(too old to reply)
Kaptain L'Merika
2004-12-29 22:47:40 UTC
The US has created 300,000 homeless enemies.
When we get fed up enough we'll create 300,000 corpses. Unless the dune
coons believe in zombies, a corpse can't exact revenge.
Oh, but it can. It has relatives.
Yeah, known as brain-dead Scandanavian trolls
Kaptain L'Merika
2004-12-30 06:07:41 UTC
On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 18:19:52 +0000 (UTC), Arne
The US has created 300,000 homeless enemies.
When we get fed up enough we'll create 300,000 corpses. Unless the
coons believe in zombies, a corpse can't exact revenge.
Oh, but it can. It has relatives.
And friends.
And neighbours.
And Jihadis willing to use it as a flag.
Against the US.
A small, cute dirty bomb.
Yeah, just enough to take out the port of Seattle or San Pedro, shut down
worldwide trade, throw the whole world into a depression, and make the First
World powers say, "Islam has got to go." Go ahead, Abdullah, have your
Spetsnaz traitors within our borders launch their orgies of terrorism. A
presidential assassination by one of your "martyrs" caught on tape and
broadcast over and over again on CNN, interspersed with shots of filthy sand
niggers in Algiers and Damascus and Tehran and Karachi all partying their
asses off and shouting "The great satan is dead" ought to do wonders for
Western/islamic relations. It'll be so much fun watching all 1,100 of your
fucking mosques here in the U.S. being reduced to ashes and rubble as police
stand idly by while the mobs rule. America would be a much better place
with six million fewer occupants worshiping Allah. American-born converts
might as well be deported along with the foreigners, because in my book they
forfeited their citizenship the day they bowed toward Mecca.

Well, what are you waiting for, camel jock? Why hijack an airliner when you
can BUY one? Your phony-ass islamic charities can easily raise the 400
grand necessary to purchase a flyable 727 from a boneyard. Hell, I've seen
airworthy 747's go for as little as $1 million on sites such as
www.controller.com . There are targets galore in America and Europe. C'mon,
sand nigger motherfucker, piss us off REAL GOOD. Remember, in the aftermath
of Pearl Harbor, our attitude toward the Japanese could best be described as
genocidal. Your move, meccamonk.
