African Americans- Alternatives to the Military ?
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Tyrell Washington
2004-10-22 00:38:59 UTC
FREE COLLEGE MONEY-Alternatives to military
You Can Stay Free of the Military and Still Find...All The Money You want to go to college. Or you want job training. Perhaps you want to travel. You have a sincere desire to serve your community and your country, to make the world a better place. Military recruiters are trying to take advantage of those desires to convince you to enlist. In fact, you're far more likely to move ahead in your life by seeking out civilian opportunities -- and you won't have to join a violent institution to get there.
Financing College Without Joining the Military

a.. Luckily, alternative ways to finance college exist. We help you sort out the (often confusing) financial aid process to find the money you need.
Joining the Military is Hazardous to Your Education

a.. Military recruiters will promise "money for college," but it's neither free nor automatic: only 35 percent of those who sign up receive any college money. Why?
For Additional Money sources Check out our website. http://www.elesko.com/lan.htm

Military training, even in electronics or computers, is largely for highly specialized military uses: on average, veterans earn less than non-veterans, and a special federal job training program for veterans has over 50,000 on the waiting list.

For real job training options, investigate your local community college: affordable two-year programs can result in immediate, well paid employment in a diverse range of fields, such as computer repair, graphic design, or medical technology. Explore internships with local employers, from newspapers to battered womens shelters to medical technology; apprenticeships with trade unions; and school-to-work agencies like Ready-to-Work and the Private Industry Council, who can match your interests to appropriate private employers -- and pay you while you're learning skills to last a lifetime.

You can look for internships at Rising Star Internships. Inroads specializes in internships for youth-of-color. Or you may be interested in service learning opportunities.

To find career advice and referrals, or if you're looking for job training or jobs, try JobWeb!. Another meta-site that lists jobs available around the country and has tons of links to other valuable job search services on the web is JobNet. A third free job search service, 4Work, lets you search for jobs, internships, part-time jobs, and volunteer opportunities.

Once you sign up with 4Work, they will email you when jobs matching your criteria get listed. Many teenagers, twentysomethings, and the young-at-heart find summer employment as camp counselors, and the CampPage site lists opportunities nationwide.

If you want to meet people far from home, you can do it without first being trained to dehumanize them. In addition to the Peace Corps, there are many organizations where the work is hard and the challenges many - from Citizen Action to the Red Cross to Peace Brigades International. Local groups that you're impressed by often have national and international contacts.

Check out our links to service learning sites.

If you're looking for adventure, you can find it -- without having to kill anyone.

Don't be taken in by military recruiters' hype.
You don't have to go to boot camp, give up your civil rights, and train to fight wars in order to have a future

Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors

630 20th Street #302
Oakland, CA 94612
Fax 510 465-2459 1515 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Fax 215-567-2096

Jim McDuffie, Marketing Director of Landmark Publications Inc.
Powerful Information at a price you can afford:
2004-10-22 02:41:43 UTC
"Tyrell Washington" <***@nospam.edu> wrote in message news:cl9heb$1922$***@news.utel.net.ua...

FREE COLLEGE MONEY-Alternatives to military
You Can Stay Free of the Military and Still Find...All The Money You want to go to college. Or you want job training. Perhaps you want to travel. You have a sincere desire to serve your community and your country, to make the world a better place. Military recruiters are trying to take advantage of those desires to convince you to enlist. In fact, you're far more likely to move ahead in your life by seeking out civilian opportunities -- and you won't have to join a violent institution to get there.
Financing College Without Joining the Military

a.. Luckily, alternative ways to finance college exist. We help you sort out the (often confusing) financial aid process to find the money you need.
Joining the Military is Hazardous to Your Education

a.. Military recruiters will promise "money for college," but it's neither free nor automatic: only 35 percent of those who sign up receive any college money. Why?
For Additional Money sources Check out our website. http://www.elesko.com/lan.htm

Military training, even in electronics or computers, is largely for highly specialized military uses: on average, veterans earn less than non-veterans, and a special federal job training program for veterans has over 50,000 on the waiting list.

For real job training options, investigate your local community college: affordable two-year programs can result in immediate, well paid employment in a diverse range of fields, such as computer repair, graphic design, or medical technology. Explore internships with local employers, from newspapers to battered womens shelters to medical technology; apprenticeships with trade unions; and school-to-work agencies like Ready-to-Work and the Private Industry Council, who can match your interests to appropriate private employers -- and pay you while you're learning skills to last a lifetime.

You can look for internships at Rising Star Internships. Inroads specializes in internships for youth-of-color. Or you may be interested in service learning opportunities.

To find career advice and referrals, or if you're looking for job training or jobs, try JobWeb!. Another meta-site that lists jobs available around the country and has tons of links to other valuable job search services on the web is JobNet. A third free job search service, 4Work, lets you search for jobs, internships, part-time jobs, and volunteer opportunities.

Once you sign up with 4Work, they will email you when jobs matching your criteria get listed. Many teenagers, twentysomethings, and the young-at-heart find summer employment as camp counselors, and the CampPage site lists opportunities nationwide.

If you want to meet people far from home, you can do it without first being trained to dehumanize them. In addition to the Peace Corps, there are many organizations where the work is hard and the challenges many - from Citizen Action to the Red Cross to Peace Brigades International. Local groups that you're impressed by often have national and international contacts.

Check out our links to service learning sites.

If you're looking for adventure, you can find it -- without having to kill anyone.

Don't be taken in by military recruiters' hype.
You don't have to go to boot camp, give up your civil rights, and train to fight wars in order to have a future

Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors

630 20th Street #302
Oakland, CA 94612
Fax 510 465-2459 1515 Cherry Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Fax 215-567-2096

Jim McDuffie, Marketing Director of Landmark Publications Inc.
Powerful Information at a price you can afford:

The Military's been pretty good to me...I'm African American and after 20 years in the Air Force, I would do it all over again.
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