Post by oscPost by S. L'GreeAnd I don't like it. I consider it uncivil. So, I'm leaving. I don't want to
see these African American community killers and societal scumbags another
minute. So, I'm going to be outa' here, baby.
Do you want a going-away party?!
If you're fool enough to stay and live with niggers, you can have 'em.
Tom Shelly, White God
Federal HUD Projects Were Placed in North St. Louis
They Destroyed This Building and Its
What Was Done Here Was Genocide
European Americans Were Relocated--Out
African Americans Were Relocated--In
As HUD's Murphy-Blair Low Rise Was Built
The Neighborhood Was Ethnically
This old 1800's lobster house had been a nice home to a European
American St. Louis family for more than 100 years. They
were proud of the all brick design which was built to last 1,000
years. Their great grandfathers mixed, fired, and then laid the
bricks, one-by-one, building a homeland for their descendants that
would last 1,000 years. Those were good days. Those were the
days when St. Louis was a part of what was called "a greater
In the evenings, people in this St. Louis neighborhood could walk
around with their wives, children, and grandparents in the
warm golden twilight. These white European Americans would visit an
ice cream shop for a "cherry phosphate" with cream and
walk to the ball park at Dodier Street and Grand Boulevard to catch
the Browns and the Cardinals. No one harmed them. No one
shot at them. No one called them "white trash" or "honky" or "bigot."
They had rarely seen African Americans, and never really
thought much about them. Things here were civil and nice.
Those days are gone. What ended them? HUD did. The U.S. Housing and
Urban Destruction Corporation. It committed
genocide on these people and their community.
HUD took over hundreds of acres of land through condemnation and
blighting, forcing people out of their homes and away from
the neighborhood. HUD demolished entire neighborhoods, and performed
its "miracle of urban destruction" hiding its ethnic
cleansing through an intensive propaganda plan. In destroying these
existing neighborhoods, HUD spokesmen all the while claimed
to be "modernizing" St. Louis, just as it claimed to be modernizing,
Detroit, Washington, New Orleans, Los Angeles, and every
other shattered city it has touched.
In tragedies of ethnic cleansing of neighborhoods, similar to the
outcome of the disgusting HUD complexes at Cabrinne-Green
in Chicago and in a thousand other communites from coast-to-coast
throughout America, these federal hate crimes against entire
communities of European Americans were committed in the name of social
engineering and social experimentation. The
bureaucrats had nothing else to do, but plenty of money to spend for
that purpose. Destroying the big three of community, history,
and dignity.
People who had built solid communities including schools, churches,
businesses, libraries, water systems, electrical grids, and
transportation networks were relocated to new homes in empty suburban
areas far out in the countryside where no one had ever
lived before. In order to mask the plan, bureaucrats would many times
place mostly Europeans from other neighborhoods HUD
was cleansing of its European stock into their projects first. Thus,
it appeared that nothing terribly sinister to neighborhood fortunes
had transpired.
After a few years, however, HUD's real plan of total European
relocation was revealed when they relocated thousands of
African Americans to these projects, displacing the deceptive housing
of Europeans by moving them further down the pipeline to
the latest "new urban miracle." This kept racial disharmony at a
minimum, helping HUD in establishing African American ghettos
in areas where Europeans needed to be forcibly relocated in order to
achieve success for HUD African American
experimentation studies and modeling.
This crime of racial genocide against European Americans was committed
in direct contravention of Genocide and Human
Rights Treaties signed by the United States at the United Nations,
Helsinki, and elsewhere, treaties and legal Amendments which
directly forbid such relocation policies.
These community destruction and ethnic cleansing activities caused
tearful, heart-rending good-byes to ancient homes and
communities. Each forced separation was part of an entirely national,
regional, city, town, ward, neighborhood, family, and
personal tragedy, one that was played out millions of times as persons
were forced from their porches, some of them by Sheriff's
with guns. Little people were sweezed in a heart-rending, central
governmental vise that would not quit, until it got its way. This
vise closed around the throats of millions of white communities, many
of them going back one hundred years or more, stable and
crime-free neighborhoods were routinely tossed away. This area, while
not the best in the City of St. Louis, was certainly not what
it is today, a hell hole surrounded and infiltrated by criminal
bureaucrats in the federal housing program who sought out the
inhabitants with the express design to disrupt them and force many of
them to move out in favor of a new ethnic group.
The Housing and Urban Destruction Agency's Presidentially appointed
Cabinet Secretary, Henry Cisneros, is the present-day
guru and mastermind of low-rise housing. As seen in the house above,
HUD has been superbly successful. On the St. Louis Tour
and now on the Historic Registry, this beautiful example of federal
government intervention in a neighborhood which was
previously successful and fully functional has brought great tragedy
into the lives of many citizens including tenants and
homeowners. This genocidal rape of our cities is the stuff of central
governmental social engineer legend....
Another Ethnically Cleansed Family Ancestral Home
Relocated to The Suburbs, Far Away
Isolated Permanently from Their
"Be it ever so humble, there's no place
like home."
