S. L'Gree
2004-07-24 16:52:03 UTC
Inter-Racial Crime: The Dirty Little Secret
By John Perazzo
IN RESPONSE TO a white-on-black killing in Brooklyn a few years ago, an
infuriated Al Sharpton instantly took to the airwaves and proclaimed that
such attacks constituted "a national epidemic."
At the 1996 Million Man March, an impassioned Jesse Jackson thundered to his
huge black audience, "We're despised. . . . We're attacked for sport."
The Reverend Herbert Daughtry of New York asserts that white violence
against blacks has rendered the latter "a hunted and endangered species."
Mary Frances Berry, who chairs the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, attributes
white-on-black violence to white people's persistent "belief in the
inferiority of blacks."
Ivy League professor and activist Cornel West calls African Americans our
country's "exemplary targets of racial hatred."
Given their outspokenness on the subject of interracial crime, it is indeed
noteworthy that none of the aforementioned individuals -- nor any other
prominent civil rights spokesman in the country, for that matter -- has had
even a word to say about the recent Fat Tuesday riot that erupted in
Seattle. In the mayhem that occurred there, three-fourths of the rioters
were black, and many of them deliberately targeted white victims for purely
racial reasons. One witness, for instance, said she observed several
incidents where groups of black men singled out and assaulted whites, in one
case punctuating their attack with shouts of "That's what you stupid white
people get."
In the most notorious attack, a twenty-year-old white man named Kristopher
Kime was clubbed in the back of the head as he tried to help an injured
female victim who was lying on the road. The force of the blow to Kime's
head sent him tumbling onto the pavement, where he was kicked and stomped to
death by several black men. Notwithstanding the brutal nature of this attack
and others, we have heard not even a whisper of protest from our purported
guardians of "civil rights."
We have heard them utter not even a syllable lamenting the tragic fact that
innocent people were set upon for no reason other than their skin color.
Presumably, these watchdogs of racism are all busy attending to matters more
pressing. Sharpton, for one, is in Florida fighting to protect the civil
rights of a black youngster who was recently sentenced to life-in-prison for
the unspeakably barbaric murder and mutilation of a six-year-old girl. If
the awful fate that befell Kristopher Kime were rare, perhaps the subsequent
silence of our self-anointed civil rights defenders could be excused. After
all, rational people understand that busy social critics are under no
obligation to publicly denounce every misguided, bigoted lunatic who happens
to do something wicked. Yet such attacks are by no means rare, but in fact
are alarmingly commonplace.
Each year, some 1.2 million violent crimes involving blacks and whites occur
nationwide. In fully 90 percent of those cases, according to U.S. Justice
Department figures, the perpetrators are black and the victims are white.
Violent white felons choose black victims for fewer than 3 percent of their
attacks, whereas violent black felons choose white victims about 56 percent
of the time. Statistically, the "average" African American is an astonishing
56 times more likely to attack a white than vice versa. In one recent year,
approximately 100 black women were raped by white men; the corresponding
number of white women raped by black men was over 20,000, according to
Dinesh D'Souza in The End of Racism.
These numbers are staggering. If America were teeming with white racism,
surely the perpetrators of interracial crime would be disproportionately
white. Clearly, however, that is not at all the case. Though contemporary
civil rights leaders strive to portray white-on-black crime as commonplace,
their rhetoric rings pathetically hollow. With tortured faces and ostensibly
anguished hearts, they will seek out any microphone or news reporter willing
to publicize their lamentations about even the rarest instances of white
racism in action. Meanwhile, they turn a deaf ear to the desperate screams
of the thousands of white -- and black -- victims who fall prey to black
assailants each year.
Consequently unfortunate individuals like Kristopher Kime die in anonymity,
their names fading from public memory as quickly as their graves are
refilled with earth. Is it not time that the truth of interracial crime was
finally, fearlessly told? Do not all Americans -- black and white alike --
have a right to be freed from the intellectual shackles of our country's
quintessential frauds, commonly known as "civil rights crusaders"?
