Meat Plow
2004-11-29 15:49:15 UTC
Well all that tough talk challenging me to a good old fashion
Ass-Whoopin seems to be just as I thought, bullshit. November has come and
gone (almost) Not ONCE did I get a reply in email. I posted a meeting
place with a map and directions several times. Yet my inbox remained
silent. It's easy to --talk the talk-- when you hide your identity several
remailers and a M2N gateway deep. But when I called upon you to
identify yourself in the confidentiality of my pop-box so we can
hook up, you can't --walk the walk-- you ball-less sack of chicken-shit.
One final time for good time's sake
Peter Shears in downtown Canton Oh.
Google it up, call them and make reservations then email me at
using your internet service provider's email account and your real life
name so I can verify the date and time. I don't want to make the trip to
Canton a fucking wild goose chase,you do understand right?
Ass-Whoopin seems to be just as I thought, bullshit. November has come and
gone (almost) Not ONCE did I get a reply in email. I posted a meeting
place with a map and directions several times. Yet my inbox remained
silent. It's easy to --talk the talk-- when you hide your identity several
remailers and a M2N gateway deep. But when I called upon you to
identify yourself in the confidentiality of my pop-box so we can
hook up, you can't --walk the walk-- you ball-less sack of chicken-shit.
One final time for good time's sake
Peter Shears in downtown Canton Oh.
Google it up, call them and make reservations then email me at
using your internet service provider's email account and your real life
name so I can verify the date and time. I don't want to make the trip to
Canton a fucking wild goose chase,you do understand right?