S. L'Gree
2004-11-03 04:31:11 UTC
Yassir Arafat is reportedly on his deathbed. The "revolutionary" leader and
the guy that gives boners and wet panties to liberal scum from Berkely to
Brussells is about to expire on silk sheets with his harem of goats and
camels near his bedside. Yes, this man who sent thousands of poor illiterate
Arab boys to their deaths as human bombs killing innocent Israeli teenagers
is dying like the pampered prince the UN allowed him to be. We predict that
in the wake of his death his "people", a schmorgasborg of Arab scum kicked
out of Jordan after the disastrous Yom Kippr war defeat, will show the world
what savages they really are. They will kill anything that moves, because
their "religion" is amoral and psychopathic and teaches it's low IQ
followers that they can do whatever the fuck they want so long as their
women scream "Bwalalalalalalala!" and they mumble the words "Jihad" and
"Mohamed" after doing it. We think this is the perfect time for Israel to
just pull right on out of the Gaza Municipal Landfill and laugh as these
subhumans go about killing one another for a few months straight. If the
Mossad is smart, and it is, it will foster as much
"Palestinian-on-Palestinian" violence as possible. But wait! There is still
time for Yasser Arafat to become a martyr and go to paradise! Maybe his
inbred henchmen can strap a bomb to his bloatded, Drakar Noir and
syphilis-ridden body and fling him at an Israeli pre-school?
the guy that gives boners and wet panties to liberal scum from Berkely to
Brussells is about to expire on silk sheets with his harem of goats and
camels near his bedside. Yes, this man who sent thousands of poor illiterate
Arab boys to their deaths as human bombs killing innocent Israeli teenagers
is dying like the pampered prince the UN allowed him to be. We predict that
in the wake of his death his "people", a schmorgasborg of Arab scum kicked
out of Jordan after the disastrous Yom Kippr war defeat, will show the world
what savages they really are. They will kill anything that moves, because
their "religion" is amoral and psychopathic and teaches it's low IQ
followers that they can do whatever the fuck they want so long as their
women scream "Bwalalalalalalala!" and they mumble the words "Jihad" and
"Mohamed" after doing it. We think this is the perfect time for Israel to
just pull right on out of the Gaza Municipal Landfill and laugh as these
subhumans go about killing one another for a few months straight. If the
Mossad is smart, and it is, it will foster as much
"Palestinian-on-Palestinian" violence as possible. But wait! There is still
time for Yasser Arafat to become a martyr and go to paradise! Maybe his
inbred henchmen can strap a bomb to his bloatded, Drakar Noir and
syphilis-ridden body and fling him at an Israeli pre-school?