Troops give Rummy an earful
(too old to reply)
S L'Gree
2004-12-09 00:48:33 UTC
I guess some dumb assed motherfucker like a neo con wants to nuke and gas
all of the service people too.
Only a dumbass troll looking for flame bait would think we'd do it before
pulling all out troops out.

Another one for the killfile
2004-12-09 08:45:12 UTC
On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 16:48:33 -0800, "S L'Gree"
Post by S L'Gree
I guess some dumb assed motherfucker like a neo con wants to nuke and gas
all of the service people too.
Only a dumbass troll looking for flame bait would think we'd do it before
pulling all out troops out.
No, the real dumbasses are those who keep their head buried in the

They've been using our soldiers to test their bio-chemical for
decades, Vietnam, Gulf I without their knowledge or consent, and
this illegal invasion is no different. Out of 550,000 in Gulf I,
350,000 are either dead or on permanent disability, their kids are
being born with major birth defects. During Vietnam they sprayed
5 Navel ships without their consent or knowledge, spray over Vietnam
wiping out over 1 million Vietnamese villagers and any of our soldiers
in the areas they sprayed.

As Henry Kissinger stated : "Military men are just dumb stupid animals
to be used as pawns in foreign policy."

They classify all the information for 25 years, deny the wars had
anything to do with their dying of cancers or other major medical
problems like their kids being born with birth defects etc., that way
they don't have to foot the medical bills for those who did survive
and ended up with long term medical care and the medical bills
to end up paying. Agent Orange was just one of the many used.
Someone leaked out about the chemicals they tested during
Gulf I and the DoD was forced to finally admit what they had
done. And they continue to do it with every war/invasion/conflict
because no one does anything about it. So until American's wise
up and stop risking their lives for their greedy wars for profit, they
will continue to murder millions including our own soldiers.
Post by S L'Gree
Another one for the killfile