Turner Is Back
(too old to reply)
S L'Gree
2004-12-08 05:08:22 UTC

Apology to the Black Race:

To the entire Black race living in America, we, the Adamic,
pink-complexioned race (better known to you as the White race) that came to
these shores from Europe, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Iceland, do hereby

We apologize for freeing you from slavery by fighting a horrible war among
ourselves that cost the lives of almost two million of our own race. We
apologize for continuing to fight among ourselves over that very issue, even
though you've never told us you appreciate our freeing you.

We apologize for splitting to pieces our entire race the world over to take
sides with you to help you survive and become a freer race. We apologize for
forcing the rest of the world to outlaw the slavery which your ancestors had
practiced for thousands of years, even though many nations on your home
continent still practice it today.

We apologize for thinking we could civilize you when you have proven that it
is indeed an impossible feat, a feat beyond anything we could have ever

We apologize for introducing Christianity to you and dragging you away from
the Voodoo you previously followed, although you have managed to sneak
Voodoo back into cultic Christianity and your people have accepted it, which
is proven by their animalistic whooping and hollering and stomping and
screaming instead of respectfully worshiping our God as they ought to.

We apologize for teaching you to add and subtract (what little you can),
thereby enabling you to run a household and pay your bills (what few you
will) and count your children other than on your fingers and sometimes toes
when you have so many you run out of fingers.

We apologize for providing you with medical care instead of leaving you
under the witch doctors you used before we arrived, as a result of which you
have been able to survive all sorts of diseases to multiply in massive
numbers beyond what you could have without these aides.

We apologize for building schools for you which we have had to repair over
and over after you vandalized them beyond use. We apologize for inventing
computers and the Internet, neither of which you use very much, but when you
do use them it's mostly to bash our race.

We apologize for building factories and businesses that employ you, if you
so desire to work. We apologize for creating millions of bureaucratic jobs
within our government system simply to give you employment, instead of
leaving you to find work on your own.

We apologize for promoting and buying your music, although you refuse to buy
ours. We apologize for talking and acting as you do, although you refuse to
talk and act as we do.

We apologize for placing you in our movies and TV shows and elevating you to
a fictional, heroic level that you have never reached in real life. We
apologize for creating this false image of yourselves in your minds, for we
realize after 400 years of trying to help you that you cannot solve problems
and provide leadership and create original thoughts; and the image we've
placed in your minds causes you to live in a delusional world. For that we
truly apologize.

We apologize for creating quota systems and forced employment programs to
make sure you have the best jobs, if you so desire to work. We apologize for
thinking we could educate you so that you could learn to build and help
others, when you obviously have only the ability to tear down and take from

We apologize for giving you welfare and food stamps, with the result that
for four generations over half of your race has not had to work, except in
makeshift type of jobs in our governments and bureaucracies.

We apologize for promoting your children in school as if they could
understand basic arithmetic and grammar, such as multiplication and past
participles, when we should have made sure they were accustomed to manual
labor so that we would not have had to make up jobs for them in our
governments dusting seats with their butts.

We apologize for developing farms in our own lands which you have never been
able to do, and that to this day feed most of your race still living in
Africa. We apologize for coming to Africa and building farms, from which you
have now run us off of and have devastated beyond use, forcing us to
continue feeding you.

We apologize for creating the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the
World Bank (WB) and U.S. Government Foreign Aid Programs and hundreds of
charities that funnel billions of our tax dollars and charitable donations
to nations around the world run by your race, all because your race cannot
take care of itself by itself anywhere you live.

We apologize for giving you the right to vote so you could take over all our
major cities and turn them into high-taxed, crime-ridden cesspools that no
civilized human being can live in.

We apologize for creating the term "reverend," which your leaders use to
give themselves credentials and which their actions have denigrated beyond
repair, with the result that no decent person would call himself "reverend,"
much less a Christian

We apologize for trying to come up with an AIDS vaccine to stop the epidemic
spread of AIDS in Africa, AIDS being a disease that you created and passed
on to us after having sexual intercourse with monkeys and then with one of
our idiotic race-mixers who then passed it on to the rest of the world.