By John Perazzo
IN RESPONSE TO a white-on-black killing in Brooklyn a few years ago, an
infuriated Al Sharpton instantly took to the airwaves and proclaimed that
such attacks constituted "a national epidemic."
At the 1996 Million Man March, an impassioned Jesse Jackson thundered to his
huge black audience, "We're despised. . . . We're attacked for sport."
The Reverend Herbert Daughtry of New York asserts that white violence
against blacks has rendered the latter "a hunted and endangered species."
Mary Frances Berry, who chairs the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, attributes
white-on-black violence to white people's persistent "belief in the
inferiority of blacks."
Ivy League professor and activist Cornel West calls African Americans our
country's "exemplary targets of racial hatred."
Given their outspokenness on the subject of interracial crime, it is indeed
noteworthy that none of the aforementioned individuals -- nor any other
prominent civil rights spokesman in the country, for that matter -- has had
even a word to say about the recent Fat Tuesday riot that erupted in
Seattle. In the mayhem that occurred there, three-fourths of the rioters
were black, and many of them deliberately targeted white victims for purely
racial reasons. One witness, for instance, said she observed several
incidents where groups of black men singled out and assaulted whites, in one
case punctuating their attack with shouts of "That's what you stupid white
people get."
In the most notorious attack, a twenty-year-old white man named Kristopher
Kime was clubbed in the back of the head as he tried to help an injured
female victim who was lying on the road. The force of the blow to Kime's
head sent him tumbling onto the pavement, where he was kicked and stomped to
death by several black men. Notwithstanding the brutal nature of this attack
and others, we have heard not even a whisper of protest from our purported
guardians of "civil rights."
We have heard them utter not even a syllable lamenting the tragic fact that
innocent people were set upon for no reason other than their skin color.
Presumably, these watchdogs of racism are all busy attending to matters more
pressing. Sharpton, for one, is in Florida fighting to protect the civil
rights of a black youngster who was recently sentenced to life-in-prison for
the unspeakably barbaric murder and mutilation of a six-year-old girl. If
the awful fate that befell Kristopher Kime were rare, perhaps the subsequent
silence of our self-anointed civil rights defenders could be excused. After
all, rational people understand that busy social critics are under no
obligation to publicly denounce every misguided, bigoted lunatic who happens
to do something wicked. Yet such attacks are by no means rare, but in fact
are alarmingly commonplace.
Each year, some 1.2 million violent crimes involving blacks and whites occur
nationwide. In fully 90 percent of those cases, according to U.S. Justice
Department figures, the perpetrators are black and the victims are white.
Violent white felons choose black victims for fewer than 3 percent of their
attacks, whereas violent black felons choose white victims about 56 percent
of the time. Statistically, the "average" African American is an astonishing
56 times more likely to attack a white than vice versa. In one recent year,
approximately 100 black women were raped by white men; the corresponding
number of white women raped by black men was over 20,000, according to
Dinesh D'Souza in The End of Racism.
These numbers are staggering. If America were teeming with white racism,
surely the perpetrators of interracial crime would be disproportionately
white. Clearly, however, that is not at all the case. Though contemporary
civil rights leaders strive to portray white-on-black crime as commonplace,
their rhetoric rings pathetically hollow. With tortured faces and ostensibly
anguished hearts, they will seek out any microphone or news reporter willing
to publicize their lamentations about even the rarest instances of white
racism in action. Meanwhile, they turn a deaf ear to the desperate screams
of the thousands of white -- and black -- victims who fall prey to black
assailants each year.
Consequently unfortunate individuals like Kristopher Kime die in anonymity,
their names fading from public memory as quickly as their graves are
refilled with earth. Is it not time that the truth of interracial crime was
finally, fearlessly told? Do not all Americans -- black and white alike --
have a right to be freed from the intellectual shackles of our country's
quintessential frauds, commonly known as "civil rights crusaders"?