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2004-10-01 11:08:44 UTC
Sen. Kerry voted against INFERIOR B-1 Bombers, the B-2 Stealth Bomber,
F-14, F-15 and inferior F-16s, AV-8B Harriers, inferior AH-64 Apaches
and M-1 tanks. Kerry opposed the inferior Patriot Missiles, Tomahawks
and inferior Bradley Fighting Vehicles.
Because INFERIOR WEAPONS get OUR soldiers killed.
B-1 bombers ARE INFERIOR. "The B-1 can't drop a full load above
17K feet."
The B-2 IS INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "Three B-2s have been built so far,
two of them with cracked wings and radar-evasion problems." "It can't
fly low, it can't fly high, it can't fly fast and sometimes can barely
fly at all. It is detectable by Soviet fighter-jet radar, satellite
radar and many ground-based systems."
- -
F-14s ARE INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "The F-14 can't carry the load of a
"Regular" [F-18] Hornet much less a "Super" [F-18] Hornet..."
- - grumman/f-14a.htm
F-15s ARE INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "...current planes like the F-15
can't be refitted with F-22 technology..."
- - july-dec99/f22_9-20.html
F-16s ARE INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "The F-16 can't fly as slowly as an
A-10, and it carries fewer weapons and radios, so coordinating,
locating and protecting friendly forces is more difficult."
- -
AV-8Bs ARE INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "The best VSTOL jet in the world,
the Harrier, cannot match the performance or payload of front-line
Navy aircraft such as the F/A-18, F-14, or A-6E. "
- -
AH-64 Apaches ARE INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "Army's Apache Helicopter
Rendered Impotent in Kosovo. " By Dana Priest. Washington Post Staff
Wednesday, December 29, 1999; Page A01
- -
Patriot Missiles ARE INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH."Patriot missile batteries
just weren't built to travel in the desert sands, one Army unit
Aegis Air Defense is INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "Based on an upgrade to
the Standard missiles used by AEGIS cruisers and destroyers, this
system as been trumpeted by conservative advocates as a quick, cheap
solution to both theater and national missile defense. But, here too,
the Welch panel documents, the proposed LEAP interceptor has had four
failures in four intercept attempts. "
M-1 Tanks are INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "Unfortunately, the Abrams' fuel
consumption horribly high, about 5 gallons per mile..."
- -
Bradley Fighting Vehicles are INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "Bradleys can't
fight guerrillas. Get them home." - -
"We just completed our 50 th successful wrecker mission."
- - desert_news/Ironhorse%20Update-9.pdf
Tomahawks are INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "U.S. Forced To Limit Tomahawks
Saudi Arabia complains about errant cruise missiles". BY JIM WILSON
Kerry made the BEST choice. Fight the stupid bush senate.
F-14, F-15 and inferior F-16s, AV-8B Harriers, inferior AH-64 Apaches
and M-1 tanks. Kerry opposed the inferior Patriot Missiles, Tomahawks
and inferior Bradley Fighting Vehicles.
Because INFERIOR WEAPONS get OUR soldiers killed.
B-1 bombers ARE INFERIOR. "The B-1 can't drop a full load above
17K feet."
The B-2 IS INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "Three B-2s have been built so far,
two of them with cracked wings and radar-evasion problems." "It can't
fly low, it can't fly high, it can't fly fast and sometimes can barely
fly at all. It is detectable by Soviet fighter-jet radar, satellite
radar and many ground-based systems."
- -
F-14s ARE INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "The F-14 can't carry the load of a
"Regular" [F-18] Hornet much less a "Super" [F-18] Hornet..."
- - grumman/f-14a.htm
F-15s ARE INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "...current planes like the F-15
can't be refitted with F-22 technology..."
- - july-dec99/f22_9-20.html
F-16s ARE INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "The F-16 can't fly as slowly as an
A-10, and it carries fewer weapons and radios, so coordinating,
locating and protecting friendly forces is more difficult."
- -
AV-8Bs ARE INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "The best VSTOL jet in the world,
the Harrier, cannot match the performance or payload of front-line
Navy aircraft such as the F/A-18, F-14, or A-6E. "
- -
AH-64 Apaches ARE INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "Army's Apache Helicopter
Rendered Impotent in Kosovo. " By Dana Priest. Washington Post Staff
Wednesday, December 29, 1999; Page A01
- -
Patriot Missiles ARE INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH."Patriot missile batteries
just weren't built to travel in the desert sands, one Army unit
Aegis Air Defense is INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "Based on an upgrade to
the Standard missiles used by AEGIS cruisers and destroyers, this
system as been trumpeted by conservative advocates as a quick, cheap
solution to both theater and national missile defense. But, here too,
the Welch panel documents, the proposed LEAP interceptor has had four
failures in four intercept attempts. "
M-1 Tanks are INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "Unfortunately, the Abrams' fuel
consumption horribly high, about 5 gallons per mile..."
- -
Bradley Fighting Vehicles are INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "Bradleys can't
fight guerrillas. Get them home." - -
"We just completed our 50 th successful wrecker mission."
- - desert_news/Ironhorse%20Update-9.pdf
Tomahawks are INFERIOR WEAPONS TECH. "U.S. Forced To Limit Tomahawks
Saudi Arabia complains about errant cruise missiles". BY JIM WILSON
Kerry made the BEST choice. Fight the stupid bush senate.