Muhammad Said: "Yes, I AM a pedophile!"
(too old to reply)
My News
2004-09-15 02:17:41 UTC
A five-year old who can outrun her father.
Muhammad's ninth wife was ELEVEN YEARS OLD! If that's not a pedophile,
do you call it????
Q: What do you call a virgin in Iraq, Iran or Arabia?
A: A very ugly 5-year old!!
A five-year-old that hasn't yet been sent out as a human bomb.
2004-09-15 07:32:34 UTC
Mohammad (peace be Upon HIm) married Aisha as he had been commanded by
God. Reason being some one intelligent was required to collect all the
sayings and record how he spent his life inside and outside the home.
Mohammad's (PBUH) life is an example for all his followers so it had
to be recorded for coming generation to read. Mohammad (pbuh) did not
had any physical relation with her until she was an adult but still
she was greatly in love and impressed by his personality.
Also he (pbuh) lived in a society where marrying more then one
wives was a custom in spite that he remained married to his first wife
Khatijaz only and loved her very dearly until her death. After that he
(pbuh) married and most of his(pbuh) marriages were due to social and
political reasons. Some of them needed support some were widowed
during war etc. He loved them justly giving them equal time and care
and also was loved immensely.

But if your views are not based on reason and based on hatred of
another religion then its no use talking because unlike you we cannot
accuse Jesus to be unlawful child or blame marry for adultery because
of the fact that we also believe that like Mohammad (pbum) Jesus was
also a prophet conveying the message to worship one God only and was
lawful son of Marry who was herself purest of the women in the eyes of
God. It is so easy to blame on someone religion with ignorance.

Important links:
2004-09-15 08:10:45 UTC
Post by My News
A five-year old who can outrun her father.
Muhammad's ninth wife was ELEVEN YEARS OLD! If that's not a pedophile,
do you call it????
Q: What do you call a virgin in Iraq, Iran or Arabia?
A: A very ugly 5-year old!!
A five-year-old that hasn't yet been sent out as a human bomb.
Mohammad (peace be Upon HIm) married Aisha as he had been commanded by
God. Reason being some one intelligent was required to collect all the
sayings and record how he spent his life inside and outside the home.
Mohammad's (PBUH) life is an example for all his followers so it had
to be recorded for coming generation to read. Mohammad (pbuh) did not
had any physical relation with her until she was an adult but still
she was greatly in love and impressed by his personality.
Also he (pbuh) lived in a society where marrying more then one
wives was a custom in spite that he remained married to his first wife
Khatijaz only and loved her very dearly until her death. After that he
(pbuh) married and most of his(pbuh) marriages were due to social and
political reasons. Some of them needed support some were widowed
during war etc. He loved them justly giving them equal time and care
and also was loved immensely.

But if your views are not based on reason and based on hatred of
another religion then its no use talking because unlike you we cannot
accuse Jesus to be unlawful child or blame marry for adultery because
of the fact that we also believe that like Mohammad (pbum) Jesus was
also a prophet conveying the message to worship one God only and was
lawful son of Marry who was herself purest of the women in the eyes of
God. It is so easy to blame on someone religion with ignorance.

Important links:
