UFFuckstain November No Show, who'd have thunk it? Muhahahahahahahah
(too old to reply)
Meat Plow
2004-11-29 15:49:15 UTC
Well all that tough talk challenging me to a good old fashion
Ass-Whoopin seems to be just as I thought, bullshit. November has come and
gone (almost) Not ONCE did I get a reply in email. I posted a meeting
place with a map and directions several times. Yet my inbox remained
silent. It's easy to --talk the talk-- when you hide your identity several
remailers and a M2N gateway deep. But when I called upon you to
identify yourself in the confidentiality of my skuz.net pop-box so we can
hook up, you can't --walk the walk-- you ball-less sack of chicken-shit.

One final time for good time's sake

Peter Shears in downtown Canton Oh.

Google it up, call them and make reservations then email me at


using your internet service provider's email account and your real life
name so I can verify the date and time. I don't want to make the trip to
Canton a fucking wild goose chase,you do understand right?
Meat Plow
2004-11-30 13:19:09 UTC
Date: 30 Nov 2004 03:33:26 -0000
Bwaaaaaaaaaahahah OWN3D !!!
Lines: 50
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 03:31:06 +0000 (UTC)
NNTP-Posting-Host: news.news.demon.net
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d,alt.hackers.malicious,alt.pizza.delivery.drivers,alt.buzzard.rules,alt.usenet.kooks
Path: wns14feed!worldnet.att.net!!newsfeed1.dallas1.level3.net!newsfeed2.dallas1.level3.net!news.level3.com!postnews.google.com!news2.google.com!proxad.net!!tiscali!newsfeed1.ip.tiscali.net!border2.nntp.ams.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!pe2.news.blueyonder.co.uk!blueyonder!peer-uk.news.demon.net!kibo.news.demon.net!mutlu.news.demon.net!news.demon.co.uk!demon!reece.net.au!thrasher
Subject: Re: UFF TR0lls Bill 4 A H0L3 M0NTH (was: UFFuckstain November No Show,
X-Newsgroups: alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d,alt.hackers.malicious,alt.pizza.delivery.drivers,alt.buzzard.rules,alt.usenet.kooks
X-No-Archive: Yes
X-Received: from cpe-138-217-238-25.wa.bigpond.net.au ([]) by BWMAM01.bigpond.com(MAM REL_3_4_2a 8/19937302) with SMTP id 19937302; Tue, 30 Nov 2004 13:31:00 +1000
X-Trace: news.demon.co.uk 1101785466 10062 (30 Nov 2004 03:31:06 GMT)
Xref: news alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d:948719 alt.hackers.malicious:706364 alt.pizza.delivery.drivers:171339 alt.buzzard.rules:49173 alt.usenet.kooks:1048140
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain


Looks like you chopped out a few news groups there Bubba,,,,

I'll add them back


Wassa matter? Didn't want your little butt-buddies to see you pu55y out of
a challenge you made a month ago?

Bwaaaaaaaaaahah fucking hah !!
Post by Meat Plow
Well all that tough talk challenging me to a good old fashion
Ass-Whoopin seems to be just as I thought, bullshit. November has come
and gone (almost) Not ONCE did I get a reply in email. I posted a
meeting place with a map and directions several times. Yet my inbox
remained silent. It's easy to --talk the talk-- when you hide your
identity several remailers and a M2N gateway deep. But when I called
upon you to identify yourself in the confidentiality of my skuz.net
pop-box so we can hook up, you can't --walk the walk-- you ball-less
sack of chicken-shit.
One final time for good time's sake
Peter Shears in downtown Canton Oh.
Google it up, call them and make reservations then email me at
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahah it's
Post by Meat Plow
using your internet service provider's email account and your real life
name so I can verify the date and time. I don't want to make the trip to
Canton a fucking wild goose chase,you do understand right?
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick...