We apologize for providing you with warm, custom-made garments instead of
the animal skins and leaves that you wore before we arrived. We apologize
for providing you with shoes instead of leaving you barefooted as you were
before we arrived in Africa.

We apologize for teaching you how to clean yourselves and your homes, and
how to sanitize the water you drink to keep you from getting even more
dreadful diseases than the rest of your race gets that still lives in
Africa. We apologize for teaching you to cook your foods, which keep you
from getting the hundreds of parasitic diseases that your race gets that
still lives on your home continent of Africa.

We apologize for providing you with solidly built, heated, and cooled homes
with grass yards instead of the straw huts and dirt yards you were living in
before we arrived, and in which most of your race is still living in Africa.

We apologize for inventing sports so that you can make millions of dollars
and live like kings, then kill and rape people with impunity, as O. J.
Heisman-Trophy-Winner Simpson and Mike
Heavy-Weight-Champion-of-the-World-Bite-the-ears-off-of-your-opponent Tyson
have done, as well as many others among your race.

We apologize for producing such beautiful people for you to race-mix with,
and if they won't voluntarily mix, you often casually rape them as if you
were eating a piece of fried chicken.

We apologize for building thousands of prisons around the nation to house
dangerous criminals, of which your race makes up over sixty percent even
though you're only thirteen percent of the U.S. population, and this at an
expense of billions of dollars and manpower every year.

We apologize for taking precious metals from the earth on your home
continent of Africa, metals which you neither knew were there nor how to use
them if you had known they were there, but which you love to puncture and
cover your bodies with in the most tawdry way imaginable.

We apologize for those among us who have established charitable
organizations, donated billions of dollars and hours of time, and have
devoted their entire lives to make life easier and better for your race,
although most often to no positive result.

We apologize for all the stupid White ministers whom your race has martyred
in Africa where they were trying to evangelize you to a faith that you can't
understand nor do you want to; yet when you claim to join it soon pervert it
with the Voodooistic concepts you have inherited from your forefathers.

We apologize for building highways and railroads and for inventing flying
machines that you could never have invented but which you use everyday to
move about, yet without thinking or appreciating their origins in the least.

We apologize for paying the majority of both federal and state taxes, to
maintain the governments which protect and promote you but fight against our
own people at every turn.

We apologize for some members of our race who worship the monstrosities your
genes have created, such as Jacko the Wacko and Little Fruity Richard and
Dennis Nutman Rodman and Don Electrified King and Daryl Coke-Head Strawberry
and Whitney Whacked-Out-Screaming Houston and Cassius
If-Only-I-Be-White-But-I'm-Really-Black Clay and Tiger Adamic-Hater Woods
and Whoopi Thinks-She's-White Goldberg and Oprah Interview-a-Nut
New-Age-Goof Winfrey and Ru Triple-Freak Paul and Morgan
Act-White-But-Hate-White Freeman and Sammy
Convert-To-The-Christ-haters-Religion Davis and Colin
Have-A-Black-Pet-In-The-White-House Powell, to name only a few.

We apologize for defeating the major part of the communist threat which cost
us several trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives, but whose
doctrines you still wish to have implemented on the backs of our race to
further torture us and tear us down.

We apologize for spending over $2 trillion dollars on welfare and food
stamps in the last thirty-five years, funds which your race received the
majority of, although you are a small minority among us.

We apologize for introducing you to the rule of law under a republican form
of government, a government that has gone abroad to keep your own warring
nations from slaughtering other members of your race by the hundreds of
thousands as they did year in and year out before we arrived, and still do
every time we leave them alone and do not intervene.

We apologize for teaching you to read a language that contains more than a
few words and a couple of hand signs, which has allowed you to take part in
our philosophies, our culture, our art, our industry, our collegial nature,
and our freedom, even though as soon as you get around them you pervert

For surely, if you could not read, how could you have learned the teachings
of Karl Marx, Mao Tse Sung, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Nikolai Lenin,
Howard Zinn, the Damocrat Party, the Neo-cons in the Republicoward Party,
and others who hate our race, and have brainwashed you into believing our
race is evil and that you are severely oppressed?

We apologize for placing you under the form of government that our own
forefathers died to create, and for which you are helping to destroy,
instead of leaving you under the anarchy you lived under before we arrived.

For all these wrongs we've carried out against you, we apologize deeply and
unreservedly, and if you will please accept our apology, we shall happily
and immediately take back all of the above mentioned evils we have cast upon
you and return you to your home continent, if you so desire.

We would with the greatest of glee and cheer even provide you with a nice,
little stipend for traveling money, if you'd go and take your race-traitor
wives and husbands and Mulatto children with you.

We have enjoyed having you here, but because you claim we've been, and are
still being, so mean to you, we'd like to atone by helping you get back to
where you came from.

You could live in peace without our persecuting you anymore, and we could
save ourselves trillions of dollars over the next few years by shrinking our
governments and emptying our prisons. We could take hundreds of thousands of
security guards and police officers around the country off their jobs and
put them to more productive use, and we could celebrate our own culture
without offending you anymore.

Moreover, we could take the three-point shot and the forty-five second shot
clock out of basketball which would return it to a game of plays and
strategies, instead of the run and gun show our enemies have tailored
especially for you. We could place the "palming penalty" and the "walking
penalty" and the "charging penalty" back in to slow the game down to the
point that defense and brains matter.

We could place the "bump and run" rule back in football and have referees
start calling "offensive pass interference" again, to change the game to one
where something more than straight-ahead speed is what matters. The
"taunting rule" and the "roughing the quarterback rule" that we had to
implement because of you, we could do away with completely, because civility
would automatically come back into the game.

The race traitors of our race who hate their own culture and heritage could
go with you, and we won't offend them anymore either. For after a few
generations of mixing with your race they would disappear into the dark
tar-mix which your dominant design-genes make up.

What say? Do you accept our apology? Do we have a deal? Please let us know,

2004-12-08 02:24:23 UTC
Turner rocks!
Like the "hippie" of the '60s, the white nigger is a complete
consumer package -- the expensive-to-buy, cheap-to-make sweatshop
clothes from the perennial Jewish "rag trade," as Jews call it, the
"music" and gang movies that pour billions of White dollars into
outstretched Jewish hands. It's called "disposable income" for a
reason -- money that Whites are throwing away. Let's not forget the
made-in-Israel, smuggled-by-Hasids "Ecstasy" pills made to dissolve
individuals into one great big sweating touchy-feely, aracial mass,
twitching and jumping on the floor of a Jew-owned night club as the
silly lights flash and the cash register rings frantically. Five
dollars for a small bottle of water! Such a business....!! Jews need
rakes to pull in your money, White boy.

With the clothing and the noise and the stupid behavior come the
stupid attitudes, the self-destructiveness and self-hatred, the
Jewish poison spooned down us. Concidentally, I looked up from
writing this to see a Frontline special on PBS titled The Merchants
of Cool about precisely this subject.

Typically, a program such as this can go on for hours showing us one
hooked nose after another, subjecting us to one abrasive Jewish voice
after another directing, inventing, promoting, selling, researching
-- and never once use the word "Jew."

The Merchants of Cool showed us how the current niggerization of
youth, the coarsening, the dumbing-down, the filth, violence, and sex
are all products of the same mega-Jewish "entertainment"
corporations. One character on Murray Rothstein's ("Sumner Redstone")
MTV is "The Mook," Tom Green, who specializes in idiotic behavior,
vomiting on cue, striking himself in the crotch with a stick, waving
his rear end back and forth while walking on a table. In one scene,
"Mook" goes "poo diving." He dons flippers, face mask, and snorkel,
and leaps into achurning brown tank of sewage at a treatment plant.

One finds oneself cheering on the possibility of hepatitis, TB,
meningitis, flesh-eating staph. Go, microbes!

The show whined that the poor teens are "trying to invent their own
culture, all to themselves," but that the "greedy corporations" keep
taking it from them and "commercializing" it. In the first place,
children have never created and run their own culture. In healthy,
racially homogeneous nation-states, there can be continuity, with
several generations living under one roof and children learning from
parents and grandparents. Normal human life flows as a continuum; it
does not progress in a series of Jew-driven commercial jerks with new
clothes, new "music," new "causes" every ten years. Old and young are
not each other's enemies.

Secondly, there is no low point beyond which Jews will not go. The
program showed how teens have become louder and louder, more and more
vulgar and obscene, with "rage rock," desparately trying to swear
loud enough and act repellent enough and paint themselves weirdly
enough that "society will leave them alone." It showed how the
loudest and filthiest of teen bands one day...was appearing on MTV
the next.

Kids, it isn't possible. You can't out-dirty a Jew. No matter what
you do, Jews will eagerly scoop up your filth, package it, and sell
it back to you.

While White teens watch 15 hours or more of "professional wrestling"
every week, lumbering around wearing convict headrags, biker boots,
and carrying baseball bats wrapped in barbed wire and injuring each
other in after-school fights based on the contrived nonsense they see
on TV, Jewish kids are studying like mad to ace their SATs to ensure
that they end up hiring these Whites to mop floors in a few years.
Get ready to serve a sharp little Jewish boss, White boy -- if he'll
have you at all. The Mexicans and other aliens Jews are flooding our
country with work a lot cheaper than you do.

Hip-Hop White Boy, you're a hip-hop sucker. While you slide down
someone's expensive railing on your skateboard (that you bought from
a Jew) and then split your head open on the cement, and stagger
around saying "Oh wow, oh wow," Jews are banding together to take
over entire towns, stealing money and fiddling with the census
figures so that taxpayers will support segregated Hebrew schools

You can't out-dirty a Jew -- but you can outsmart him. If you'll
listen to the older White men the Jews are trying so hard to make you
hate, we'll tell you how to do it. We're not like Jews -- we have
nothing to sell you. We will give you a future, though.

Want to have your own culture? Then do so. Reject the Jew, the
criminal nigger, the alien. White culture is the greatest culture the
world has ever known. Proof? Look at that stupid TV (that Whites
invented). LOOK at it. The whole world is wearing blue jeans and T-
shirts and sneakers and ball caps and carrying handy little
backpacks, or wearing business suits and shirts and ties. Everyone
wants a car and an air conditioner and a refrigerator and a
computer...all White inventions of the last few centuries in the
greatest upsurge of technological innovation ever seen. The whole
world wants to have what we've built; all the blacks and Chinese and
Mexicans put together did not do, could not do in 10,000 years what
we've done in 100.

Don't buy expensive, silly clothes made for pennies in Jew-run
foreign sweatshops. Don't buy music, support causes, or watch
programs that teach you to hate yourself, your family, and your race.
If you want to rebel, REBEL AGAINST THE JEW WHO CONTROLS YOU, right
down to the clothes on your back, everything you're taught in school,
and everything you're allowed to see, read, hear, and buy.

Many of your parents are also victims of what Jews have done to our
society; they are often as confused as you are, as full of self-hate
-- as the rebel, you may have to lead the way in your family. Do
everything that Jews don't want you to do! Stay away from booze,
drugs, and promiscuous sex. Dress simply, be kind and respectful.
"Please," "Thank you," and "I'm sorry" do not mean weakness, and they
will be repaid many times over. Did a Jew ever tell you to cultivate
spirituality in yourself, to learn the value of cleanliness, quiet,
and order? Learn to use tools, to live and find your way in the
outdoors, to fix and make and grow things; let the fools run to the
mall and spend all their money on nigger CDs and makeup and baggy
clothes. If your parents won't or can't teach you these things, get
books and teach yourself and friends.

Jews aren't cool. They're parasites, manipulators, speculators,
middlemen who live by buying and selling the work of others. We don't
need them for anything. Niggers aren't cool either. Niggers know how
to break bottles and make gang signs and pee in other people's
hallways. I'm a middle-aged White guy. I'm cool.

