Post by GeorgePost by Post by GeorgePost by brasspounderGodspeed to you!
Your actions are no less heroic than the men who fought against our
previous insane war--Viet Nam--by refusing to become murderers for a
Post by Post by GeorgePost by brasspoundercause.
If enough of them 'go over the hill' the federal prisons simply won't
Post by Post by GeorgePost by brasspounderable to hold them all, and those who make it to Canada, Australia, and
Post by Post by GeorgePost by brasspounderZealand will in all odds be pardoned by a future Jimmy Carter clone.
Post by brasspounderlatinos only need shed their uniforms and mosey on over to 'el otro
Post by Post by Georgede
First of all, there haven't been 5000. It's another See-BS (CBS 60
Minutes) lie like the forged documents.
In fact, (a leftist site) says that only 4 have gone
over the hill and the Marines last week charged one who ran while in
Post by Post by Georgemaking a total of 5. That's hardly enough to fill all the prisons.
Second, advocating soldiers to desert or mutiny is a felony.
18 USC 2387
(a) Whoever, with intent to interfere with, impair, or influence the
loyalty, morale, or discipline of the military or naval forces of the
Post by Post by George(1) advises, counsels, urges, or in any manner causes or attempts
Post by Post by Georgecause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by any
Post by Post by Georgeof the military or naval forces of the United States; or
(2) distributes or attempts to distribute any written or printed
matter which advises, counsels, or urges insubordination, disloyalty,
mutiny, or refusal of duty by any member of the military or naval forces
Post by Post by Georgethe United States -
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten
Post by Post by Georgeor both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or
Post by Post by Georgedepartment or agency thereof, for the five years next following his
(b) For the purposes of this section, the term ''military or naval
forces of the United States'' includes the Army of the United States, the
Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps
Reserve, and Coast Guard Reserve of the United States; and, when any
merchant vessel is commissioned in the Navy or is in the service of the
Post by Post by Georgeor the Navy, includes the master, officers, and crew of such vessel.
And, third, there won't be another "Jimmy Carter" to pardon them given
Post by Post by Georgepardon abuses by both Carter and Clinton.
We are a shaking in our boots!
More likely, you'll be Bubbas love interest in some federal prison if you
attempt to exhort members of the US military to desert. That would please
me no end.
George, if you actually thought that the posts violated the law, being the
redneck you are, you would have called the Federal prosecutors. Of course,
maybe you did. And if so, you now they LAUGHED in your redneck face. Now, back
to the heart of the matter and your suffering son:
(Reposted AGAIN since chickenshit George refuses to address the issues)
Well, I want them home. ALL of them. However, if people like you help keep them
over there, I hope it is the ones who backed Bush, and the sons of the ones who
backed Bush, who pay the ultimate price. After all George, if a bomb goes off
and fate decrees that SIX marines die, wouldn't it be more fitting if it was
men who voted for Bush, than those who voted against him? God, think how unjust
would it be to have someone who voted against all of this crap die so your son
could live.
Post by GeorgeBut we know this: Without more dead
Americans, YOU LOSE!
We also know this: They don't' want us there, and as long as 'people' like you
keep our troops there, there will be death. You want a nice clean war where
only the other side dies.
Well George, time a healthy dose of morning Folgers--IN WAR PEOPLE ON BOTH
*You* were the one who wanted our troops there, therefore *you* are the one who
wanted our sons to die!
You voted for it.
You backed it.
You used insults instead of valid arguments as a way of trying to bolster your
position that we should be over there.
And the entire time, you *knew* people die in war.
And you did it anyway.
Your son faces death every day because you cared more about backing George Bush
than you did to back your son.
You wanna know the ironic part George? When the IED takes your son apart--limbs
and blood and organs going every which way, George Bush won't even take the
time to learn your son's name.
I have stopped reading your rant George. It is apparent you are probably
worried sick over what fate may befall your son. You are also prolly dealing
with a massive dose of guilt over the fact you didn't give enough of a shit
about your son to even a smidgen try and keep him out of harms way.
Not the mark of a very good father.
And you know it.
I do have a question tho--isn't it really wild that your son doesn't even have
to die for this to have been too great sacrifice for your son to make. I mean,
even if he comes home in one peace, he will be emotionally scarred for life.
War does that to men--especially wars like this one. He is going to come home
to his own nightmares. His own depression. His own increased divorce rate and
alcoholism, and increased likelihood of marginal employment and suicide.
It wasn't worth it, was it George?
And you knew it before you sent him over there.
As a father--you suck.
YEE-HAW!!!! FOUR MORE YEARS!!!! This is gonna be better than Spike TV!
Surf over to for some cool pics
of all the fun!
The undeniable truth of politics is that people always
get the government they deserve, whether it is Saddam
Hussein in Iraq or George W. Bush in the United States.