2004-11-30 13:29:47 UTC
Post by Meat Plow
Date: 30 Nov 2004 03:33:26 -0000
Bwaaaaaaaaaahahah OWN3D !!!
Lines: 50
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 03:31:06 +0000 (UTC)
NNTP-Posting-Host: news.news.demon.net
Subject: Re: UFF TR0lls Bill 4 A H0L3 M0NTH (was: UFFuckstain
November No Show,
X-Comments: This message did not originate from the Sender
address above. It was remailed automatically by anonymizing
remailer software. Please report problems or inappropriate use to
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X-Received: from cpe-138-217-238-25.wa.bigpond.net.au
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SMTP id 19937302; Tue, 30 Nov 2004 13:31:00 +1000
X-Trace: news.demon.co.uk 1101785466 10062
(30 Nov 2004 03:31:06 GMT)
Xref: news alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d:948719
alt.hackers.malicious:706364 alt.pizza.delivery.drivers:171339
alt.buzzard.rules:49173 alt.usenet.kooks:1048140
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Looks like you chopped out a few news groups there Bubba,,,,
I'll add them back
Wassa matter? Didn't want your little butt-buddies to see you pu55y out of
a challenge you made a month ago?
Bwaaaaaaaaaahah fucking hah !!
Post by Meat Plow
Well all that tough talk challenging me to a good old fashion
Ass-Whoopin seems to be just as I thought, bullshit. November has come
and gone (almost) Not ONCE did I get a reply in email. I posted a
meeting place with a map and directions several times. Yet my inbox
remained silent. It's easy to --talk the talk-- when you hide your
identity several remailers and a M2N gateway deep. But when I called
upon you to identify yourself in the confidentiality of my skuz.net
pop-box so we can hook up, you can't --walk the walk-- you ball-less
sack of chicken-shit.
One final time for good time's sake
Peter Shears in downtown Canton Oh.
Google it up, call them and make reservations then email me at
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahah it's
Post by Meat Plow
using your internet service provider's email account and your real life
name so I can verify the date and time. I don't want to make the trip to
Canton a fucking wild goose chase,you do understand right?
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick...
Muwahahaha...hey it's his loss on a great dinner!! LMAO!
Meat Plow
2004-12-01 13:46:44 UTC
Post by Countrystuff
Post by Meat Plow
Bwaaaaaaaaaahahah OWN3D !!!
Lines: 50
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 03:31:06 +0000 (UTC)
TR0lls Bill 4 A H0L3 M0NTH (was: UFFuckstain November No Show,
This message did not originate from the Sender address above. It
was remailed automatically by anonymizing remailer software.
Please report problems or inappropriate use to the remailer
X-No-Archive: Yes
X-Received: from cpe-138-217-238-25.wa.bigpond.net.au
([]) by BWMAM01.bigpond.com(MAM REL_3_4_2a 8/19937302)
with SMTP id 19937302; Tue, 30 Nov 2004 13:31:00 +1000
10062 (30 Nov 2004 03:31:06 GMT)
Xref: news alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d:948719
alt.hackers.malicious:706364 alt.pizza.delivery.drivers:171339
Content-Type: text/plain
Looks like you chopped out a few news groups there Bubba,,,,
I'll add them back
Wassa matter? Didn't want your little butt-buddies to see you pu55y out
of a challenge you made a month ago?
Bwaaaaaaaaaahah fucking hah !!
Post by Meat Plow
Well all that tough talk challenging me to a good old fashion
Ass-Whoopin seems to be just as I thought, bullshit. November has come
and gone (almost) Not ONCE did I get a reply in email. I posted a
meeting place with a map and directions several times. Yet my inbox
remained silent. It's easy to --talk the talk-- when you hide your
identity several remailers and a M2N gateway deep. But when I called
upon you to identify yourself in the confidentiality of my skuz.net
pop-box so we can hook up, you can't --walk the walk-- you ball-less
sack of chicken-shit.
One final time for good time's sake
Peter Shears in downtown Canton Oh.
Google it up, call them and make reservations then email me at
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahah it's
Post by Meat Plow
using your internet service provider's email account and your real life
name so I can verify the date and time. I don't want to make the trip
to Canton a fucking wild goose chase,you do understand right?
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick...
Muwahahaha...hey it's his loss on a great dinner!! LMAO!
Peter Shears is a great place to eat. A bit pricey, around $60.00 for a
12oz strip steak dinner for two. But alas, looks as if I will be eating
there without my Death Match 2004 challenger. It's December the 1st and
still not one confirmation of a time and date in my ***@skuz.net pop box.

I guess all future ass-whoopin challenges or threats from UFFuckheads
or any other weenie in the *warez* discussion groups should be ignored.
I gave this fuckhead more than a month to make good on his threats only to
see tumbleweeds blow by inside my deserted ***@skuz.net pop box.

