Soldiers back war! Is that another 'Bring It On'?
(too old to reply)
Kaptain L'Merika
2004-12-30 18:53:20 UTC
Pay no attention to these anti-american twits. They're arab students
who if sent back to their native countries would be chased down by secret
police, tortured to extract whatever info about the "infidels" they'd
learned, and given a choice: Become a suicide "martyr" or occupy a space in
an anonymous mass grave somewhere.
The Ghost of Howards Past
2004-12-30 21:21:03 UTC
Pay no attention to these anti-american twits. They're arab students
Keep them talking and you know where they are, ;)
"Muslims can't all be bad people, it's just a few billion bad
apples spoiling the bunch."
Kaptain L'Merika
2004-12-31 00:56:56 UTC
Post by The Ghost of Howards Past
Pay no attention to these anti-american twits. They're arab students
Keep them talking and you know where they are, ;)
Little do the ragheads in Canuckistan know that Dudley Doright is quietly
but efficiently keeping track of their posts and their IP's. If and when
the perpetrators of the next 9/11 attack are traced to north of the Lower
48, Ottawa will be given the ulimatum of either toeing Washington's line or
face the mother of all trade embargoes. Yup, all these "hate America"
posters will soon be getting visits from Mr. Mountie, and if some turn out
to be bored, 19-year-old white losers with no lives outside of their
bedrooms, they'll just lose their internet accounts and little more. Those
who turn out to be real dune coons will find themselves being cuffed,
stuffed, and handed over to U.S. authorities for "further disposition," if
you know what I mean. Eventually "people of colour" in general will be
yanked off the streets on sight and brought in for "questioning" just to
play it safe. Sure, it'll be draconian, but when 80% of Canada's trade is
with America, Ottawa will hardly be in a position to whine about "human
rights violations."
Robert Sveinson
2004-12-30 23:49:05 UTC
Post by Kaptain L'Merika
Post by The Ghost of Howards Past
Pay no attention to these anti-american twits. They're arab students
Keep them talking and you know where they are, ;)
Little do the ragheads in Canuckistan know that Dudley Doright is quietly
but efficiently keeping track of their posts and their IP's.
NOOOOO!!! Say it ain't so JOE!
Dudley Doright has joined the ameriKKKan Geheim Staats Polezei!!!
Kaptain L'Merika
2004-12-31 02:41:13 UTC
Post by Robert Sveinson
Post by Kaptain L'Merika
Post by The Ghost of Howards Past
Pay no attention to these anti-american twits. They're arab students
Keep them talking and you know where they are, ;)
Little do the ragheads in Canuckistan know that Dudley Doright is
quietly but efficiently keeping track of their posts and their IP's.
NOOOOO!!! Say it ain't so JOE!
Dudley Doright has joined the ameriKKKan Geheim Staats Polezei!!!
Not only that, but any and all deserters from the U.S. Armed Forces who've
applied for "political asylum" will also be handed over. If G.I. Joe
decides to go "over the hill," maybe he ought to consider Australia or New
Zealand, the latter especially, since they seem to take in anyone who hates
2004-12-31 00:57:23 UTC
Post by Kaptain L'Merika
Post by Robert Sveinson
Post by Kaptain L'Merika
Post by The Ghost of Howards Past
Pay no attention to these anti-american twits. They're arab students
Keep them talking and you know where they are, ;)
Little do the ragheads in Canuckistan know that Dudley Doright is
quietly but efficiently keeping track of their posts and their IP's.
NOOOOO!!! Say it ain't so JOE!
Dudley Doright has joined the ameriKKKan Geheim Staats Polezei!!!
Not only that, but any and all deserters from the U.S. Armed Forces who've
applied for "political asylum" will also be handed over. If G.I. Joe
decides to go "over the hill," maybe he ought to consider Australia or New
Zealand, the latter especially, since they seem to take in anyone who hates
I do not have any respect for deserters, doesn't matter where they escape
from. By desertion they put in risqué of death other soldiers, who took
their place. Bullet in the head for all deserters !!!
2004-12-31 02:56:28 UTC
Post by Andy
Post by Kaptain L'Merika
Post by Robert Sveinson
Post by Kaptain L'Merika
Post by The Ghost of Howards Past
Pay no attention to these anti-american twits. They're arab students
Keep them talking and you know where they are, ;)
Little do the ragheads in Canuckistan know that Dudley Doright is
quietly but efficiently keeping track of their posts and their IP's.
NOOOOO!!! Say it ain't so JOE!
Dudley Doright has joined the ameriKKKan Geheim Staats Polezei!!!
Not only that, but any and all deserters from the U.S. Armed Forces who've
applied for "political asylum" will also be handed over. If G.I. Joe
decides to go "over the hill," maybe he ought to consider Australia or New
Zealand, the latter especially, since they seem to take in anyone who hates
I do not have any respect for deserters, doesn't matter where they escape
from. By desertion they put in risqué of death other soldiers, who took
their place. Bullet in the head for all deserters !!!
What about those from the Vietnam era? The 13th amendment states that
involuntary servitude is prohibited. No matter what you call it , it is
slavery and the government did it because they wanted to.

They were given blanket pardon so the issue never came up.

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