In one age, called the Second Age by some,
(an Age yet to come, an Age long past)
someone claiming to be Cary Kittrell wrote
in message <cftcpb$a3h$***>:
>In article <***> Roger <***@.> writes:
><In one age, called the Second Age by some,
>< (an Age yet to come, an Age long past)
>< someone claiming to be XC_22-188-16 wrote
>< in message <***@BackDooR-Networks>:
><>S. L'Gree wrote:
><>> "Gray Shockley" <***> wrote in message
><>> news:***
><>>> On Mon, 16Aug, Perfesser White wrote:
><>>> > Why is it that Blacks benefit by being around Whites?
><>>> They learn that only white wackos squeeze the Charmin.
><>> It took a White *whacko* to teach the kaffirs what Charmin is for.
><>Many in Africa today still have no idea what Charmin if for.
><Really? Your proof of this is ... ?
><Or don't you "buy into" the squeezable softness like you "don't buy
><into" radioactive decay?
>Well, that sounded interesting, so I went looking for a bit
>of history.
>It appears that your correspondent is so fearless in his
>opinions and undaunted in his right to express them that
>he not only hides behind an alias, he also sets the
>no-archive flag as well. You can never be too safe, donchyaknow?
>Why are so many of these racists cowards as well?
Yes, but no-archive doesn't help if his complete post is included, as
I did in my response to him -- as I generally do, to make sure that
zir idiocy and cowardice are recorded for posterity. I have offered
to teach lying little tommie what zie needs to know to prevent this
from happening, if zie will only ask nicely.
But then, one would think that the 133t ski11z zie continuously crows
about would have already revealed that secret to zie, if one weren't
already aware that lying little tommie could not make a distinction
between a OS, a shell and a communications program (or between those
and a set of security protocols and utilities, nor even correctly
identify the newsreader zie was posting with -- that time he accused
another poster, apparently at random, of canceling zir posts...)
BTW, the relevant citation is here:
Message-ID: <***>
Date: Sat, 10 Jul 2004 22:45:56 GMT
From: Roger <***@.>
Subject: Hey, lying little tommie: why are you continuing to run from
References: <***>
<40ec0b6f$***> <***@FreeBSD>
<snip to>
>I don't buy into this "Half-Life" radioactive decay either.
What, specifically, about the well documented and proven phenomena
known as radioactive decay, or the measurement thereof known as half
life do you "not buy into," and on what basis?
QUite predictably, lying little tommie ran away...