Should have known better than to expect enything else from a coward who
makes threats from behind the cloak of remailing software and mail to news
gateways. Oh well, congrats. It was a good troll none the less :)
2004-12-01 14:06:17 UTC
Post by Meat Plow
Post by Countrystuff
Post by Meat Plow
Bwaaaaaaaaaahahah OWN3D !!!
Lines: 50
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 03:31:06 +0000 (UTC)
TR0lls Bill 4 A H0L3 M0NTH (was: UFFuckstain November No Show,
This message did not originate from the Sender address above. It
was remailed automatically by anonymizing remailer software.
Please report problems or inappropriate use to the remailer
X-No-Archive: Yes
X-Received: from cpe-138-217-238-25.wa.bigpond.net.au
([]) by BWMAM01.bigpond.com(MAM REL_3_4_2a 8/19937302)
with SMTP id 19937302; Tue, 30 Nov 2004 13:31:00 +1000
10062 (30 Nov 2004 03:31:06 GMT)
Xref: news alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d:948719
alt.hackers.malicious:706364 alt.pizza.delivery.drivers:171339
Content-Type: text/plain
Looks like you chopped out a few news groups there Bubba,,,,
I'll add them back
Wassa matter? Didn't want your little butt-buddies to see you pu55y out
of a challenge you made a month ago?
Bwaaaaaaaaaahah fucking hah !!
Post by Meat Plow
Well all that tough talk challenging me to a good old fashion
Ass-Whoopin seems to be just as I thought, bullshit. November has come
and gone (almost) Not ONCE did I get a reply in email. I posted a
meeting place with a map and directions several times. Yet my inbox
remained silent. It's easy to --talk the talk-- when you hide your
identity several remailers and a M2N gateway deep. But when I called
upon you to identify yourself in the confidentiality of my skuz.net
pop-box so we can hook up, you can't --walk the walk-- you ball-less
sack of chicken-shit.
One final time for good time's sake
Peter Shears in downtown Canton Oh.
Google it up, call them and make reservations then email me at
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahah it's
Post by Meat Plow
using your internet service provider's email account and your real life
name so I can verify the date and time. I don't want to make the trip
to Canton a fucking wild goose chase,you do understand right?
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick...
Muwahahaha...hey it's his loss on a great dinner!! LMAO!
Peter Shears is a great place to eat. A bit pricey, around $60.00 for a
12oz strip steak dinner for two. But alas, looks as if I will be eating
there without my Death Match 2004 challenger. It's December the 1st and
I guess all future ass-whoopin challenges or threats from UFFuckheads
or any other weenie in the *warez* discussion groups should be ignored.
I gave this fuckhead more than a month to make good on his threats only to
Should have known better than to expect enything else from a coward who
makes threats from behind the cloak of remailing software and mail to news
gateways. Oh well, congrats. It was a good troll none the less :)
Dam~ we were so looking forward to piccys :)
Meat Plow
2004-12-01 14:57:17 UTC
Post by Countrystuff
Post by Meat Plow
Post by Countrystuff
Post by Meat Plow
Bwaaaaaaaaaahahah OWN3D !!!
Lines: 50
NNTP-Posting-Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 03:31:06 +0000 (UTC)
not originate from the Sender address above. It was remailed
automatically by anonymizing remailer software. Please report
problems or inappropriate use to the remailer administrator...
X-No-Archive: Yes
X-Received: from cpe-138-217-238-25.wa.bigpond.net.au
([]) by BWMAM01.bigpond.com(MAM REL_3_4_2a 8/19937302)
with SMTP id 19937302; Tue, 30 Nov 2004 13:31:00 +1000
news alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc.d:948719 alt.hackers.malicious:706364
alt.pizza.delivery.drivers:171339 alt.buzzard.rules:49173
alt.usenet.kooks:1048140 MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain
Looks like you chopped out a few news groups there Bubba,,,,
I'll add them back
Wassa matter? Didn't want your little butt-buddies to see you pu55y
out of a challenge you made a month ago?
Bwaaaaaaaaaahah fucking hah !!
Post by Meat Plow
Well all that tough talk challenging me to a good old fashion
Ass-Whoopin seems to be just as I thought, bullshit. November has
come and gone (almost) Not ONCE did I get a reply in email. I posted
a meeting place with a map and directions several times. Yet my inbox
remained silent. It's easy to --talk the talk-- when you hide your
identity several remailers and a M2N gateway deep. But when I called
upon you to identify yourself in the confidentiality of my skuz.net
pop-box so we can hook up, you can't --walk the walk-- you ball-less
sack of chicken-shit.
One final time for good time's sake
Peter Shears in downtown Canton Oh.
Google it up, call them and make reservations then email me at
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahah it's
Post by Meat Plow
using your internet service provider's email account and your real
life name so I can verify the date and time. I don't want to make the
trip to Canton a fucking wild goose chase,you do understand right?
tick tick tick tick tick tick tick...
Muwahahaha...hey it's his loss on a great dinner!! LMAO!
Peter Shears is a great place to eat. A bit pricey, around $60.00 for a
12oz strip steak dinner for two. But alas, looks as if I will be eating
there without my Death Match 2004 challenger. It's December the 1st and
I guess all future ass-whoopin challenges or threats from UFFuckheads or
any other weenie in the *warez* discussion groups should be ignored. I
gave this fuckhead more than a month to make good on his threats only to
Should have known better than to expect enything else from a coward who
makes threats from behind the cloak of remailing software and mail to
news gateways. Oh well, congrats. It was a good troll none the less :)
Dam~ we were so looking forward to piccys :)
Maybe one day when one of them grows a set of balls.