I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't do drugs. I'm normal, not
queer, and I don't screw around. I don't gamble. I don't hang around
dangerous places with stupid people. I don't waste money on Jew-
pushed, foreign-made consumer junk. That's why I don't have cancer or
cirrhosis or AIDS or huge emergency room bills. I don't have lawyers
after me for child support and collection agencies after me for
unpaid bills and loan sharks after me for gambling debts and drug
dealers ringing my bell wanting their money.

I don't have a hangover or a system full of toxic, made-from-God-
knows-what drug residue to get rid of. I exercise, walk, run, ride
bikes. In the winter, too. Niggers laugh at me -- from heated buses.
Can't catch me. When they're doubled over gasping and puking up
McDonald's and KFC, I'm fine, good for another twenty miles. I don't
eat that stuff. When niggers are crying about cold, bundled up in
their huge down "Starter jackets," I'm wearing shorts. White people
are hard, fast, strong, tough, resilient. Don't let TV-Jews tell you
any different or put you down. Niggers just play basketball -- Whites
invented it.

I don't sit and watch other people do things on TV. I do things for
myself. I know how to put a computer together and how to sleep
outside, how to build a fallout shelter, how to kill and cook a
rabbit. I can make a camera from scratch and take pictures with it
and develop the pictures. I can not only take the pictures, but I can
write and edit the whole magazine and run the printing press. I can
build radio equipment. I can run almost anything in a machine shop,
and make almost any kind of tool, often from discarded junk. I know
how to use microscopes and Geiger counters and welding torches. As SF
writer Heinlein said, "Specialization is for insects."

I am so cool that I screw caps back on fire hydrants and pick up
trash from the street and call to get traffic lights fixed. I am an
asset to everyone around me, and I have improved every place I've
ever lived, just by being myself and doing the things that
responsible White men do. What did your nigger "friends" ever do for
you except borrow stuff and not return it, steal money from your
parents' dresser the second they got into your house, and try to
screw your sister?

I am one of the people who helps to design, build, and maintain our
civilization. I'm way cooler than any finger-popping nigger ever was,
and I know it. That's why I'm so quiet you hardly know I'm around. I
don't need a loud car stereo or a ring in my nose -- I've got a life.
You don't see me much down on the corner, clutching at my genitals,
shouting obscenities, and beating up parking meters. I'm at work, or
at home, listening to classical music and trying to help my race by
writing material like this, to try to make Whites feel good about
themselves and to get them to spit up some of the Jew-poison we're
soaked in day and night.

You can have a life too. Start NOW to make yourself a future; if
you're going to "collect" anything, make it gold and silver coins,
firearms, items of intrinsic value, not some Jew swindler's worthless
baseball cards and phony autographed bats. Don't laugh at
"materialism;" by the time you're 45, you'll want some money in the
bank and a house in a quiet, safe area very badly. Don't throw it
away on dope, on stupid clothes, at the "raves," or in living high in
some "hot area." Trust me on this.

Get a grip on your world; if you understand the past and present,
you'll have an easier time shaping a future. Turn off the TV -- it is
poison. Study some history -- just the recent history of America.
Start with the last 50 years or so, and work back. This country has
changed for the worse so much in the last few decades that it's
almost unbelievable. Seek out and study census figures showing the
immense racial changes that have been engineered by Jews.

Save and cherish your family history, the old photos and scrapbooks.
Old people are a priceless resource. Talk to them. They can tell you
what was across the street before that ugly mall was put in, how
people used to live, where and how they worked. You will always be
glad that you spent time with them, and you'll always remember the
things they can tell you; fifty hours or fifty years of MTV contain
no value at all and will be forgotten in no time. Look at maps and
aerial photos on the Web, and historical pages. Try to find old
books, magazines, and newspapers that will show you more accurately
what American society used to be like before MTV. Many libraries have
old magazines like Good Housekeeping and Popular Science on
microfilm. Use these resources to challenge the crap, the Jewish-
controlled lies you're being taught in school these days.

