associated
Press, "Gap Grows
Between Best, Worst Students,"
Washington Times;
both on April 9, 2001. )

Racial Realities

Are There Genetic Differences That Affect IQ?

IQ is a taboo subject-especially when comparing the differences
between the Negro and Caucasian races.
Anyone who attempts to publicly point out the facts on the real
genetic differences in IQ between Blacks
and Whites will be targeted by the controlled press, government,
school system, communist and jewish
groups for defamation, economic terrorism and even physical harm. Ask
brilliant scientist Dr. William
Shockley, awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1956 for the
invention and development of the
transistor. He dedicated the remainder of his life to warn and
instruct his White race on the true nature of
the genetic differences between the races, especially in IQ. Every
place he went to lecture, Dr. Shockley
faced riots and threats of violence. Many scheduled appearances were
canceled. Why do the rabid,
militant egalitarians want to prevent people like Dr. Shockley from
presenting the facts on racial
differences like IQs? Why are they so intolerant? Because they cannot
stand against the truth.

To question the doctrine of the genetic equality of human races in
mental abilities is to violate what is
unquestionably the most powerful taboo in the twentieth century.
- Prof. Arthur Jensen, Straight Talk About Mental Tests, p. 206

Prominent Studies

Here are the facts from a few prominent studies (of hundreds) about IQ
and race. Audrey M. Shuey, in a
book entitled The Testing of Negro Intelligence, (Social Science
Press, New York, 1966) brought
together over 380 studies testing American Blacks and Whites. These
studies included Blacks and Whites
from different socio-economic backgrounds over a 50 year period. The
conclusion was this: that average
Black IQ scores were 15 and 20 points lower than White averages. As
Dr. Shuey stated:

"It appears evident that ... White children scored consistently above
colored children, on the

Interestingly, Dr. Shuey's book was "hardly reviewed" by the
egalitarian media due to its devastating
effect on the notion that the environment was the sole determining
factor in IQ differences (Hans J.
Eysenck, The I.Q. Argument, The Library Press, 1971, p. 16).

Let's look at another study done in 1960. Here 1,800 Negro and White
children from the Southeastern
states were tested on the Standford-Binet intelligence scale. The
results tabulated below showed that the
average Negro IQ was 80.7 compared to the average White IQ of 101.8.









Very Superior

44 to 1

27 to 1
High Average

26 to 1

4.7 to 1

1.64 to 1
Low Average

.5 to 1

.125 to 1

Of course, the popular theory is that IQ is due to environmental
conditions and not genetics. However,
numerous studies have been done proving that when Black and White
children were tested from the same
socio-economic backgrounds, the Whites continually out-performed
Blacks by a significant amount
at each socio-economic level. Dr. Arthur Jensen provides a study done
in California on IQs of the 622
Black and 622 White children in conjunction with a socio-economic
scale from 1-10


Other Evidences Against The Environment Theory

If environment were the main cause of differences in IQ between
Negroes and Whites, then why are not
other races who have socio-economic and cultural standards different
from Whites also affected? Read
these quotes from noted researchers in the field of IQ:

... On a composite of twelve SES [socio-economic status] and other
environment indices, the
American Indian population ranks about as far below black standards as
blacks rank below that
of Whites ... But it turns out that Indians score higher than blacks
on tests of intelligence ... On a
nonverbal reasoning test given in the first grade, before schooling
could have had much impact,
Indian children exceeded the mean score of blacks by the equivalent of
14 IQ points ... Opposite
from what one would predict from the theory that ethnic group
differences in IQ merely reflect
SES differences. - Arthur Jensen, Straight Talk About Mental Tests And
Bias In Mental Testing, Free
Press, New York, p. 470

... if this [cultural] bias is responsible for Negro inferiority, when
does it not work against other
racial groups, like Asians tested in California? They are inferior to
Whites on socio-economic and
educational grounds, although not as much as the Negroes; but they
nevertheless do as well as the
Whites, and even better when tests involving abstract reasoning are
concerned. Cultural bias in
"white IQ tests" has clearly not put Oriental subjects off. Why should
it affect Negroes so
strongly, who after all have shared the White culture for much longer,
and who are perhaps more
closely integrated with it? - H.J. Eyseneck, Race, Intelligence and
Education, 1971, p. 120

Even when Blacks and Whites have the same backgrounds, in terms of
family income and childhood advantages, Blacks still have average I.Q.
scores 12 to 15 points lower than comparable Whites. This includes
cases where Black children have been adopted by White parents. Their
I.Q.s may be improved by environment, but they are still closer to
their biological parents than their adoptive parents.
Jensen, Arthur R. Bias in Mental Testing, The Free Press, New York

Shuey, Audrey H., The Testing of Negro Intelligence, Social Science
Press, New York, 1966

White/Negro I.Q. differences are constantly excused as results of
environmental variations. but at least five studies that have
attempted to equate socio-economic backgrounds of the two races
indicate no significant change in relative results. As environment
improves, the Negro does better but so does the White. The gap is not
decreased. (26) In fact, extensive research by DR. G.J. McGurk,
associate Professor of Psychology at Villanove University, reveals
that the gap in intelligence between Blacks and Whites INCREASES
where socio-economic levels of both races are raised to the middle
classes. (18)

Shuey, Audrey H., The Testing of Negro Intelligence, Social Science
Press, New York, 1966

McGurk, Frank, "A Scientist's Report on Race Differences." U.S. News
and World Report, Sept. 21, 1956. Washington, D.C.

