Post by JoubinNo Iran does not. (Country's don't think. People do.)
Some Iranians consider themselves Superior to everyone. (Not just
"3rd world" :) Its quite amazing really and definitely a cause for
Some other Iranians consider themselves Superior to everyone other
than the current Powers That Be. To the former they are contemptuous
and to the latter fawning.
Some other Iranians consider themselves Superior to -- as you said --
"3rd world" countries, but are indeed internaly defeated before the
Great White Man :))
Some other Iranians only wish to (understandably, really) distinguish
themselves from the *cultural* tinge of "backwardness" and specially
are sensitive given our geocultural condition -- in which we have
always been a very influential and respected cultural source. These
are the Arab haters.
Some other Iranians are Ideologically motivated in these matters, and
you would be happy to know that Iran is surprisingly free of the
right-wing ideological leanings in matters of race and culture (with
the sole exception of the Arab haters (long standing) Islam haters
(new phenomena)). No. We have the Left Wing variety, since we are
(after all) Iranians and as everybody knows we are quite
sophisticated, even in our choice of Ideologies on offer. So our
Leftist Iranians are indeed beyond such nationalistic ("backward",
"primitive" :) tendencies and may in fact look to Arab and Indian and
Slavic and other Comrades in their fight to overthrow the yoke of The
Man and Private Ownership and reign in an era of Jewish Utopia. (So,
these consider themselves better than other Iranians :)
Some other Iranians are spiritually inclinded and (in a similar manner
to their secularly inclined 'intellectuals') are "beyond" such
considerations as we are all Brothers and Sisters (excepting of course
any demons who are following the wrong Cult).
Some other Iranians are too busy to be bothered with such things.
They are busy
- working like a dog to make ends meet
- stealing and bribing, etc.
- getting high on heroine and other such mental velvetizers
- lording it over the rest of the Iranians.
So, as you can see, Iran offers nearly the full range of possible
permutations for a cohesive collective of humans in a larger context
of a community of such collectives. (And of course, being Superior
Iranians means we don't offer some of the more virulent permutations
that are found (snif) elsewhere :)
Regarding your rude, **short sighted** :)), superficial and
materialistic Calculus of National Merit and its application to the
We, The Iranains, are responsible for some of the Most Sublimely Noble
and Beautiful Acts of Spirit, Letters, Arts, Statesmanship, and just
plain Human Decency.
Our Teachers are World Teachers.
And our Artists are World Enchanters and Beautifiers.
And our Kings are Noble Kings.
And our Songs are Passionate and full of Grace.
and our Hearts beat the **Authentic** Human Beat.
And our Poets have for ages United Hearts across petty boundaries,
such as what your are peddling here.
We, Iranians, fulfill a Central and Most Important Role in the
Affairs of The Human Community.
Always have.
And most certainly, we will continue to do so.
/Now -- you have outlived your welcome in SCI. Go away!
We find these
Post by 1ShivaPost by ThelasianDon't involve Iranians in your pathetic ditry third-world
Just out of curiosity, does Iran consider itself more superior to this
"third world" you talk of? Why???!
Is it because Iran invented, and has brilliantly mastered the art of
mass producing the highly sophisticated technological marvel known
only as "oil"? Or, is it because Iran has discovered the ingenious
method of inventing and exporting the astounding human invention known
only by its secret code-name as "sand"?
Your women are being exploited by Sunnis from Pakistan, and the best
you can do is hurl insults on this "3rd world"??? The Sunni (Arabs and
other) hate your guts and treat you Iranians with contempt. If I
recollect correctly, Iran was conqured by Sunnis. Iran should be more
intersted in extracting rightful vengence from Sunni-Pakistan and the
Arabs, and take leadership over the Islamic Umma. But so far, Iran has
done nothing but let Sunnis from "3rd world" Pakistan and Arabia walk
all over them...
Post by Thelasianhindu-sikh-muslim conflicts. No Iranian gives a shit.