What was really wrong with The Merchants of Cool? The premise of the
program was that we should calmly sit down with Jews and discuss
their unparallelled destruction of White culture as the destruction
continues. What was right about the show? It proved, yet again, why
Jews have no place in civilized society. Thanks, PBS, for the
pictures of underage girls gyrating in whipped-cream bikinis, the
images of idiots vomiting on themselves and swimming in excrement,
that leave no doubt as to what must be done for White culture to

It's not fair to you kids, but there's a war on. We're sorry it's
gotten this far, but we're working against a very powerful enemy; the
Jew makes up for his tiny numbers with his tenacity and his racial
cohesiveness. Jews stick together like glue, and Whites must learn to
do the same.

Don't be a white nigger. Just Say No -- To Jews.
2004-12-10 13:01:00 UTC
I often visit West Africa on business and I'm always amused by the visiting
black Americans who have come to see their *roots*.
They fly in on jet planes, stay at 5 star Sheratons and visit the slave
routes and slave forts in an air-conditioned bus.
The tour around the slave fort museum never explains that the enslavers
stayed at the coast and waited for the local chiefs to bring in slaves from
the hinterland and made fortunes from it - many of the wealthy black
families today in Ghana, Togo and Benin owe their good fortune to this.
These visitors seem to spend about 4-5 days examining their *roots* and then
decide that the good ol' US of A ain't so bad after all and get back into
their jet planes and go home.
I'm pretty sure that most of them forget the experience pretty darn quick
and and never return - let alone quit the US and take up residence in