In reality, the failure of African American children to
make the educational grade cannot
be explained by any of the above factors. Statistics
anyalzed by the New York Times
(July 4, 1999) dispel the poverty argument by establishing
that impoverished white
children whose parents earn less than $10,000 a year score
higher on standardized
SAT tests than black children whose parents earn more than
$70,000. None of the
above arguments, moreover, can explain why Vietnamese
children who are poor and
discriminated against, whose schools are under-funded, and
who are culturally at a
greater disadvantage than blacks, and have even fewer "role
models" to inspire them,
still manage to be educationally competitive.

AS OF 04/02

Lewis Terman, who revised the Goddard (1911)
translation of the
Binet-Simon Scale (1905) to become the
Stanford-Binet IQ test, wrote
in 1916 regarding two lower-scoring children,
that they reflected:

"the level of intelligence which is very, very
common among Spanish,
Indian and Mexican families of the Southwest and also among negroes.
Their dullness
seems to be racial, or at least inherent in the family stocks from
which they come. The fact
that one meets this type with such extraordinary frequency among
Indians, Mexicans, and
negroes suggests quite forcibly that the whole question of racial
differences in mental
traits will have to be taken up anew and by experimental methods. The
writer predicts
that when this is done there will be discovered enormously significant
racial differences
in general intelligence, differences which cannot be wiped out by any
scheme of mental

Children of this group should be segregated in special classes and be
given instruction
which is concrete and practical. They cannot master abstractions, but
they can often be
made efficient workers, able to look out for themselves. There is no
possibility at present
of convincing society that they should not be allowed to reproduce,
although from a
eugenic point of view they constitute a grave problem because of their
unusually prolific
breeding." [pp. 91-92]

FACT #3: The I.Q.'s of American Negroes are from 15 to 20 points, on
average, below those of American Whites.
Jensen, Arthur R. Straight Talk About Mental Tests, the Free Press.
(Macmillan) New York, 1981
McGurk, Frank, "A Scientist's Report on Race Differences." U.S. News
and World Report, Sept. 21, 1956. Washington, D.C.
Putnam, Carleton. Race and Reason, 1961, Howard Allen Press, Cape
Canaveral, FL
" Shuey, Audrey H., The Testing of Negro Intelligence, Social
Science Press, New York, 1966
2004-08-20 00:44:43 UTC
Post by S. L'Gree
Affirmative Action chickens come home to roost.
College Seniors No More Knowledgeable Than 1950s High School Grads
By Scott Hogenson
CNSNews.com Executive Editor
This is a nearly two year old article and the report was already shown
to be meaningless shortly after it first appeared.

Several factors make this comparison worthless.

First are the huge margins of error. The 1955 high school sample has
a margin of error of +/- 7.7% while today's college sample has a
margin of error of +/- 5%. They are careful not to say what the
margin of error is for the 1955 college population but admit the
sample "was, to be sure, very small, numbering only 45" This is not
exactly a suitable sample size, and gives a margin of error of at
least +/- 15%. [http://www.nas.org/reports/senior_poll/senior_poll_report.pdf]

Second, the people measured in 1955 weren't recent high school
graduates but people who were 25-36 years old who reported that they
were high school graduates. The report didn't give a breakdown for
ages of the 1955 sample but did for the 2002 sample, with half being
18 to 22 (at least three years younger than the youngest people in the
1955 sample). So the 1955 sample had a few more years to accumulate
knowledge, which is important since many of the questions in the study
did not ask things only taught in school.

In fact, the questions, they seem more like trivial pursuit rather
than a test of knowledge. They're mostly not the sort of things
colleges would be teaching. And today's college kids frequently did
much better on the questions where the 1950s kids didn't have an

1 Who wrote A Midsummer Night's Dream. [Shakespeare] 78% of this
year's college kids got this right compared to just 37% of 1955 HS

2. What composer wrote the Messiah. [Handel] 35% of today's kids but
just 20% of 1955 got this right.

3. What planet is nearest the sun. [Mercury] 59% of today's seniors
but just 6% of 1955 students go this right.

4. The question on Einstein cannot be fairly compared to today as the
1955 version, asked just two months after Einstein's death, started,
"What great scientist, who died recently, do you associate with the
theory of relativitiy." That reference to a recent death makes it a
totally different question.

The other questions, "largest lake in North America" (38% to 27%),
"National language of Brazil" (55% to 13%), "Which of the following
states borders Canada" (complex because there were several right
answers) are similarly trivia.

The only place where the 1955 students did substantially better than
today's were history questions about a time more recent to 1955 than
rto today, asking "Who made the first non-stop sole trans-Atlantic
Flight" [Lindberg](49% to 79%) but even the study admits "The 1955
respondents were, of course, more than a generation closer to
Lindbergh's 1927 flight" (and some of those answering would have been
alive in 1927, and of course the flight would have been mentioned
during the publicity around the kidnapping of Lindberg's son just 23
years earlier) "In What country was the Battle of Waterloo fought"
[Belgium] (3% to 44%), "What profession do you associate with Florence
Nightingale?" [Nursing] (53% to 87%), "What is the name of the
decoration given to those in the armed forces who are wounded in
action against the enemy [Purple Heart] (78% to 90%) but again with a
qualifier in the report "It should be noted that conscription was
still in effect in the 1950s"

And this doesn't go into all the many things things that have happened
since 1955 or happened before and just weren't included in the 1950s