Now, Nothing But Weeds and African American
Walking The Streets, Swaggering, Carrying Guns,
Dealing Dope, Killing.
In the Old days, we used to enjoy living here. This was our home. We
hoped to live here forever.
There were places to be. A lot of people there were nice to you. If
you were lost, a neighbor kept you, until the cops could come
and figure out where you lived. All the time, they'd give you
anything--ice cream, kool aid, cookies. They were the salt of the
It wasn't to be. They wrecked it. Said that Africans would never live
in those projects, then, all of a sudden, if you were white you
didn't have a right. They stole this from us. Those that did this to
us lived elsewhere. It didn't affect them. They made sure of that.
You know, it hurts to see the fields where the old houses, the few
that are left, stick up out of the dirt like jagged teeth from a
diseased gum.
There's a great sickness in a country that would do this to its own
"Little Board-Ups, Along the Sidewalks,
Just As Nice As They Can Be!!!"
That Little Murphy-Blair Project Song.
Plywood, Plywood Everywhere.
No European American Left Here to Care.
Empty boxes. Little houses. Broken, dying everywhere. In this area of
the city where 50% of the residents graduated from high
school before Murphy-Blair was dumped unasked for into their midst,
fewer than 17% of the new African residents who live in
these HUD Murphy-Blair $120,000 homes (replacement cost for new ones)
will graduate. Instead of going to school, many of
them just did things to ingratiate the European American neighbors who
lived there and enjoyed their homes. They did this through
boom boxes, drug deals on the corners, shootings, burglaries,
muggings, rapes, fondling little white girls on their way to school as
well as in school. Oh. Of those Africans who graduated, 50%-60% are
still functionally illiterate. Almost forgot. That doesn't even
include the significant number of Africans from Murphy-Blair who
attend the Special School District miles away, because of their
additional psychological, behavioral, and geneticallly transmitted
lower intelligence factors including Down's Syndrome, birth
defects, and lower intelligence caused by the mother's crack cocaine,
alcohol, and tobacco use. Plus child beatings and alot of
starving in order to pay mommy's big drug habit. Well, let's not be
critical. There but for fortune go you or I, right? Right.
HUD Said Integrating This Project Would "Cure" The Poor Problem For
As a Result, HUD Ruined This Apartment
Which Had Been A Part of Urban Renewal For
St. Louis
The liberal St. Louis Post-Dispatch, an admirer of communist social
engineering schemes like HUD, the Housing and Urban
Destruction Department creates for European Americans and African
Americans, had a field day for years with Laclede Town.
At first, the news stories report that Laclede Town's hundreds of
tenants were fairly happy campers. For many years, college
students at St. Louis University made up a large number of tenants
here. In addition, there were some business people who lived
there. The idea was to revitalize the city.
Then, it got new owners who offered apartments to African American
Section Eight tenants under HUD rules.
Then, Laclede Town was struck with murder, assault, rape, shattered
windows, cars that got stomped on each night until no one
could live there. Students moved out. Businessmen moved out. The
African Americans remained. No one else could live with
them. It was too dangerous.
Finally, it had to be shut down. It was totally wrecked. The
Post-Dispatch blamed the landlords, even though all HUD projects
always end the way. It couldn't possibly be the poor exploited African
American tenants, could it? So, here is what is left. For a
few weeks. They are wrecking it now. Why?
They want to remove the evidence of what happened here. Just like Waco
and Oklahoma City. Destroy the entire crime scene.
Say good-bye to Laclede Town. To remove the evidence, HUD gave this
land to Harris-Stowe University, a mostly African
American public university, across the street. That was just last
month. We had to fly to St. Louis just to grab these shots, before it
was too late. So, they are tearing Laclede Town down.
They want us to forget what happened here.
Because they want to repeat this error. Henry Cisneros, the U.S. HUD
Secretary who thinks that social engineering can change
people for the better even though it has always produced social decay,
chaos, and dysfunctional neighborhoods, says this type of
housing will be the final experimental tweek that makes his poor
African American clients good at last. Well, you can sure see it in
this picture, can't you? Nice wrecked urban renewal site.
Oh, the property? It's been vacant for about ten years. The wrecking
crews just tore out the windows and doors a few days ago.
They tore off the plywood, before we could photograph it. There are
plenty of photos in past issues of the Post-Dispatch and
Riverfront Times. National newspapers have some pictures, also, if you
need to research this further.
Now, HUD can see the light at the end of the tunnel at Laclede Town.
Soon all the evidence will be gone. People forget quickly.
It won't take long. This pictorial history may help, though. Anyway..
Now, they can commit this hate crime against other neighborhoods like
yours. And with this project dead and buried under the soil
along with your neighborhood in the future no one will be able to come
here ever again with his little daughter and point and say,
"Look, Honey. Here's where daddy lived as a college student. It was
nice, before THEY came here."
And then, he can hear his little girl sob sweetly and say, "Daddy? Is
that what's going to happen to our neighborhood, daddy?" And
then he can say, "Yes, honey. That's what's going to happen to us."