Post by S L'Gree
To the entire Black race living in America, we, the Adamic,
pink-complexioned race (better known to you as the White race) that came to
these shores from Europe, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Iceland, do hereby
We apologize for freeing you from slavery by fighting a horrible war among
ourselves that cost the lives of almost two million of our own race. We
apologize for continuing to fight among ourselves over that very issue, even
though you've never told us you appreciate our freeing you.
We apologize for splitting to pieces our entire race the world over to take
sides with you to help you survive and become a freer race. We apologize for
forcing the rest of the world to outlaw the slavery which your ancestors had
practiced for thousands of years, even though many nations on your home
continent still practice it today.
We apologize for thinking we could civilize you when you have proven that it
is indeed an impossible feat, a feat beyond anything we could have ever
We apologize for introducing Christianity to you and dragging you away from
the Voodoo you previously followed, although you have managed to sneak
Voodoo back into cultic Christianity and your people have accepted it, which
is proven by their animalistic whooping and hollering and stomping and
screaming instead of respectfully worshiping our God as they ought to.
We apologize for teaching you to add and subtract (what little you can),
thereby enabling you to run a household and pay your bills (what few you
will) and count your children other than on your fingers and sometimes toes
when you have so many you run out of fingers.
We apologize for providing you with medical care instead of leaving you
under the witch doctors you used before we arrived, as a result of which you
have been able to survive all sorts of diseases to multiply in massive
numbers beyond what you could have without these aides.
We apologize for building schools for you which we have had to repair over
and over after you vandalized them beyond use. We apologize for inventing
computers and the Internet, neither of which you use very much, but when you
do use them it's mostly to bash our race.
We apologize for building factories and businesses that employ you, if you
so desire to work. We apologize for creating millions of bureaucratic jobs
within our government system simply to give you employment, instead of
leaving you to find work on your own.
We apologize for promoting and buying your music, although you refuse to buy
ours. We apologize for talking and acting as you do, although you refuse to
talk and act as we do.
We apologize for placing you in our movies and TV shows and elevating you to
a fictional, heroic level that you have never reached in real life. We
apologize for creating this false image of yourselves in your minds, for we
realize after 400 years of trying to help you that you cannot solve problems
and provide leadership and create original thoughts; and the image we've
placed in your minds causes you to live in a delusional world. For that we
truly apologize.
We apologize for creating quota systems and forced employment programs to
make sure you have the best jobs, if you so desire to work. We apologize for
thinking we could educate you so that you could learn to build and help
others, when you obviously have only the ability to tear down and take from
We apologize for giving you welfare and food stamps, with the result that
for four generations over half of your race has not had to work, except in
makeshift type of jobs in our governments and bureaucracies.
We apologize for promoting your children in school as if they could
understand basic arithmetic and grammar, such as multiplication and past
participles, when we should have made sure they were accustomed to manual
labor so that we would not have had to make up jobs for them in our
governments dusting seats with their butts.
We apologize for developing farms in our own lands which you have never been
able to do, and that to this day feed most of your race still living in
Africa. We apologize for coming to Africa and building farms, from which you
have now run us off of and have devastated beyond use, forcing us to
continue feeding you.
We apologize for creating the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the
World Bank (WB) and U.S. Government Foreign Aid Programs and hundreds of
charities that funnel billions of our tax dollars and charitable donations
to nations around the world run by your race, all because your race cannot
take care of itself by itself anywhere you live.
We apologize for giving you the right to vote so you could take over all our
major cities and turn them into high-taxed, crime-ridden cesspools that no
civilized human being can live in.
We apologize for creating the term "reverend," which your leaders use to
give themselves credentials and which their actions have denigrated beyond
repair, with the result that no decent person would call himself "reverend,"
much less a Christian
We apologize for trying to come up with an AIDS vaccine to stop the epidemic
spread of AIDS in Africa, AIDS being a disease that you created and passed
on to us after having sexual intercourse with monkeys and then with one of
our idiotic race-mixers who then passed it on to the rest of the world.
We apologize for providing you with warm, custom-made garments instead of
the animal skins and leaves that you wore before we arrived. We apologize
for providing you with shoes instead of leaving you barefooted as you were
before we arrived in Africa.
We apologize for teaching you how to clean yourselves and your homes, and
how to sanitize the water you drink to keep you from getting even more
dreadful diseases than the rest of your race gets that still lives in
Africa. We apologize for teaching you to cook your foods, which keep you
from getting the hundreds of parasitic diseases that your race gets that
still lives on your home continent of Africa.
We apologize for providing you with solidly built, heated, and cooled homes
with grass yards instead of the straw huts and dirt yards you were living in
before we arrived, and in which most of your race is still living in Africa.
We apologize for inventing sports so that you can make millions of dollars
and live like kings, then kill and rape people with impunity, as O. J.
Heisman-Trophy-Winner Simpson and Mike
Heavy-Weight-Champion-of-the-World-Bite-the-ears-off-of-your-opponent Tyson
have done, as well as many others among your race.
We apologize for producing such beautiful people for you to race-mix with,
and if they won't voluntarily mix, you often casually rape them as if you
were eating a piece of fried chicken.
We apologize for building thousands of prisons around the nation to house
dangerous criminals, of which your race makes up over sixty percent even
though you're only thirteen percent of the U.S. population, and this at an
expense of billions of dollars and manpower every year.
We apologize for taking precious metals from the earth on your home
continent of Africa, metals which you neither knew were there nor how to use
them if you had known they were there, but which you love to puncture and
cover your bodies with in the most tawdry way imaginable.
We apologize for those among us who have established charitable
organizations, donated billions of dollars and hours of time, and have
devoted their entire lives to make life easier and better for your race,
although most often to no positive result.
We apologize for all the stupid White ministers whom your race has martyred
in Africa where they were trying to evangelize you to a faith that you can't
understand nor do you want to; yet when you claim to join it soon pervert it
with the Voodooistic concepts you have inherited from your forefathers.
We apologize for building highways and railroads and for inventing flying
machines that you could never have invented but which you use everyday to
move about, yet without thinking or appreciating their origins in the least.
We apologize for paying the majority of both federal and state taxes, to
maintain the governments which protect and promote you but fight against our
own people at every turn.
We apologize for some members of our race who worship the monstrosities your
genes have created, such as Jacko the Wacko and Little Fruity Richard and
Dennis Nutman Rodman and Don Electrified King and Daryl Coke-Head Strawberry
and Whitney Whacked-Out-Screaming Houston and Cassius
If-Only-I-Be-White-But-I'm-Really-Black Clay and Tiger Adamic-Hater Woods
and Whoopi Thinks-She's-White Goldberg and Oprah Interview-a-Nut
New-Age-Goof Winfrey and Ru Triple-Freak Paul and Morgan
Act-White-But-Hate-White Freeman and Sammy
Convert-To-The-Christ-haters-Religion Davis and Colin
Have-A-Black-Pet-In-The-White-House Powell, to name only a few.
We apologize for defeating the major part of the communist threat which cost
us several trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives, but whose
doctrines you still wish to have implemented on the backs of our race to
further torture us and tear us down.
We apologize for spending over $2 trillion dollars on welfare and food
stamps in the last thirty-five years, funds which your race received the
majority of, although you are a small minority among us.
We apologize for introducing you to the rule of law under a republican form
of government, a government that has gone abroad to keep your own warring
nations from slaughtering other members of your race by the hundreds of
thousands as they did year in and year out before we arrived, and still do
every time we leave them alone and do not intervene.
We apologize for teaching you to read a language that contains more than a
few words and a couple of hand signs, which has allowed you to take part in
our philosophies, our culture, our art, our industry, our collegial nature,
and our freedom, even though as soon as you get around them you pervert
For surely, if you could not read, how could you have learned the teachings
of Karl Marx, Mao Tse Sung, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Nikolai Lenin,
Howard Zinn, the Damocrat Party, the Neo-cons in the Republicoward Party,
and others who hate our race, and have brainwashed you into believing our
race is evil and that you are severely oppressed?
We apologize for placing you under the form of government that our own
forefathers died to create, and for which you are helping to destroy,
instead of leaving you under the anarchy you lived under before we arrived.
For all these wrongs we've carried out against you, we apologize deeply and
unreservedly, and if you will please accept our apology, we shall happily
and immediately take back all of the above mentioned evils we have cast upon
you and return you to your home continent, if you so desire.
We would with the greatest of glee and cheer even provide you with a nice,
little stipend for traveling money, if you'd go and take your race-traitor
wives and husbands and Mulatto children with you.
We have enjoyed having you here, but because you claim we've been, and are
still being, so mean to you, we'd like to atone by helping you get back to
where you came from.
You could live in peace without our persecuting you anymore, and we could
save ourselves trillions of dollars over the next few years by shrinking our
governments and emptying our prisons. We could take hundreds of thousands of
security guards and police officers around the country off their jobs and
put them to more productive use, and we could celebrate our own culture
without offending you anymore.
Moreover, we could take the three-point shot and the forty-five second shot
clock out of basketball which would return it to a game of plays and
strategies, instead of the run and gun show our enemies have tailored
especially for you. We could place the "palming penalty" and the "walking
penalty" and the "charging penalty" back in to slow the game down to the
point that defense and brains matter.
We could place the "bump and run" rule back in football and have referees
start calling "offensive pass interference" again, to change the game to one
where something more than straight-ahead speed is what matters. The
"taunting rule" and the "roughing the quarterback rule" that we had to
implement because of you, we could do away with completely, because civility
would automatically come back into the game.
The race traitors of our race who hate their own culture and heritage could
go with you, and we won't offend them anymore either. For after a few
generations of mixing with your race they would disappear into the dark
tar-mix which your dominant design-genes make up.
What say? Do you accept our apology? Do we have a deal? Please let us know,
2004-12-13 23:41:46 UTC
Post by Tonto
I often visit West Africa on business and I'm always amused by the visiting
black Americans who have come to see their *roots*.
They fly in on jet planes, stay at 5 star Sheratons and visit the slave
routes and slave forts in an air-conditioned bus.
The tour around the slave fort museum never explains that the enslavers
stayed at the coast and waited for the local chiefs to bring in slaves from
the hinterland and made fortunes from it - many of the wealthy black
families today in Ghana, Togo and Benin owe their good fortune to this.
These visitors seem to spend about 4-5 days examining their *roots* and then
decide that the good ol' US of A ain't so bad after all and get back into
their jet planes and go home.
I'm pretty sure that most of them forget the experience pretty darn quick
and and never return - let alone quit the US and take up residence in
:o) USA is the place where nigger's life is the BEST in the whole world,
exactly like the "evil racist" South Africa.
